Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 1366: Mystery


"Finally, I saw with my own eyes that I jumped out of the cage and achieved Hunyuan." In the crowd, Dongbo Xueying was full of excitement.

In his hometown of Yuan World, in Jiexin Continent, in Thunder World, and even in this holy world... He had never personally seen anyone achieve Chaotic Source Life in the long years before this! The difficulty of 'accomplishing Hunyuan' even made Xue Ying feel invisible pressure, but now, a practitioner 'Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor' who once fought side by side with him and even asked him for help succeeded! Became a chaotic source!

Excited, envious, high-spirited.

Extremely excited!

"Cheng Hunyuan, I don't believe that a person who collects blood from outside can finally awaken. I can't do it." The Great Emperor Beihe was also full of fighting spirit, and he immediately turned his head and rushed towards his cave.

"As long as I reach the level of strength before Brother Jiushou, there should be hope for my ultimate awakening." Among the top powerhouses, a group of those cultivating bloodline power also saw the 'goal'. Before that, there was not much difference in their strength from the Nine Headed City Lords, and they only needed to increase their strength by a few percent. Although it is still difficult, at least there is hope.

"Brother Nine Heads, he led the other nine bloodlines to finally awaken with the bloodline of the master of Silence Iceberg, and created a brand new Hunyuan Race." Fengyun Yiye's eyes also burst into amazing light, "He can open up a new path, I Fengyun Yiye Ye, one day you will be able to break the law with strength!"

"He has nine poems. He came up step by step from the ordinary. He has no chaotic source blood. He actively collects chaotic source blood and integrates it into his body. Ten kinds of blood can be finally awakened. I am the strongest among the descendants of my ancestors. I have been cultivated by many people. I am only one kind It’s just the blood of Chaotic Origin, and the cultivation resources are much better than Jiushou, I don’t believe it, I can’t awaken it!” Wu Xiao also turned her head and left alone.

for a while.

Many cultivators, compared with the 'Nine-Headed City Lord', feel that at least they have seen the 'target'! Everyone's fighting spirit was unprecedentedly fierce.

It's been a long time before, many of them have become timid in their hearts, and they have no confidence in whether they can become a chaotic source! Because seeing too many peerless geniuses, none of the geniuses who were more defiant than himself failed, naturally he lacked confidence. Now seeing a success, the psychology is different.

The following days.

Not only Chiyun City, but also the practitioners in the other four gathering places were also very excited.

"Emperor Feixue, I want to build a team to kill the Hunyuan prisoner 'Master Fuguanghe'. I sincerely ask for your help and join my team! With you, our chances are more than ten times greater. What do you need? Feel free to say the conditions. It is very important to my ultimate awakening, and I also ask Emperor Feixue to help me. If I can achieve Hunyuan, I will definitely repay you, Emperor Feixue."

"No special reason, not going to other gathering places for the time being." Dongbo Snow Eagle responded.

"We can come and pick you up."

"No need."

"I am finally awakened, and I urgently need this Chaotic Source prisoner's blood."

Dongbo Snow Eagle simply ignored it.

no way.

There are too many people who invited him to kill Hunyuan Prisoners! The success of the nine-headed city lord has made many practitioners of the same bloodline think that the bloodline of a high-level chaotic source life similar to their bloodline should be of great help to their ultimate awakening.

Everything in the world is about fairness.

Shouting 'that's what I urgently need to achieve Hunyuan', shouting 'I will repay you', Dong Bo Xue Ying simply ignored. Because the vast majority of practitioners are eager to obtain the remains of Chaotic Source Prisoners, even those who are enlightened can use it to comprehend and practice!

However, as long as there are enough attractive conditions, Dong Bo Snow Eagle is still willing to make a move.

In the next five billion years or so.

He agreed six times in a row, and even three times were from other gathering places! These six times, they went out to deal with Hunyuan prisoners.

Six actions, two successes!

The fall of the owner of the Silent Iceberg seems to have caused commotion among the 'prisoners' in the entire holy world. After all, the number of Hunyuan prisoners is very small, only a few dozen in total! One fell, and the others were all surprised, and they tried their best to investigate and understand. Knowing the terrifying soul move of the 'Flying Snow Emperor', these Hunyuan prisoners were very cautious, and out of the six actions, four of them were After the pursuit failed, Hunyuan's prisoner fled close enough to his lair, and his strength reached a point where the cultivator team couldn't kill him, so he was forced to give up.

But anyway.

Counting the owner of Silent Iceberg, he also beheaded three Hunyuan prisoners! The success rate is still extremely high, and there are still many people who invite Dong Bo Snow Eagle.

Scarlet Cloud City, inside the cave.

Dongbo Snow Eagle's body was faintly translucent in the underground hall, and a layer of water droplets appeared on the body surface. This body surface protective layer... was full of water droplets, and the water droplets kept rolling, perfectly protecting the body surface everywhere. If it is magnified hundreds of millions of times, it can be found that this drop of water is actually a constantly changing 'space'.

"call out."

Dongbo Snow Eagle moved, and his body flew across the sky in an instant.


The water droplets covered by the body surface flowed, and they were extremely sharp, as if they could cut everything from nothing to nothing! Dong Bo Snow Eagle flew through the air at a terrifying speed, more than double the speed of the previous Void Demon Worm.

Phew, Dong Bo Snow Eagle stopped at the other end of the underground hall.


He kept moving in the underground hall, from one place to another, the water droplets on his body cut through all obstacles.

"The speed is indeed much faster." Dong Bo Xueying stopped and showed joy, "In terms of speed, I can rank around tenth in the entire Scarlet Cloud City."

In Scarlet Cloud City, the blood of some practitioners is especially good at speed! Even faster than Fengyun Yiye, Wu Xiao and the original Nine-Headed Snake Ancestor.

Dongbo Snow Eagle's speed is now ranked around tenth in Scarlet Cloud City, which is as strong as clouds, which is already terrifying.

"This is the tactic used by the owner of Silent Iceberg when he was desperate." Dong Bo Snow Eagle nodded, "I have studied his corpse for so long, and I finally deduced this secret technique."

Like my mysterious eyes that existed from Thousand Eyes, based on its composition, I deduced the first and second ultimate moves of the Illusory Realm Dao.

Born with Chaotic Source Life, they excavate the power of blood vessels, and their bodies will become stronger, such as bigger in size, and even change in their bodies, revealing more rules and mysteries! Some of the 'secret techniques' they unearthed can be observed from some of their body structures, because after all, unlike enlightened people, they completely master the rules and mysteries, but tap their blood to exert their power.

Can display, but do not know the essence. The secret techniques displayed have all been excavated from the blood, and will naturally appear in the body.

Dongbo Snow Eagle and the others studied the internal composition of the corpse, but they used the rules and mysteries they mastered to create a similar simplified secret technique.


A secret technique is actually a process of improving strength and accumulating foundation.

Like Dongbo Xueying created the third ultimate move of the Illusory Realm Dao, his soul has been transformed.

"This 'water drop technique' is considered complete, and then we will study the 'void freezing technique'." Dong Bo Snow Eagle immersed himself in the study again, and among the many mysteries contained in the body structure of Silent Ice Mountain Master, there is From Dong Bo Xueying's point of view, the most frightening ones are the 'Water Drop Technique' and 'Void Freezing Technique'.

The water drop technique, on the one hand, can protect the body! Let the life-saving ability skyrocket, on the one hand, the flight speed skyrocketed.

Dongbo Snow Eagle naturally comprehended this secret technique with all his strength first.

And the other secret technique 'Void Freezing Secret Technique' was to make Nine-Headed Snake Patriarch feel the disappearance of his voice, feel the coldness, and even slow down his thinking a bit! Relatively speaking, this move is even more weird and unpredictable. It's just that the owner of the silent iceberg went all out and only used it once, and then he couldn't continue to use it for a long time.

This secret technique is very difficult for the owner of the silent iceberg who is restrained and oppressed.

To master... is also more difficult.

"Void, frozen?" Dongbo Snow Eagle was immersed in it.

In the entire holy world, the practitioners in the five gathering places are cultivating enthusiastically, and they all want to become the second Nine-Headed Snake Patriarch to achieve Chaotic Source.

Abyssal sea, seabed.

That majestic figure sat cross-legged on the bottom of the sea. He was so huge that he could cover the entire Abyss Sea with his hands stretched out. The Abyss Sea was too small for him to use as a bathtub.

"Buzzing~~~" The shackles and chains on his body suddenly rose with golden light, and countless golden secret lines lit up on the chains, and some chains that were firmly connected to the bottom of the sea were also loosened. They were floating, but the light burst The array rose sharply.


A low grunt of pain.

The master of Abyss Sea suddenly opened his eyes, which were dark and cold.

"Finally, is it time to go on patrol?" There was a trace of suppressed excitement deep in the eyes of the owner of Abyss Sea.

As the most terrifying prisoner in the entire holy world.

The various punishments and restraints on him are also much stronger, like other Hunyuan prisoners who want to 'go on patrol', they can go on patrol at any time! But only the 'Master of the Abyss Sea' is restrained, and he can't stand up normally! He could only sit cross-legged like this all the time, and only when the chains were separated from the bottom of the sea could he leave the Sea of Abyss.

"It really hurts." The owner of Abyss Sea was trembling, and the pain was intensifying sharply, forcing him to leave Abyss Sea.

Only tour.

Only the farther away from the nest, the pain will become lighter.

"Damn lords, you are forcing me, you are forcing me! You will regret it, you will regret it!" The master of Abyss Sea stood up abruptly.

This standing up caused the entire seawater of the Abyss Sea to shake, setting off countless huge waves.


After the extremely majestic and huge master of the Abyss Sea stood up, the sea level of the entire vast ocean "Abyss Sea" dropped sharply!

His feet are on the bottom of the sea.

Standing there, the sea level is only at the waist of the owner of Abyss Sea.

He raised his head and let out an angry roar, rumbling~~~~ The terrifying sound waves made the abyss sea and the sky tremble violently, and the membrane wall shattered, revealing secret lines like fine chains.