Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 1362: The name of Emperor Feixue


Abyssal sea, seabed.

"My lord, the owner of the Silent Ice Mountain was besieged and killed by a team of practitioners headed by the deputy city lord of Chiyun City 'Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor'." The five servants of the abyss bowed their heads respectfully, and one of them reported, "The practitioners The team was able to siege successfully because they had an extremely terrifying cultivator among them. That cultivator is good at soul tricks. Once cast, the range is a million miles. Within the range of this soul trick, everyone is affected... Normal The strength of the Hunyuan beings was greatly damaged, and the guards failed to protect their king, so the owner of the Silent Ice Mountain died in the end."

"Soul tricks?" The endlessly majestic 'Master of the Abyss Sea' sitting cross-legged on the bottom of the sea opened his eyes, and there was some surprise in his cold eyes.


The soul is the foundation of life, and he has been imprisoned in the holy world for a long time, but he has never heard of the soul trick that can exert such power.

The master of the Abyss Sea, after all, still has a low status. If the status is high enough, he will know. Among the practitioners of 'Below Chaotic Source of Life', there has never been one born with such terrifying soul tricks.

"How powerful is his soul trick, so that the god emperor's consummation-level guards can't protect the silent iceberg master?" asked the master of the abyss sea.

"According to our investigation, if we are ordinary Hunyuan beings, those with the mid-stage strength of the god emperor will surely die once they fall into the soul domain! A small part of the late-stage god emperor strength will also die. Most of them have only 10 to 20% of their strength left .And the guards of the god emperor's consummation-level combat power, the general strength is only half!" An abyss attendant said respectfully.

The owner of Abyss Sea was shocked.


"What's his name?" Abyss Sea Master asked.

"We asked about those Nirvana, but we didn't find out, because the practitioner who performed the soul trick was a newcomer. Later, we asked many other chaotic source life groups along the way, and finally found out that those practitioners Call the master who performed the soul tricks 'Flying Snow Emperor'." The servant of the abyss respectfully said, "This Feixue Emperor is also in Chiyun City, and his status seems to be very high."

"Emperor Feixue?" The master of Abyss Sea wrote down silently, "When I go out on patrol and kill those practitioners, I must find an opportunity to deal with this Emperor Feixue first."


Among the practitioners in the holy world, the one he wanted to kill the most was that 'Fengyun Yiye', but now in his heart, he wanted to kill Emperor Feixue first!

Because the two paths reached the level of 'semi-chaotic source life', he had heard of it before he was imprisoned. But the soul trick is so terrible, but I have never heard of it before! Such a terrifying practitioner, if he steps out of the final shackles, he will achieve Chaotic Source Life. A Chaotic Source being who is good at soul tricks is too much of a threat and must be eliminated first.

"No hurry, no hurry."

"The next time I go on patrol, it will be when I act." The master of Abyss Sea closed his eyes silently, and the five Abyss attendants on the side immediately left quietly and respectfully.

Jiexin Continent, Broken Tooth Mountains.

Dongbo Snow Eagle was dressed in white, standing alone at the foot of a towering mountain on a floating island, looking up at the mountain in front of him.

The whole body of this mountain is dark red, and there are strange patterns on the rocks, which contain endless mysteries.

"The existence of thousand eyes is a terrifying chaotic life that can hurt 'Yuan', and its corpse has turned into countless floating islands." Dong Bo Snow Eagle secretly said, "Those mysterious eyes are just a part of its body. Among the many floating islands, some strange places are formed by the corpses of the thousand-eyed existence. The mountain in front of me should be his bone powder."

A drop of powder is a mountain.

Dongbo Snow Eagle has been studying here for a long time, because this mountain contains the mystery of the Dao of Void.

"Although they are all a little bit, unlike those chaotic origin life forms in the holy world where the corpses are all intact, but this little bit is amazing." Dong Bo Snow Eagle secretly said.

Each has its advantages.

The corpses of Chaotic Source Life in the holy world can allow themselves to see a variety of complete void mysteries that the body manifests. It is just the strength of the ordinary Chaotic Source Life itself. , Dongbo Snow Eagle doesn't think much of it either! It's just a great help to his Void Dao accumulation.

And what about the many floating islands

So fragmented!

Like the mysterious eyes, they are very conspicuous. Dong Bo Snow Eagle also inspected many floating islands, watched so many mysterious eyes, and memorized the internal secret pattern structure, and then deduced the ultimate move of the Illusory Realm Dao.

And those eyes are the most complete.

Thousand Eyes exists in other parts of the body, and the hidden mysteries are even more fragmented. For example, the mountain in front of you may be a part of one billionth of a terrifying secret technique that Thousand Eyes can perform. It is too small. One tenth, Dong Bo Snow Eagle can simplify the deduction a bit. Things like this are too scattered, so we can only learn from them! It is difficult to deduce the secret technique.

Regardless, it's helpful in the end.

Especially now that the corpse of an 'advanced chaotic source life' has been obtained. Although the inner heart and some blood are missing, the corpse is still very complete, and it is possible to spy out the many secret techniques contained in the owner of the silent iceberg! Now let's take a look at some of the relics left by the 'Thousand-Eyed Existence', sporadically comprehend and accumulate, which will also be of great help to my research on the master of the silent iceberg.

"Be careful."

"Many places on this floating island are dangerous, so don't lose your life."

The five cosmic gods from the Jiexin Continent are walking cautiously on this floating island. They are using the method of detection, advancing cautiously, and at the same time, they are also on guard against the dead people who may appear at any time.

After half an hour, the five cosmic gods finally arrived at their destination. They were surprised when they saw a towering mountain in the distance.

"It's the 'Stone Volcano'. The Stone Volcano is the most mysterious place on this floating island. It contains many strange things. Why is there not a single Sinian around? It stands to reason that there should be Sinian guards and patrols around."

"It's really strange."

"We were worried, thinking that we would rather sacrifice this avatar, and get one or two rare items to go back. No matter how we thought about it, we came close to this stone volcano, and there wasn't even a dead sinner."

Although the five of them were puzzled, they continued to move forward.

In the Jiexin Continent, some cosmic gods who possess the technique of avatars often come to the Broken Tooth Mountains to try their luck, and the big deal is to lose their avatars.


The five of them approached and found a young man in white at the foot of the stone volcano.

The young man in white was looking up at the towering mountain calmly.

"Emperor Feixue." The five of them were taken aback.

Dongbo Xueying turned his head to look.

"Greetings to Emperor Feixue." The five cosmic gods saluted respectfully.

Dongbo Xueying recognized them at a glance. They were the five cosmic gods from Jiexin Continent. He nodded, "There are no dead people around Shihuo Huo. You can take some strange things as you like, but be careful when you leave."

"Xie Feixue Emperor." The five cosmic gods said together tremblingly.

They were overjoyed in their hearts.

"It turns out that Monarch Feixue is here! No wonder the Sinners didn't show up."

"Where do those sinners dare to show up? I heard that the Supreme of the sinners fought against Emperor Feixue, and they were all defeated by Emperor Feixue." These five cosmic gods communicated with each other, very excited.

At first.

Dong Bo Xueying chased and killed the Undead Underworld Emperor with his own power, even if the Undead Underworld Emperor escaped into the Chaotic Source Dimension, Dong Bo Xueying still chased him in and beheaded the Undead Underworld Emperor in the end.

That battle established Dongbo Xueying's status as the "No. 1 cultivator in Jiexin Continent".


Later, Dong Bo Snow Eagle became more and more dazzling in the Broken Tooth Mountains. He heard that he fought against the Supremes several times, and the Supremes were all defeated by Emperor Feixue! Now Emperor Feixue is the undisputed strongest in the Jiexin Continent and the Broken Tooth Mountain Range. Whether it is the Broken Tooth Mountain Range or the Jiexin Continent, everyone respects this Emperor Feixue very much.

He came to the floating island? All the dead and evil clans on the floating island retreated, and they didn't dare to disturb them at all.

"It's really scary. Emperor Feixue's current strength can easily defeat the five supreme beings of the Broken Tooth Mountain Range. Doesn't it mean that the five supreme beings are the closest to Chaotic Yuan beings? Isn't Monarch Feixue almost becoming Chaotic Yuan beings?"

"Who knows, in short, Emperor Feixue's strength is much, much stronger than when he killed the Undead Emperor. My master said that Emperor Feixue's strength has reached an incredible level, and he may become a chaotic source of life at any time. "

These five cosmic gods talked quietly with each other.

Emperor Feixue has long been a legendary figure in Jiexin Continent, even in the eyes of the Cosmos God, he feels too terrifying.

Dongbo Xueying continued to watch every path of the stone volcano in front of him, thinking about it.

Suddenly he was taken aback.

His avatar in the Holy Realm, his many avatars in his home world, his avatar in Jiexin Continent, all the avatars have the same memories! At this moment, under the collision of enlightenment and harvesting memory, suddenly—

A brand-new Chaotic Source Body Refining Method emerged in his mind, although he had deduced too many versions before, but this time, Dongbo Snow Eagle was blessed to his heart, he had a feeling.

Maybe it did.