Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 1368: Overwhelming


"I'm afraid he won't come!"

"He seems powerful now, but when he arrives in Tianwu City, and is too far away from the Abyss Sea, his strength will be suppressed to a lower level. Even if the practitioners of Tianwu City can't do anything to the master of the Abyss Sea, they can stick to the city. It's also easy. At that time, the master of Abyss Sea will change his target and come to my Scarlet Cloud City. When he arrives in Scarlet Cloud City, his strength will be even weaker! It's easy for us to resist, and maybe we can kill him back!"

"Yes! Last time we fought, although we were at a disadvantage and the sneak attack failed, it was because there was no Emperor Feixue! The master of the Abyss Sea led a large number of Hunyuan beings to help, and it was difficult for us to surround and kill him without being affected."

"With Emperor Feixue around, a large number of Hunyuan lives are nothing to mention. We can deal with the master of Abyss Sea with all our strength. Many practitioners in the city join forces, and it is entirely possible to kill him!"

"This time is our chance."

"Seize the opportunity and kill him!"

Inside the Scarlet Cloud Hall, a group of practitioners were talking about it.

If twenty or thirty practitioners meet the master of Abyss Sea, they will naturally die! But the practitioners in the whole city are qualified to fight together, and the 'Master of the Abyss Sea' observed in the magic mirror is still incredibly strong. When they arrive in Scarlet Cloud City, they may only have 10 to 20% of their strength left!

Dongbo Snow Eagle was talking with the practitioners next to him, mainly asking about the last time he fought against the master of Abyss Sea, and at the same time carefully observed everything in the magic mirror.

"If you are caught up by the master of Abyss Sea, you will definitely die." Dongbo Snow Eagle watched and shook his head secretly.

No matter what kind of fighting spirit you have.

No matter how determined you are, you will be directly trampled to death by the master of Abyss Sea!

The master of Abyss Sea ran for two full days before arriving at Tianwu City. At this time, his strength had dropped significantly, and his body size was only 1,800 miles tall. Compared with the incomparably terrifying figure when he just left the Abyss Sea, it has shrunk by countless times.

But the altitude of 1,800 miles is still the most terrifying among all Chaotic Source prisoners in the entire holy world.

"Here he is."

"We have arrived in Tianwu City."

"I hope that the master of the Abyss Sea will not improve in strength."

All the practitioners in Scarlet Cloud City watched everything that appeared in the magic mirror suspended in the air. This battle, although it was a battle in Tianwu City! It can also be used to spy on the strength of the 'Master of the Abyss Sea'.

Although the last time we fought...

But after all, it was the last time the master of the Abyss Sea went on a tour! Unlike other Hunyuan prisoners who often go on patrol, the master of Abyss Sea only goes on patrol after a long, long time. Once he goes on patrol, the entire holy world will be turned upside down! Because of the long time interval, the master of Abyss Sea might dig out the blood and master a stronger and weirder secret technique.

Every point his strength increases! It is naturally more difficult to kill him.

"A lot of Chaotic Source beings." Dongbo Xueying looked at everything in the magic mirror and couldn't help but hold his breath.

The densely packed Chaotic Source beings completely surrounded the entire Tianwu City. Not only were there countless Chaotic Source beings all over the surface, but even in the sky, there were many Chaotic Source beings surrounding Tianwu City.

The master of the Abyss Sea can order all Chaotic Source beings in the entire holy world, including other Chaotic Source prisoners, who are willing to listen to his orders.

Tianwu City.

In Tianwu City, all the practitioners stood in the air in an orderly manner. Countless secret lines lit up on the walls of the entire Tianwu City, and various magic circles were activated, and even hundreds of masks appeared in the sky, making the many layers of masks in the sky show gorgeous colors, it is really too many masks of various colors many.


"The master of the Abyss Sea is here."

Many practitioners in Tianwu City watched from afar, they didn't pay attention to the Chaotic Source beings around them at all, although the number was outrageous! But Tianwu City was already well defended, and under the urging of many practitioners, it was impossible to break through the attacks launched by ordinary Chaotic Source beings.

Although Tianwu City is the closest to the Abyss Sea among the five cities and is the most dangerous, it is also the easiest to seize opportunities!

Because beheading the master of the Abyss Sea, the one who made the greatest contribution will be rewarded by the lord.

The powerhouses of Tianwu City certainly hope to be bigger! There are even strong people who are strong enough after understanding the differences between the five cities, and some even go to Tianwu City specially and live in Tianwu City for a long time.


In the vast wilderness in the distance, a majestic giant 1,800 miles tall was galloping with big strides. His hair was flying wildly, and chains were rooted in his body, making every step of his body cause the sound of the chains colliding. Even if you stand still, you will feel 'pain', and if you run, the pain will intensify a little.

This made him even angrier.

"Didn't you let me sharpen these weak and small ants? Humph, I will kill all of these small ants as you wish." The master of Abyss Sea is too huge, and the height of the city wall of Tianwu City is only equivalent to his big feet. Ya! The master of Abyss Sea is looking down at the moment, looking through the clouds, looking at the practitioners in the city.

The practitioners all stared at him, not only fearless, but fanatical.

"Hmph." The master of Abyss Sea became more intent on killing.

And many Hunyuan beings who had already arrived around Tianwu City lowered their heads, expressing their submission to the master of Abyss Sea! And at this moment, there are more Hunyuan beings rushing here in all directions.

"Cultivators, die!" The master of Abyss Sea shouted angrily, his voice was like thunder rolling between heaven and earth, and the roar continued, shaking the clouds in the sky.

At the same time, a pair of big hands suddenly raised high and slashed down angrily.

Huge hands, through the clouds!

Slap Xiang Tianwu City.

When his hands crossed the sky, there were dark red flames burning in both hands. The power of the flames was terrifying, burning and destroying the surrounding void directly, revealing countless dense chain-like secret lines outside! This holy world is completely sealed off, and it is impossible for these Hunyuan prisoners who are on tour to leave this world.

When the photo was taken, the fingertips of his hands became sharp, and there were countless secret lines flowing on the fingertips, and each finger was like a huge meteorite sword.

chi chi chi chi...

Fingers are all inserted into the layers of masks of Tianwu City! And the countless Chaotic Source beings around also launched an attack at the same time, each roaring and using their own means to help the master of the Abyss Sea.


The mask was pierced one after another.

Most of the layers were pierced in an instant, causing the expressions of the practitioners in Tianwu City to suddenly change.

"No, the master of the Abyss Sea has improved in strength!" Everyone knew it was not good.

Practitioners in the other four cities are all using their own means to observe what happened in Tianwu City.

From the first strike of the master of Abyss Sea's fierce attack on the mask of Tianwu City, many practitioners in the "Red Cloud Palace" of Scarlet Cloud City were shocked.

"This move to destroy the city is even more powerful." Fengyun Yiye said solemnly.

"He has improved a bit." Wu Xiao was also solemn.

The strength of high-level Chaotic Yuan beings will gradually increase from "beginning to high-level" until the high-level Chaotic Yuan beings are complete! Followed by another breakthrough, this breakthrough is also very difficult. From 'advanced Chaotic Source Life' to 'world-class Chaotic Source Life', the difficulty is no lower than that of ordinary Chaotic Source Life to enter advanced Chaotic Source Life!

Because, high-level Chaotic Source beings belong to the most common level among Chaotic Source powerhouses in the vast Chaotic Source space, and there are a lot of them.

And the world-class chaotic source life form is immediately at the top level! Like a cultivator who masters a source world, he dares to claim "invincible" in his own source world, even the lord is not afraid! It can be seen that the world-class status is different.

Although the 'Master of the Abyss Sea' is formidable, but the blood is noble, it can be regarded as the strongest strength in the high-level chaos source life, and it is still far from 'successful'. Naturally, with time, they will gradually tap their blood to master new secret techniques. It is relatively easy to progress before 'reaching perfection'.

"not good."

"Tianwu City looks like it's going to be overwhelmed."

Inside the Scarlet Cloud Hall, everyone showed expressions of astonishment.

Dongbo Xueying also felt nervous, staring at the magic mirror! Appearing in the magic mirror, the master of the Abyss Sea led many Chaotic Source beings to attack frantically, and was about to break through the magic circle of Tianwu City.

"They chose to escape."

"That's the only choice."

"Hopefully they all survive."

All the practitioners in the Scarlet Cloud Hall watched what happened. After realizing that the strength of the 'Master of the Abyss Sea' had improved a bit that day, the practitioners in the afternoon city did not choose to attack, but retreated without hesitation! And it was divided into three teams and started to escape! After all, there are too many practitioners, and there are more than 3,000 practitioners in Tianwu City. Even if they cooperate with each other, they overlap in many aspects.

Carefully selected and divided into three teams, perfect cooperation.

Compared with a large team formed by more than 3,000 practitioners, each team's strength is not much different.


"Let's go to Scarlet Cloud City and join hands with the practitioners of Scarlet Cloud City! When we get there, the strength of the master of Abyss Sea will decline. We will join forces with Scarlet Cloud City at that time, and with that Emperor Feixue here, we have a lot to offer!" Hope to kill the master of the Abyss Sea."

"Good luck to all of you."

"good luck."

The three teams immediately abandoned the city quickly and began to flee.

The three teams of them, like three sharp swords, broke through the obstacles of the Chaotic Source life group, and fled quickly! Although the number of these Chaotic Source beings is large, because the team of practitioners is relatively dense, the number of 'Chaotic Source beings' that can besiege the team of practitioners at the same time is only over ten thousand at most! The team of practitioners doesn't care at all.

The master of the abyss sea is only 1,800 miles high at the moment, and his speed is much slower. These three teams formed battle formations with each other in the 'escape', and the one with the most terrifying speed erupted. Slow down.

"Stop them, stop them." The master of Abyss Sea ordered through voice transmission.

"Hurry up, hurry up." The practitioners are frantically desperate. Once they are caught up, there is no favorable location for the city. With so many Chaotic Source beings helping the master of Abyss Sea, a team of more than a thousand practitioners may be wiped out! After all, there is only one "Flying Snow Emperor". If there is Fei Xuedijun, the master of Abyss Sea will have no help, and the threat will be reduced by half. Even a team dares to fight the master of Abyss Sea.

Unfortunately, Emperor Feixue is far away in Scarlet Cloud City!