Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 1374: One step kills


Although he wanted to save these little practitioners, the tall and thin man in black robe was just a weapon spirit after all, so he couldn't do anything about it. Even at this moment, what he cared more about was: "I have already submitted an inspection, and I hope the inspection can arrive in time. Kill this newly promoted world-class Chaotic Source life, or let him escape, it will be an extra calamity."

Under the predicament of being imprisoned and tortured in the holy world of practice, he still breaks through, and his blood is noble. Once he escapes, everything will be unclear in the future. With the potential shown by the other party, it is expected to reach the "peak of world-class chaotic source life".

"Ho ho~~" The tentacle of the master of the abyss sea with a height of eight thousand miles and dense tic-tac-toe patterns on his skin softly entangled the chains that permeated his body, desperately trying to pull them out. out.

"Come out, come out!"

The sixteen tentacles of the master of Abyss Sea are pulling out with all their strength, his face is distorted, and his eyes are full of madness.

But no matter how he pulled it out, none of these chains could be pulled out!

"If I don't destroy this suppression circle, I won't be able to escape." The master of Abyss Sea then began to struggle hard, his body wanted to become taller, and the tentacles were still wrapped around the chains, but they were exerting force in the opposite direction, trying to connect with the chains. The huge magic circle that was held was torn apart.

buzz buzz —

Each of these chains collapsed very tightly! Forcibly suppressing the master of Abyss Sea, a world-class chaotic source life form, at a height of eight thousand miles, when the master of Abyss Sea crazily pulled out the chain, the entire holy world of practice trembled faintly, and the void began to shatter everywhere, almost In the blink of an eye, every inch of void in the entire holy world of practice was continuously shattered and healed, healed and shattered, revealing the countless secret pattern-like chains behind the membrane wall.

Countless secret pattern chains, like a huge cage, envelop the entire holy world of practice and seal the entire holy world of practice.

Hum~~ The holy world of practice is trembling, and the cage-like countless secret pattern chains burst out with dazzling light.

The master of Abyss Sea was not reconciled: "I can't even struggle. I have reached the world-level chaotic source life, but I still can't destroy this magic circle, and I can't escape!"

This result is neither good nor bad.

This plan...

In his original idea, the worst situation is that once he breaks through to a world-class chaotic source of life, if the power of the punishment and banning circle bursts out with all its power, he will be killed directly! That would be very sad, and this is also the worst scenario envisioned. But he can't help it, he must break through, otherwise there will be no hope.

In the best case, he can destroy the banning circle in one fell swoop! Destroy the entire holy world of practice, kill all practitioners, and escape easily! By the time some terrifying Hunyuan powerhouses arrived, he had already fled somewhere.

The situation today.

so so! The banning circle is not so against the sky, it will kill him directly! But it's not that fragile, and it was destroyed by him breaking free.

"Brother!" The master of Abyss Sea stopped struggling, but by virtue of his blood sense, he sensed another powerful Chaotic Origin being in a distant place beyond endless time and space, which was another world of his closest relatives. Super Chaotic Source Life. Because in the infinite chaotic source space, the distance is far away, and it can still form induction.

One is to have the same blood! The second is to be strong enough, at least to have a world-class Chaotic Source Life.

The master of the Abyss Sea has a noble bloodline, and in his bloodline, there are three people who have achieved world-class Chaotic Source Lifeforms before him!

"Huh? Howling?" In the endless distance, there was a majestic giant who was originally sleeping, and the time and space around him were sealed off. Even if other Hunyuan powerhouses passed by, it would be difficult to find him.

Now he opened his eyes.

His eyes are much larger than the sun stars in the original ancient holy world. There are countless water lights flowing on his body surface, and worlds are faintly born in the water lights. In those water light worlds, there are even weak and ordinary people Hunyuan life is surviving.

"Haha, Chenghao, my brother, have you broken through to the world level?" The majestic giant showed joy. Under the same bloodline, they have a ridiculously high number of high-level Chaotic Yuan beings, but they must reach the world level to be regarded by him. as brothers.

"Yes, I just broke through, but I'm imprisoned in a world, I can't struggle, I need rescue, I have to be fast! The world-class powerhouse under the command of the cultivator lord should have also received the news, and he will do it as quickly as possible. Hurry up." The master of Abyss Sea said via voice transmission.

"Your area is controlled by practitioners." The towering giant was a little annoyed.

"Brother, please save me." The master of Abyss Sea said eagerly.

He also knows that this is the territory of practitioners, and the truly terrifying Chaotic Source will not easily set foot in it.

"Okay! Don't worry, I'll tell you right away. There will definitely be the nearest world-class Chaotic Source life form to save you. I will definitely rescue the fourth world-class Chaotic Source life form born in my family! In terms of accumulation, After all, we are much stronger than practitioners." The towering giant said immediately, he had already locked the position of the owner of the Abyss Sea through the bloodline induction, and even if he wanted to rescue him, he would come to rescue him!

The master of Abyss Sea felt relieved.

He can't escape by himself, he can only ask his fellow clan. Although the world-class chaotic source powerhouses among practitioners are very powerful, they can only be called invincible if they hide in their own source world! It can only stick to it, and in terms of active attack, it is not much better than the world-class Hunyuan life form. The most terrifying thing is the lord! A great lord, whose strength is unpredictable, truly protected a large area of land.

But there are only eight lords in total, and the number is very small.

The master of Abyss Sea arranged everything for himself, and then turned his attention to the large group of practitioners in Chiyun City. To him, these weak practitioners who are not even Chaotic Yuan life forms are just ants, and there is no way to deal with them at all. Compared with his own life! I have arranged my own affairs properly, so I came to trample all these weak ants to death!

"Run away, quick, quick, separate."

"Scatter them all, in different directions, run away quickly! You can delay for a while, as long as you can delay until the strong man from Chaotic Source comes to kill the master of Abyss Sea, you will be saved!" , sound transmission to every practitioner, urging.

The cultivators had already fled in all directions, almost all acting alone.

Each of their bodies is protected by the power of the magic circle, which is a little power of the magic circle mobilized by the tall and thin man in black robe.

"Destroy." The master of Abyss Sea thought in his mind.

Within the range of rules around him, invisible power descended, and every practitioner felt his body sink, and his speed suddenly decreased, but he still resisted.

"Little Qi Ling, can you still mobilize some power to protect these little guys? Is it useful?" The master of Abyss Sea sneered, these little power protections allow practitioners to ignore those ordinary Chaotic Source beings, but they can face the world-class Chaotic Source The life 'Master of the Abyss Sea' is still ridiculous! The master of Abyss Sea is resisting the entire banning circle, how terrifying is his own power


As soon as he took a step, the speed was too fast, and he stepped on the nearest practitioner. When the practitioner raised his head in despair, he saw a big foot like a mountain covering the sky, and fell straight down! In an instant, this practitioner was trampled into powder.

Although the master of Abyss Sea was struggling hard before, resisting the banning circle, and communicating with the elder brother of the same clan... Those practitioners have already started to flee in all directions, and now the slowest escape is hundreds of millions of miles away, but Abyss The master of the sea only took one step, arrived there, and trampled the practitioner to death.

The speed is much, much faster than the practitioners.

"Hahaha..." The master of Abyss Sea swept his gaze, and locked on his first target among all the practitioners - Emperor Feixue!

Dongbo Snow Eagle had already started running for his life.

He even tried to activate the imprint on his wrist earlier, but it was useless. The rule domain of the master of the abyss sea affected a vast area around him, and he couldn't leave at all. In fact, if 'Yuan' really spends enough money to refine life-saving things for a little guy, it will still be able to resist the rules of a world-class chaotic source of life... But Dongbo Xueying and Beihe Great Emperor, after all, what they get is the Forbidden Land Snake The door left in the corridor of the tooth can activate the escape technique three times.

If the world-class Hunyuan powerhouse didn't notice it, he would naturally be able to escape easily.

But under their noses, within the scope of the rules, want to escape? This escape technique is not enough.

"I planned to go to the third world after this war is over if I can't get the Lord's gift. I didn't expect the master of Abyss Sea to break through to the world-class chaotic source life level." Dong Bo Snow Eagle also Feeling helpless, unlike most practitioners in the holy world of practice, he has a clone, so he is not afraid of the fall of the clone.

"It seems that the tempering the lords give to the little ones will also go wrong." Dong Bo Snow Eagle secretly said.

The master of Abyss Sea locked on the first target, Emperor Feixue, and because of Dong Bo Xueying's newly realized secret technique of water droplets, his flying speed ranked among the top dozens of nearly 20,000 practitioners who fled in all directions! Naturally, it was also one of the dozens that escaped the farthest.

Locking on the direction of Emperor Feixue, the master of Abyss Sea walked over step by step.

He was not in a hurry to kill Dong Bo Xue Ying directly, but followed this direction, killing him step by step! Every step he took would trample the practitioner to death, and he kept approaching Dongbo Xueying.


One step kills.

The huge footsteps are thousands of miles long, and his speed is too fast, and it is impossible to avoid it when he steps on it.

"I didn't expect that I would die at the hands of a world-class Chaotic Source being." A cultivator turned his head and looked behind him, and even slowed down. He knew that no matter how fast he ran, it was useless. When he came over, the cultivator's eyes were calm, and poof—he immediately turned into powder.


The master of the abyss sea continued to move forward.

"Is it coming to me? No!" Emperor Beihe was also fleeing. He was only a perfect god emperor, and his speed was not his specialty. His running speed could only be regarded as a mediocre level among practitioners. He sensed the abyss behind him. The master of the sea kills every step, and is approaching rapidly.