Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 1342: Illusory world, come!


"How did this happen? How did you encounter such a huge group of demon hunters?"

"There are more than 800 heads, and more than 600 of them are God Emperor Consummation level? The proportion of God Emperor Consummation level is too high!"

"This is too bad luck."

"Such a terrifying group of demon hunters, let us meet."

The team fled as fast as possible.

Everyone is anxious and unbelievable! Because it is too rare to encounter such a huge chaotic source life group. Generally, some larger groups gather near the lair of the 'Chaotic Source Prisoners'! The route map they flew along the way was very carefully arranged, and it was far away from any Chaotic Source prisoner's lair!


The practitioners in this hunting team didn't know that they happened to meet a 'Chaotic Source Prisoner' on a tour.

Hunyuan prisoners went on patrol, and the place where they just went to patrol... was relatively close to them, so they made arrangements quickly.

If that Hunyuan prisoner is in the lair! They are far away from each other, even if they get the news, it will be too late to rush over.

"Everyone, don't worry, we discovered those 800 demon hunters ahead of time, and they are still relatively far away from us! Our speed is far faster than them at this moment, and we will be able to completely shake them off in a short time! They can no longer sense us." Taoist You Ya sent a voice transmission.


"We get rid of them as quickly as possible, as quickly as possible."

Although they are still far away from each other, they can't feel at ease if they don't get rid of each other.

Because once you catch up, it will be a disaster!

But it seems that the practitioners are really unlucky, they just escaped not long ago.

"No, there is a group of 'White Stone Gods' in front, and more than two hundred 'White Stone Gods' have discovered us." The indifferent man in golden armor said anxiously at this moment.

"What, God Baishi?" Taoist Youya was shocked.

"It is estimated that more than half of the god emperor is perfect." The indifferent man in the golden armor added.

Taoist Youya was extremely anxious.

God Baishi... On an individual basis, he is stronger than a demon hunter! One white stone god is worth two heads of a demon hunter of the same level.

Now the two hundred White Stone Gods are no less than their team of hunters in terms of strength.

"The White Stone God is coming from the front, and the Demon Hunter is coming from the back. If we take a detour... the distance to them will probably be smaller." The indifferent man in the golden armor transmitted the voice, "You Ya, this is the other place we have found around. Some ethnic group distribution maps, those ethnic groups have not found us for the time being."


Taoist Youya thought about the distribution of the many Hunyuan life groups around him.

There are now two of them.

One behind was the scariest group of more than 800 demon hunters.

One was in front, coming head-on with them, and the distance was shrinking rapidly. It was two hundred white stone gods.

There are other groups around that have not found them.

"The demon hunter group is still far away from us. As long as we fight hard enough, we will have enough time to break through God Baishi's obstruction." Taoist You Ya made a decision instantly.


Taoist Youya immediately communicated the situation to every practitioner in the team.

"What, and Baishi God?"

"There are two hundred white stone gods in front?"

Everyone panicked.

This time the situation is really bad.

"The best way now is to charge forward at the fastest speed! The group of demon hunters is far behind us. We will do our best to break through God Baishi's obstruction before they catch up to us." Taoist You Ya said sound.

"it is good."


Everyone also got the distribution map of the surrounding ethnic groups that have been explored, knowing that this is the best choice.

"Brother Feixue, I know you won't be able to sustain your peak strength for a long time, but you have to fight hard." Taoist You Ya sent a voice transmission.

"Don't worry." Dongbo Snow Eagle nodded, he was the calmest one in the whole team, because for him, this was a journey of self-sharpening! He didn't think it was too dangerous for the over 800 demon hunters behind him.


"Ready to fight."

Because the two sides were confronting each other head-on, the team of practitioners and a group of Baishi gods soon encountered each other.

Baishi God, the whole body is like a giant formed of white rocks, big and small, all of them are human-shaped, and they hold some weapons in their hands! Some are stone sticks, some are stone axes. Even stone hammers and so on, all kinds of weapons are all formed of 'white rock'.


"Kill these practitioners." More than two hundred Baishi gods roared, and they waved huge weapons with great strength, and came to kill Dongbo Xueying and the others.

Dongbo Xueying and his group of practitioners also all broke out, cooperating perfectly, or using restraint methods to deal with those Baishi gods, or some insidious methods to influence and interfere, or some combined attack methods... Various methods were strange, and Dongbo Xueying also turned into ten Mi Gao's giant has a gray halo on the surface of his skin. At this moment, he combines the mysterious moves, and the strength he exerts is no less than that of the God Emperor Perfection-level Baishi God! The tricks are weird, but far superior!

"Let's go." A white stone god was easily picked up and flew to a distance. The white stone god turned over in mid-air and landed, causing the ground to tremble.

"Quickly, get rid of them." Taoist Youya released the black and white domain, and the black and white ribbons spread out, affecting the overall situation!


The team of practitioners broke through the obstacles of the group of white stone gods, and once they broke through, they quickly threw off and fled at high speed.

"The group of demon hunters is chasing even closer." No one dared to relax at all. According to the investigation, the distance between the group of demon hunters and them had been reduced by more than half.

"My body can last for too short a time." Dong Bo Snow Eagle also returned to normal body shape, but only 20% of his vitality remained!

no way.

Even if the body is intact, until the body completely disintegrates, he can only support a cup of tea in the peak physical body.

"Flesh body, it's impossible for a longer battle at all." Dong Bo Snow Eagle shook his head secretly.


"Do not!"

The gray-robed man's face turned pale suddenly, and there was shock and anger in his eyes.

Everyone in the team looked at him, even Taoist Youya was stunned, and even asked: "Chongman, what's wrong?"

"Prisoner!" The gray-robed man directly transmitted the voice to everyone at this time, and he said in despair, "Chaotic source prisoner! Right in front, a Chaotic source prisoner brought more than 700 demon hunters! It's Fu The Prisoners of the Chaotic Source of Demon Hunters. I know, everything is a conspiracy, a conspiracy! It should happen that the prisoners were on patrol, and the Prisoners of Chaotic Source found us...so they sent a large group of Demon Hunters to drive us out, and we were driven out It tried to escape in the direction it wanted, but this prisoner led his men to kill in another direction, it's over, it's over."

There was silence in the team.

Everyone was stunned, their hearts filled with despair.

"I have practiced all the way, step by step from my home planet, becoming the first person in the universe, and even jumping out of the shackles of the universe... Step by step so far, I have seen many civilized practitioners fall down on the road. Today, am I going to fall down too? "An old man in a loose golden robe murmured.

"Prisoners out on patrol, it's over."

Many practitioners recalled their whole life at this moment. When they chose to come to this world, they were ready to die.

But when this day comes, their hearts are very complicated.

They also understand the situation at this moment, this is a 'chaotic source prisoner' who is on patrol, just happened to find them, and set up a 'game' for them. In fact, this kind of thing has happened in history, but it is very rare! Because there are only a few Hunyuan prisoners in the entire holy world, and they are usually in the lair.

Once out of the lair, the torture and punishment will be more severe, so it is rare to go out for a tour!

A prisoner rarely appears!

Their team of practitioners also got together once, and only came out to hunt once.


The probability is very low, but it has happened in history after all!

"You Ya." Xie Fan's eyes were full of madness, and he sent a voice transmission directly to You Ya, "At this time, there is only one way to survive, and that is to separate! The group of demon hunters is chasing after them. The Hunyuan Prisoner is leading them again." There are more than 700 demon hunters... one in front of the other is a dead end! We can only flee to the two sides! With their number, if we escape together, we will surely die. We must escape separately, divide into several teams, maybe One can survive!"

Taoist Youya looked at Xiefan.



"At that time, you and I will select the elites in the team and form a team of no more than ten people." Xie Fan continued to transmit, "Our hunting team has a total of fifty-one people. We will form a team of no more than ten people." A team of people... I believe that there will not be too many demon hunters chasing us, but our team has gathered the strongest elites, so it is possible to escape."

Taoist Youya hesitated: "Who are you going to choose?"

"This is a list I made." Xie Fan immediately gave a list through the communication treasure.

"What, no Emperor Feixue?" Taoist You Ya was puzzled.

"His vitality is only 20% left! The time for him to maintain peak combat power is obviously very short, only 20% of his vitality, and the maintenance time is ridiculously short. We are running for our lives... and may continue to be hunted down and entangled." Fan Chuanyin said, "It's better to let him be in other teams. His aura is violent and chaotic and can't be restrained, but it can attract some attention."

Slow to say.

In fact, the sound transmission between the two is extremely fast.

"This list, I have to revise it." Taoist You Ya gritted his teeth, the list has a total of nine people! He and Xie Fan took up two positions, leaving only seven positions. Xie Fan's men, and his You Ya's men... have to give up a lot. This made Taoist Youya very sad and indignant.

But he also understood that this was indeed the only hope.


"Kill these practitioners!"

"Kill them!"

The group of demon hunters in front had already appeared in the field of vision, they were walking towards each other, and the distance shrunk sharply. All the demon hunters flew across the sky, roaring towards them, and there was a tall man in the distance behind them. There are shackles and chains on the wrists and ankles, and golden secret patterns constantly appear on the shackles and chains, as if the extremely terrifying pressure is suppressing this tall man.

The tall man looked at everything indifferently, watching the densely packed demon hunters rushing towards the hunting team in the distance.

"Scatter and flee, there is still a glimmer of hope for survival." Xie Fan roared suddenly through sound transmission.

But he and Taoist Youya immediately took the seven practitioners with them, turned into streamers and started to flee without hesitation.


When the other practitioners saw this, they all understood that Xiefan and Taoist Youya had given up on other practitioners.

Dongbo Xueying was also taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized, that's right, he only had 20% of his vitality left, and even his peak physical body couldn't last long.

"Escape!" Some practitioners chose to escape.


"Let's fight for life and death, maybe we can be lucky enough to achieve Chaotic Source under death." There were also practitioners who stood still and fled in disdain.

Each practitioner chooses a different path.


Dongbo Snow Eagle shook his head lightly.

One step.


Flying across the sky, Dong Bo Snow Eagle took the initiative to greet the group of demon hunters who had killed them in the distance.

"Illusory world, come!" Dongbo Xueying looked ahead and stretched out his hand to press.
