Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 1350: invite


Peng! ! !

The rapidly shrinking eight-color light cage suddenly exploded. At the same time as the explosion, part of the power was mixed, such as water, and the water power was mixed, turning into a giant of water and fire! The power of thunder and fire is mixed again, turning into a giant of thunder and fire! The power of Thunder and Destruction converged again, turning into a giant of Destruction Thunder...

A giant appeared, and a total of nine giants appeared.

Each of these nine giants has the perfect level of combat strength of a normal god emperor, and cooperated with the excellent siege to kill Dongbo Snow Eagle.

"Excellent." Dongbo Xueying maintained his peak physical body and went all out with a long spear, but he was still slightly at a disadvantage. After all, these giants have mysterious fighting skills, better than their own marksmanship.

"The influence of this illusion of the soul is indeed very great. They can't even make them form a nine-headed fighting body." Nine-headed Snake Ancestor shook his head lightly. This huge illusory world only affected him by 20% of his mental strength, but only these 20% of his mental strength made him Can't play tricks perfectly. He is different from Wu Xiao, Wu Xiao fights with his body.

The nine-headed snake ancestor is very complicated to manipulate its own power, and it consumes a lot of mental energy.

Simultaneously manipulating nine kinds of god emperor consummation-level blood power, and also need to cooperate perfectly, how much mental burden is it

"Change." Nine-Headed Snake Patriarch moved his mind.


One of the nine giants dissipated, and the other eight giants merged immediately, turning into a giant with eight snake heads! The giant was violent and terrifying, and directly charged towards Dong Bo Snow Eagle.

Dongbo Snow Eagle was flustered by the 'Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor''s successive tricks. He turned his spear and dealt with the eight-headed giants.

"Fortunately, his mental strength was affected, so he was unable to use the 'Nine-Colored Domain' and 'Nine-Headed Battle Body'." Dong Bo Xueying secretly thought that he already had information about the Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor, but even if the Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor's strength was greatly reduced, he It is still difficult to deal with it.


The vicious giant with eight snake heads suddenly disappeared.

The Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor in the distance said with a smile: "Brother Feixue, your physical body has lost too much vitality. You need to practice a lot to reach the semi-chaotic source life body as soon as possible."

"It's still quite a bit worse." Dongbo Xueying sighed, after only fighting for a short while, his vitality dropped to only 60%.

Even on combat strength.

Although the physical body is barely at the level of a semi-chaotic source life body, but his own realm has not yet reached, and the tricks he uses are all lacking. Compared with the real "Half Chaotic Source Life Body Enlightener", I'm afraid they only have 70% to 80% strength. Like Xiefan, he is qualified to be among the top ten in Scarlet Cloud City. Then Dong Bo Xueying, if he didn't count the soul tricks, he could only be at the bottom of dozens of top experts.

Of course, if you count the soul tricks, the strongest combat power that explodes in a short period of time can also be ranked among the top few.

After all, even with all his strength, he could still overwhelm him. I'm afraid it's also at the city lord level.

"I'm still weak and can't last long." Dong Bo Snow Eagle secretly said.


"Emperor Feixue, is he so powerful even before he becomes a half-chaotic source life form? If he becomes a half-chaotic source life form, he might immediately become a first-class master of the three major cities."

The other practitioners were a little amazed, they could all see that Dongbo Snow Eagle's Void Dao strength was stronger than his by dozens in Scarlet Cloud City! But his soul tricks forced Nine Headed Snake Patriarch's strength to drop to a level comparable to Dongbo Snow Eagle's.

Dong Bo Snow Eagle and Nine Headed Snake Ancestor flew back to their positions.

"This soul trick is indeed extraordinary." Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor sighed.

"Brother Feixue, I won't let you compare with me, your body is too fragile. Just use your soul tricks, and use them on me, just come." Wu Xiaolian urged.

"Let me feel it too." Fengyun Yiye also said.

"it is good."

Dongbo Snow Eagle did not hesitate.

The huge illusory world came again, dragging the souls of Fengyun Yiye and Wu Xiao.

With this dragging and pulling, Dong Bo Snow Eagle could feel that the soul of 'Fengyun Yiye' was almost the same as that of Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor, only slightly stronger. However, the strength is very limited, and Dongbo Snow Eagle's sensitivity is extremely keen, and he has just noticed the slightest difference in the strength of the two souls. As for 'Wu Xiao', although Wu Xiao's body is tyrannical and terrifying, his soul is only about 60% of that of Fengyun Yiye and Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor!

In his illusory world, Wu Xiao needed a lot of mental effort to resist, but his physical body was too strong, so just manipulating the physical body did not require too much mental effort.

"It has a lot of influence on me, even the strongest moves can't be used." Fengyun Yiye nodded.

"I'm afraid I'm weaker than you in Jiushou." Wu Xiao sensed it, and then said, "This soul trick is too uncomfortable."

Dongbo Snow Eagle immediately withdrew his moves.

"It's no wonder that the strength of Chaotic Source life at the God Emperor's Consummation level has been greatly reduced. Even I can only exert 60% to 70% of the strength." Wu Xiao said, "The most against the sky is that your soul trick is aimed at all For the enemy, the same is true for twelve hundred demon hunters, even three thousand, or ten thousand."

"Well, as long as it enters the range of my illusion domain, that's it." Dong Bo Snow Eagle nodded.

The imaginary world came.

The souls of all enemies within the range are dragged by the illusory world, unless you actively avoid the influence on some enemies.

"Awesome." Fengyun Yiye said something rare again, holding a glass of wine and drinking lightly, thinking silently.

The Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor was also silent, with a lot of brilliance shining in his eyes.

A banquet is finally over.

The three city lords were also mainly chatting with Dong Bo Xueying, even competing, and paid little attention to other practitioners.

When it was over, everyone started to leave one by one.

"Brother Feixue." Fengyun Yiye and Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor spoke almost simultaneously.

"Huh?" Dongbo Xueying was taken aback, looking at the two of them.

Fengyun Yiye and Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor looked at each other and laughed.

"Please first." Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor said, "After you finish talking here, I will talk."

"Okay." Fengyun Yiye nodded, "Brother Feixue, please follow me, let's talk privately."

Dong Bo Snow Eagle looked at the two city lords: "What's the matter with you two?"

"I'll wait for you here, we'll talk about it later." Nine-Headed Snake Patriarch sat there leisurely.

Dong Bo Snow Eagle nodded.

He got up and left with Fengyun Yiye, and entered a side hall in the cave.

The two sat down separately.

Fengyun Yiye was silent for a while, before saying: "I have always wanted to kill that Hunyuan prisoner in the 'Wind Demon Valley', but that Hunyuan prisoner is very cautious. Every time I leave my lair, I take a full three thousand guards with me, all of whom are at the consummation level of the god emperor. Although I can invite some experts in Chiyun City to help, it's just that his three thousand guards... let me have nothing to do! Now that you have appeared, Emperor Feixue, I have a chance to succeed again. Brother Feixue, I ask you to help me and go with my team to kill that Hunyuan prisoner in Wind Demon Valley. What conditions do you want? Just open your mouth!"