Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 1363: Half chaotic source life form


He naturally felt a sense of perfection in his heart when he realized the method this time.

Dongbo Snow Eagle took a light breath, expecting in his heart.


As soon as the thought came up, he immediately manipulated the physical body to change. Usually, the physical body of the later stage of the god emperor broke through again at this moment, and changed according to the latest method of Chaotic Source Body Refining. At first glance, his body did not change much, only the skin trembled slightly, and the skin itself Reconstituted, there is even a layer of gleaming light on the surface of the skin, his body is like the most perfect treasure.

But under the skin... drastic changes are taking place inside the body.

This is the most subtle composition. Countless secret lines are all over every fine particle. The body is undergoing a radical change. Bones, muscles, internal organs, blood vessels, blood, eyes, etc. are all undergoing transformation. This transformation is perfect, and everything is It seems to be a matter of course, and it seems to draw the most beautiful picture scroll in this life.

"Om." The world's membrane wall was shattered directly, and the power of Chaotic Source poured in, continuously pouring into Dong Bo Snow Eagle's body, and being absorbed.

This time the metamorphosis was very fast, only a dozen or so breaths.

Everything will calm down.

"Breakthrough." The corners of Dongbo Xueying's mouth turned up slightly, without much movement, the breakthrough was as simple as a matter of course.

The inside and outside of the body are transparent, and the body structure is perfect to the extreme. Dong Bo Snow Eagle can't even think of how to improve it further.

This is a perfect body.

"I finally understand that it's no wonder that in the holy world, so many practitioners are trapped at the level of the semi-chaotic source life body. Whether it is a bloodline practitioner or a Taoist, it is difficult to break through." Dong Bo Xueying shook his head. Bloodline practitioners at least There is still blood to follow for the ultimate awakening! But enlightened ones can only rely on themselves.

"I feel like it's perfect."

"There is no way ahead at all." Dong Bo Snow Eagle had this feeling.

Although it can perceive a higher level of 'chaotic source of life', it knows that there are more perfect life forms.

But my own semi-chaotic source life body, under my own wisdom, feels that it is complete.

"in the Legends."

"Those who realize the Tao rely on their own strength to break through the extreme of the half-chaotic source life body, break through the shackles, and master the 'Tao' at the chaotic source level! They will immediately become the highest level of lord-level existence." Dong Bo Snow Eagle said silently.

Like those who rely on spreading faith...

Relying on some other methods, he finally successfully mastered the origin of a source world and became the master of the source world! With the help of the original power of the source world, Hunyuan life is achieved. Although it is a 'world-class chaotic source life', its strength is also very strong, second only to the lord. In the source world under his control, he was able to fight against the lord even more.

However, these levels do not rely on themselves to master the 'Tao' of the Chaotic Source level.

Like those born with chaotic origin, they are constantly digging out the power of their own blood, and the life is also constantly evolving, and they can be tapped to the extreme! Compared with the lord who controls the 'Tao' of Chaotic Source level, it is still a little worse.

"Whether it is a life form born with Chaotic Source, or an extremely powerful world-class Chaotic Source expert who can display endless power, but they have not grasped the essence of Chaotic Source 'Dao'." Dong Bo Snow Eagle sighed.

That grade number.

Didn't grasp the essence of Chaotic Source'Tao'.

Want to master it yourself? How difficult

But once mastered!

That is breaking the law with force! Can forcibly break all shackles and reach the highest level.


As soon as Dong Bo Snow Eagle took a step, he disappeared into the Broken Tooth Mountain Range.

He has already left the source world, Jiexin Continent, and came to the endless chaotic source near Jiexin Continent.


The huge Jiexin Continent exudes endless fluctuations, impacting the surrounding Chaotic Source Force, forming waves of waves. And the concentration of Chaotic Source Force near the Jiexin Continent is also very low. Dong Bo Snow Eagle has left the Jiexin Continent at this moment, feeling the erosion of the surrounding Chaotic Source Force on his body. This kind of erosion will not affect him at all. His semi-chaotic source life form.


His body turned into a silk thread, and he escaped in the chaotic source space in an instant. Now his big breaking teleportation technique is more perfect, and he can escape extremely far with ease.

Immediately stop.

"The concentration of Chaotic Source Power is much higher here." Dong Bo Snow Eagle felt carefully, the surroundings were dark and silent, and the Chaotic Source Power was extremely rich, crazily washing over his body, no method could stop it, and the Chaotic Source Power washed over his body and soul.

The semi-chaotic source life body is also constantly being damaged at this moment, and even the natural recovery of the body cannot keep up with the damage speed.

The soul is also injured under the washing.

"My body can last about an hour here." Dong Bo Xueying reckoned, "My soul seems to be able to last for a long time? Three to five hours should be fine."

Last time, my soul was not so strong.

Ever since he fused the first and second ultimate moves of Illusory Realm Dao to form the third ultimate move, his soul has undergone a qualitative change. This qualitative change has made his soul extremely strong against the erosion of Chaotic Source.

"After all, it's not a chaotic source life form, and it's not suitable to live here forever." Dongbo Snow Eagle secretly said, turning his head to look at the Jiexin Continent in the distance.

The Jiexin Continent is still dazzling in the endless dark Chaotic Source space.

It is surging and impacting the endless chaotic source power around it...

It's just that the distance is too far away at this moment, and the Jiexin Continent seems relatively small.

"go back."

With a single thought, cast the Boundary Breaking teleportation technique and return immediately.

In the homeland of Chaos Void.

Dongbo Snow Eagle's clone here also broke through to the level of the semi-chaotic source life body, and at the same time came to the corridor of the lost world.

Dressed in white, he walked alone in the corridor of the lost world.

"Void field."

Dong Bo Snow Eagle tried to use the Void Domain.

Now that he has reached the semi-chaotic source life level, the void domain is also more mysterious. When he uses it, he continues to offset the many influences of the corridors of the lost world, and continues to expand his own domain. But with the expansion, the oppression of the Lost Realm Corridor on his domain increased sharply, ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, and soon, Dong Bo Snow Eagle was forced to stop.

"It's still impossible to investigate the maze corridors on a large scale." Dong Bo Xueying frowned and shook his head, "The maze corridors bred in the source world still protect those destroying demons."

Here, there is no way to investigate on a large scale.

Want to check

You can only spy everywhere, it will take a long time! After all, the Holy Lord is the ultimate realm of the universe god, who can perfectly restrain the breath and isolate the causal investigation. If he turned into an ordinary destroying demon, Dong Bo Snow Eagle would not be able to recognize him even if he spied on him.

"If he dares to leave the corridor of the maze and kill him, I can take the opportunity to kill him. But if he doesn't come out, I can't do anything for the time being." Dongbo Snow Eagle shook his head lightly.

He never intended to let the Lord go!

The Holy Master had a great enmity with him, and countless souls died in the hands of the Holy Lord.

"You just stay in hiding."

Dong Bo Xueying turned his head and took a step, then left the corridor of the lost world.

At this time, the Holy Lord, who has been hiding in the corridor of the maze world, has no idea that Dong Bo Snow Eagle has become a semi-chaotic source life body. He has already planned to hide like this until the catastrophe. next era.

holy world.

Chiyun City, inside Dongbo Xueying Cave Mansion.

Dongbo Xueying was sitting cross-legged, drinking wine, smelling the fragrance of flowers in the garden, listening to the sound of wind blowing leaves.

"Emperor Feixue, I heard that you have left the customs? But have you become a half-chaotic source life form?" There was a message.

"Breakthrough by chance." Dong Bo Xue Ying said.

"Then what I said before, about hunting Hunyuan prisoners?"

"I have just made a breakthrough, and I still need to experience it carefully. I am not in a hurry to act again." Dongbo Snow Eagle simply refused through voice transmission.

Successfully killed the owner of the silent iceberg.

There were quite a few people who wanted to invite him to act again, but Dong Bo Snow Eagle refused all of them for the time being.

"How can Hunyuan be achieved?" Dongbo Xueying thought.

At this point.

But a little dazed.

Break the law with force? Forcibly mastering the 'Tao' at the Chaotic Source level by oneself? The difficulty is unbelievably high.

In the hometown of the source world, to control the origin of the source world? Equally difficult.

"Break the law with strength."

"Well, for me, there seem to be two ways to break the law with force." Dongbo Snow Eagle secretly said, "One is to break the shackles of the body normally, let the void path directly ascend, and formally reach the chaotic source level. to a new level."

"The other way is to rely on the help of the soul." Dong Bo Snow Eagle thought about it.

He has feelings, soul and body, complementing each other.

This is a truth that everyone understands.

Even the "Old Stone Monster" in the ultimate realm is thinking about the soul, like the "Fan Zu" in the ancient Xiafeng Kingdom, etc., there are too many powerhouses in the ultimate realm who spend their minds on the soul.

The soul has improved the physical body a little before.

Now the semi-chaotic source life form, the body is too strong, the soul is of no help to the body for the time being. But what if the soul has improved and reached the ultimate level

"The soul is helpful to the body, but can it be used to break through the law and achieve Chaotic Source? But it's hard to say. This is my guess after all." Dong Bo Xueying secretly said, even in the legend, I have never heard of anyone relying on The soul, body and body complement each other to achieve Hunyuan in one fell swoop.

But too many strong people think that this path should be correct.

Dongbo Snow Eagle thought so too.

"The Dao of the Void, forcibly ascending to a higher level, this road has already been achieved by a strong person." Dong Bo Snow Eagle secretly said.

That Luo City Lord, according to the legend, used strength to break the law!

However, City Lord Luo is not walking on the void path.

"Forcibly breaking through the road, although some strong people have done it and become the lord! However, this road is too difficult."

"The other way, the way of combining the soul and the body, although I haven't heard of anyone doing it, but I have already laid a solid foundation, and the way of illusion is only one line away from the ultimate." Dong Bo Xueying nodded secretly, he made up his mind In the next few days, most of my energy will be spent on the Dao of the Illusionary Realm, so as to reach the ultimate as soon as possible.

As for the Void Dao to forcibly break through to break the law with force, it is destined to be a long road.