Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 1347: Three city lords


"Here we come." The two strong men in charge of guarding on the city wall couldn't help but cheer up when they saw a team of practitioners appearing from nothing in the distance.

"It's the team of Taoist Youya and Emperor Feixue."

The heartbeats of these two powerhouses accelerated slightly.

It is true that the entire Scarlet Cloud City is now in commotion, from the three city lords down to the weakest practitioners who only have the combat power of the god emperor in the late stage. In the past half a day, they have been chanting a name-'Flying Snow Emperor'.

Emperor Feixue's method is Scarlet Cloud City! No, to be more precise, it has never been seen before in the entire "Holy Realm" history. With one's own strength, the strength of each of the 1,200 God Emperor Perfection-level Chaotic Source beings can be greatly reduced, and they all attenuate to " Late God Emperor's level of combat power! This method is simply incredible.

In front of this Flying Snow Monarch, Hunyuan Life's most terrifying 'number advantage' was wiped out at once!

"Emperor Feixue, let's go directly to Scarlet Cloud Palace."

"Now there are too many people in the city who want to see the emperor, so we should go directly to the Scarlet Cloud Palace and divide up the corpses of those Chaotic Source beings earlier!"

The team roared and approached the walls of Scarlet Cloud City.

A group of practitioners surrounded Dongbo Xueying, and Dongbo Xueying became the undisputed leader of the entire team! Even Taoist Youya and Xiefan sighed in their hearts... It is really much easier to get 'food' with Dongbo Xueying.


Dong Bo Xueying swept his eyes and saw the two strong men on guard on the city wall, and immediately talked. Then immediately swooped over and landed directly on the city wall.

He landed, and immediately all the practitioners fell to the city wall.

"Emperor Feixue." The two strong men who were in charge of guarding said one after another, they were much more polite and humble.

"Brother Jungan, brother Fushan, why are you out of touch? You can just call me Brother Feixue." Dongbo Snow Eagle said with a smile, "When I first came to Chiyun City, I was besieged by a large group of shadow gods of death, because the two Only then did the eagle and snake gods come to rescue me."

These two strong men are Jun Qian and Fu Shan.

Seeing Dongbo Xueying being so polite, Jun Qian and Fushan all smiled, and they were very proud, because they knew very well that Dongbo Xueying's status is now as high as the three city lords!

"With Brother Feixue's strength, even if there is no rescue, he must be able to easily resist the group of shadow death gods." Fushan said with a smile.

Jun Gan grinned: "I've heard about it, Brother Feixue easily reduced the strength of 1,200 God Emperor Consummation-level Hunyuan life forms. We were dumbfounded when we heard about this method."

Dong Bo Snow Eagle smiled.

Everyone in the team has communication treasures, and the means they use are too terrifying! Of course the cultivators in the team will pass it back, and the whole Scarlet Cloud City will soon spread the word.

"I'm leaving first, and I still have to go to the Scarlet Cloud Palace." Dong Bo Xueying said, "After the guarding period of the two of you is over, you have to go to my cave."


Jun Qian and Fu Shan responded in succession.

They are willing to take on the boring position of 'guard' in exchange for food, because it is very risky for them to go hunting! If he could get closer to Dong Bo Xue Ying, it would be easy for Dong Bo Xue Ying to recruit more of them. Everyone knows how amazing the team formed by the 'Flying Snow Emperor' is when they go hunting! A harvest, even if they share a little bit, is still amazing.

"Let's go." Dongbo Snow Eagle immediately flew across the sky.

Flying along with the other practitioners, they flew directly to Chiyun Palace, and many of them showed anticipation.

Every time they hunt, 'Red Cloud Temple's food distribution' is what they look forward to most! And this time they are looking forward to it even more, because this time they hunted a total of eighty-two Chaotic Origin beings at the God Emperor Perfection level.

Following the return of Dongbo Xueying and his team, practitioners in the entire Scarlet Cloud City received news one after another.

The cave of the deputy city lord 'Wu Xiao', in the underground hall.


"Suck… "

A full 3,000-meter-long humanoid life is lying in the hall, sleeping soundly. Its whole body is silvery white, emitting a hazy white light. Every pore of its skin is a deep void channel, and countless machines fly out and surround it. Around. There are also countless machines flying into his body along the pores all the time.

One of his hairs, magnified billions of times, actually contains a huge universe inside a single hair, and there are even countless battleships and countless mechs fighting across the universe.


Suddenly he took a breath, and countless machines that originally surrounded the body surface immediately flew into the body along the pores of the skin.

He sat up directly and touched his head.

"Back?" Wu Xiao muttered softly.

In the entire Scarlet Cloud City, and even in the entire holy world, Wu Xiao has the greatest background.

His ancestor... was one of the most terrifying lords among the Hunyuan powerhouses who jumped out of the cage! And he, Wu Xiao, is the strongest among the descendants of that ancestor, and he is also the closest to 'jumping out of the cage to achieve Chaotic Source'!

It is also extremely difficult for the blood descendants of the lord to achieve Hunyuan.

With a terrifying bloodline and his own efforts, Wu Xiao's strength is of course extremely strong! If we say that Xiefan is the heaviest body in Chiyun City. That Wu Xiao is the strongest in Chiyun City, and also the strongest! He is even the best at detection methods. With the power of his bloodline alone, relying on his terrifying bloodline, his strength can rival the other two city lords 'Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor' and 'Fengyun Yiye'.

"Xiaoxiao." Wu Xiao said softly.

The body suddenly began to shrink sharply, as if it was forcibly oppressed everywhere, all kinds of terrifying fluctuations appeared on the surface of the skin, Wu Xiao's body was like a terrifying and huge celestial body! For him, shrinking will cause many changes in the body.

"Hey, everyone in Chiyun City can easily maintain normal height, but I have to suppress myself." Wu Xiao is helpless, his blood is very special, and his body after cultivation is also extremely huge. His ancestor's body is huge , compared with a 'source world', it is only a circle smaller. Although he is far inferior to his ancestors, he is still much larger without being suppressed by the outside world.

In this holy world, he was suppressed, and his height was maintained at 3,000 meters, which was a normal height. If it is oppressed again, it will cause many changes in the body.

But there is no way.

The caves in Chiyun City are all standardized, and the height of many halls is only a thousand meters high. If he does not shrink his height, he will not be able to enter the halls of the cave! And when talking with other practitioners, you can't maintain a height of 3,000 meters by yourself, and talk with other practitioners of ordinary height, right

"That man named Emperor Feixue, I have never heard of such a terrifying move, I have to go and meet him." Wu Xiao left the underground hall.

The fragrance filled the air, and a handsome bald young man sat cross-legged on the grass. This bald young man had a gentle smile and great compassion in his eyes.

He is the 'Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor'.

One of the three most powerful in Chiyun City, Wu Xiao has a very strong background! However, the Nine-Headed Snake Patriarch has grown up step by step from the weakest mortal world. He has gone through countless hardships and setbacks, and has reached an unimaginable level on the road of "witch". You must know that other practice routes are generally weaker than the 'Enlightened Ones'!

Those who understand the Tao master the essence of the rules, and even the semi-chaotic source life forms are realized and created by themselves. For other routes, it is generally possible to fight by leaps and bounds.

Wu Xiao is an exception.

But the 'Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor' was able to defeat the normal 'Half Chaotic Source Life Body Enlightenment' on the Wu route! ', not only can enlightened people not surpass the ranks, they are even no match for the Nine-Headed Snake Patriarch.

The strength of Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor...is comparable to Fengyun Yiye. Fengyun Yiye is a terrifying Taoist who has cultivated both Dao to the semi-chaotic source level! But Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor can be compared with Fengyun Yiye. From this, it can be seen that Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor has climbed from the commonplace to the present level step by step, how amazing and brilliant it is.

His amazing talent is so stunning that he even caught the attention of some Hunyuan powerhouses!

"In the previous 'Chaotic Corridor of Chaotic Source', at least the corridor I walked in was already invincible. But come to this legendary world of survival! Wu Xiao can also be said to have the help of a strong Chaotic Source, But Fengyun Yiye, like me, climbed up step by step from the mundane, and his strength is no less than mine." Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor's gentle eyes were filled with anticipation, "The current Emperor Feixue, at least in the face of a large number of He has surpassed me in the siege of Chaotic Source Life, what kind of trick is he? Is it a certain field? Or is it a soul trick?"

At this moment, Nine Headed Snake Ancestor was really curious about Dong Bo Snow Eagle.

He also got up and left the underground hall.

"I heard that he is also a Daoist?" The only 'Fengyun Yiye' in the entire holy world who has reached the semi-chaotic source level of both Dao, sent a message to Dongbo Snow Eagle directly through the communication treasure.