Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 1380: Chaotic source powerhouse Dongbo Snow Eagle



Consciousness is roaring, but the original huge and vast source world has become a part of himself. Dongbo Snow Eagle looks at the source world now, but it feels like an ordinary person is looking at the lines on the palm of his hand.

"it's beautiful."

Dongbo Snow Eagle's life level is rapidly improving, and his consciousness is constantly rising, surpassing the entire source world.

As if overlooking the entire source world, the source world is very beautiful, like a glowing disc! Under the "vision" of his current Hunyuan powerhouse, the source world of his hometown is a disc emitting a hazy light, which is incomparably beautiful. It's just that the disk is expanding at an extremely slow speed, and the disk is full of bumps and holes, and its texture is also very sparse, so there are many problems at first glance.

This is a source world on the verge of catastrophe.

"Hoo hoo~~~"

Dongbo Snow Eagle could clearly feel that the "world origin" of the source world easily transformed the power of the chaotic source in the endless chaotic source space into the source power, protecting all living beings in the source world. This conversion is extremely efficient. How big the consumption is, how fast the conversion will be. It's just that the origin of the world itself has a limit, so the sentient beings it carries also have a limit.

"In the source world, my power is indeed inexhaustible. No matter how fast I consume it, the source world can replenish it immediately." Dong Bo Snow Eagle secretly said, "However, it is a bit difficult to replenish the power in the clone outside."

Now the physical body and soul in the origin world of his hometown are undergoing rapid transformation.

Both the body and soul are advancing towards the chaotic source level of the world realm. The body and soul at this level are too terrifying, and the power required is too vast! That is to say, the replenishment of the "world origin" of the active world can be restored quickly.

Like Hunyuan powerhouses, they usually arrange a 'main battle avatar' outside, responsible for guarding important areas or fighting! And many things such as patrolling, inspecting, and teaching younger generations are all arranged for some weak clones to do it!

"At this moment, I am unique in this infinite chaotic source space."

Many avatars in my hometown, in Jiexin Continent, and in the holy world of practice, are all part of my power.

As a world-class chaotic source life form.

His strength naturally has a limit, if one clone is strong, the other clones will be weak!

One avatar is like occupying 90% of the strength! The others are hundreds of millions of clones, which can only add up to 10% of their strength! Therefore, there are some weak avatars of Chaotic Source powerhouses who are only responsible for scouting or traveling around, and the power contained in them is very weak. But no matter how weak it is... it is essentially at the level of Chaotic Source powerhouses, a trace of strength can easily kill half Chaotic Source life forms.

"The power contained in the world-class chaotic source life form is too terrifying."

"Even if the main battle clone is destroyed, a weak clone needs an infinite amount of energy to be raised to the level of the main battle clone... It will take a long, long time to simply absorb from the infinite chaotic source space." Dongbo Snow Eagle secretly said, "And The absorption and conversion efficiency of the world's origin is much higher."

Dongbo Snow Eagle felt the power at the Hunyuan powerhouse level, and gradually understood the fighting methods at this level.

For example, the main battle avatar died in battle outside!

Generally, a clone of the main battle is cultivated from the source world, and then rushes over there!

As for the weak clone absorbing the power of Chaotic Source? That efficiency is too low!


"World-class Chaotic Source powerhouses generally can only absorb power from the world source of their own source world. But I am different." Dongbo Snow Eagle's heart moved, "My soul can easily integrate into any 'no master' The origin of the world can quickly absorb power through the origin of the world."

Dongbo Snow Eagle suddenly discovered that he was special compared to other world-class Hunyuan powerhouses.

That is, if I have many avatars, scattered in some unowned worlds, guarding various places! Then, once the enemy is found, the main battle clone can be completely dissipated. Let the nearest avatar rely on the 'world origin' to quickly absorb power and upgrade to the level of the main combat avatar.

"Is this also the benefit of reaching the ultimate state of the soul path?" Dong Bo Snow Eagle secretly exclaimed.

The breakthrough of the soul path is such a great help to the Chaotic Source powerhouse.

When Dongbo Xueying's life level was raised, he jumped out of the cage and directly crossed over to the world-class chaotic source life form. In the entire home source world, countless creatures recovered from the illusion. They all forgot what they thought from the bottom of their hearts just now. It's the idea of the master of the source world. Now that the source of the world has been refined, Dong Bo Snow Eagle naturally let them forget everything they experienced in the illusion.

All living beings in the source world can return to normal life.

Although Patriarch Tianyu, Sword Master and others were not instilled with ideas, they were a little shocked and puzzled after waking up. Because Dongbo Snow Eagle didn't hide the fact that they were recruited.

"Caught in an illusion? Such a powerful illusion?" The sword master was surprised, "Is it Snow Eagle?"

On the Jiexin Continent, since Dong Bo Xue Ying's strength surpassed the five supreme beings, Emperor Xia and Sword Master often came to ask for advice, and they also experienced Dong Bo Xue Ying's soul tricks.

Although the sword master would also sink in the past, he barely had a process of resistance.

This time, it was a silent attack.

"Snow Eagle's strength has improved again?" The sword master secretly marveled, but he didn't know that Dongbo Snow Eagle had already stepped into the world-class chaotic source life level at this moment.

One of them knew that Dong Bo Snow Eagle had broken through.

City Lord Luo, who was drinking tea in the teahouse, watched the countless lives around him stagnate for a breath, all of them in a state of sluggishness, and even City Lord Luo felt that countless creatures in the entire source world were affected, and after one breath, they all returned to normal .

"Illusionary Realm? Has it reached this level? Is it the ultimate?" City Lord Luo was also a little surprised and curious.

"Dong Bo Snow Eagle has really come this far."

"Huh? The world has an owner?"

"World-class chaotic source life?"

City Lord Luo has such a keen sense. He first confirmed that there is an owner in this source world, and then he discovered that Dongbo Snow Eagle's body and soul were transforming and leaping.

"Haha..." City Lord Luo smiled brightly, "As soon as the Illusory Dao reaches its ultimate level, will it quickly become a world-class chaotic source life?"

"Among the world-class Hunyuan beings, Dong Bo Snow Eagle should be the one who is best at soul tricks. I don't know where he will go in the future. Can he become a lord?"

As long as you master the Dao at the Chaotic Source level, you will be a lord!

Like 'Yuan', as the oldest lord, he was a world-class chaotic source life first, and then gradually became a lord after a long period of accumulation.

"With a master in this world, I don't need to guard here." City Lord Luo nodded slightly.

He is the lord.

Protecting a large territory, the source world of Dongbo Xueying's hometown is within the domain of City Lord Luo! Because he was afraid that this source world would encounter a real 'catastrophe', City Lord Luo arranged for a clone to be in charge of guarding it for a long time. Although this avatar is weak, its realm is still there, and it can naturally detect all potential dangers.

As for the big bust? City Lord Luo didn't care.

The destruction and rebirth of the source world is a normal process, not a 'catastrophe'.

"It hasn't been guarded for too long, so there is no need to guard." City Lord Luo smiled.

Originally, this source world belonged to the territory of 'Yuan'.

After City Lord Luo broke through, the other lords immediately re-divided the territory! Giving a large area of territory to City Lord Luo, after all, protecting a vast territory... is also very hard for the lord.

After the division, this source world is also within the domain of City Lord Luo.


When a world has a master, even the world-level Chaotic Origin powerhouses can rival the master in their own source world! Of course there is no need for care.

"Dongbo Snow Eagle, congratulations!" Lord Luo said with a voice transmission.

"City Lord Xie Luo has always protected my hometown, the source world." Dongbo Snow Eagle also said through voice transmission. He also gradually learned that the lords protect a large area of territory, and even the source world is protected by them.

"I didn't shelter for too long, it's just a trivial matter, you don't need to be distracted if you are still breaking through." City Lord Luo said.


Dongbo Snow Eagle was indeed in the process of breaking through.

The body and soul are breaking through, and he himself is also familiar with it.

"The source world is a bit broken, let's restore it first." With a thought, Dong Bo Xueying boomed~~~ All the power in the entire source world moved according to Dong Bo Xueying's will, and the source world that was originally slowly expanding It began to shrink suddenly, and the shrinkage was still very large. The "chaos void" in the source world was shrinking, and the universes were moving with the shrinking of the chaotic void.

The distance between universes is also shrinking, only one-half, one-fifth, one-tenth, one-twentieth of the original...

Under Dong Bo Xueying's observation, the entire source world, this "disc" with some pits and holes, is being repaired quickly, and the disc itself is shrinking sharply, from sparse to dense! The shrinking of the source world stopped when it was reduced to only about one percent of its original size.

The 'disk' transformed into the source world at this moment is extremely meticulous, even extremely smooth.

If we talk about the original source world, a guy who is not even a chaotic source life form can easily infiltrate it with the Great Boundary Breaking Teleportation Technique. So now, it is the aloof lord! are impenetrable.

Completely banned, leaving no flaws.

Of course, if the owner of the world allows...you can go in!

There is a big difference between a source world with an owner and a source world without an owner!

"It recovered quickly."

Dong Bo Snow Eagle felt his control over the source world, as if he controlled his own body.

"It's no wonder that in the source world, he can rival the lord." Dong Bo Snow Eagle marveled, if he punched out with one punch... he could combine all the power of the source world into one punch, and this The power of the fist is unimaginable.

Like a lord.

If it comes to a source world without an owner, the power will explode completely, enough to destroy a source world.

Because the power of the source world is scattered, there is no way to resist it! In order to promote the Great Destruction, the source world naturally bred the Destruction Demon Race! The source world itself cannot form an effective method at all, because it only operates with basic rules.

And the master...

Then you can gather all the power of a source world into one body! Nature is invincible.

Homeworld, the source world, is a small chaotic land without life.

Dongbo Xueying stood here with a puzzled look on his face.

Now his body is incomparably perfect, and even when he moves his mind, there are countless gray secret lines flowing on the surface of his skin, and his eyes are also extremely deep.

"My body and soul have reached the chaotic source level, and it is a world-class chaotic source level." Dongbo Snow Eagle felt his own strength, his eyes could easily penetrate the source world, and see the endless chaotic source space outside, Even seeing the source worlds in the distance, he can see a very wide range.

Even if it is deliberate, it can even lock a certain place for careful investigation.

This is the natural ability of the world-class chaotic source life 'eye'.

"My every move has great power, and now I can punch at random, and it can contain the mystery of Chaotic Source level." Dong Bo Xueying frowned and shook his head, "But being able to use it does not mean comprehending the essence."

Just like a mortal, with a bow and arrow, he can use it to attack the enemy.

But how are bows and arrows made? Why is it so strong? What are the mysteries of bowing? What are the special features of arrows

I don't understand these, but they can be used as well.

And if you can comprehend the essence, it will be different! For example, understand how bows and arrows are made, and how can bows be more powerful? What kind of material should the arrow choose to be more powerful? How are the materials produced? Once you understand everything, you can make perfect bows and arrows by yourself!

This is the case with 'Lords'. They have mastered the Dao of Chaotic Source, and they can push their life level to the highest level - the Lord level. It is naturally different to be able to maximize the display of strength during battle.

"The Hunyuan powerhouses also need to comprehend, the more mysteries they comprehend, the stronger the strength of their physical body and soul will be able to be exerted." Dong Bo Snow Eagle secretly said.

If one's own strength is tapped to a peak, it will be the peak of the world-class Hunyuan life.

Want another life leap...to the lord level

Then one must realize the 'Tao' at the Chaotic Source level, which is also what every world-class Chaotic Source powerhouse desires.

Because the accumulation was the deepest in the 'Void Road' and 'Virtual Realm Road'.

Therefore, Dongbo Snow Eagle can quickly comprehend some mysteries of the chaotic source level 'Void Dao' contained in the body, and even use it to display some methods! At the same time, by comprehending one's own soul, one can also deduce some methods. Every world-class chaotic source life form has its own specialties. For the time being, Dongbo Snow Eagle is good at two aspects: the Dao of the Void and the Illusionary Realm.

"By the way, there is one more thing that needs to be resolved." Dongbo Snow Eagle looked towards the edge of the chaotic void, "Holy Master! It's time to deal with him!"


a thought.

The maze corridor that originally bred the Destroyer Demon Race was completely shattered, and all the Destroyer Demon Race hidden inside died, except for the Holy Lord.

"My source world doesn't need to destroy the demon race." Dong Bo Xueying whispered softly. Destroying the demon race, which was born for destruction, Dong Bo Snow Eagle is very displeased. Naturally, there are other means to sharpen the creatures in the source world . This kind of massacre destroys the demons, it is better for them all to dissipate. Like the Jiexin Continent, the demons were not destroyed.

"Holy Lord."

Dongbo Snow Eagle sneered.

Even if he became a Hunyuan powerhouse, his killing intent towards the Holy Master did not decrease at all.


The Holy Lord, who has been hiding in the corridor of the maze, was shocked when he felt the great changes in the entire source world. At his level, he can sense that the source world is approaching the Great Destruction.

But suddenly the original world is recovering rapidly, and the original world is getting stronger! And the chaotic void is shrinking

The distance between the lost world corridor and the 'Old Sacred World' is shrinking.

"What's going on?" The Holy Master was stunned.

The chaotic void has been expanding, why did it suddenly shrink? And the magnitude of the shrinkage is terrifying.

Shrunk to half? one tenth? One-twentieth

The Lord is a little enlightened!

"What happened?" Holy Master had a faint fear in his heart, he guessed a possibility, "Has a master been born in this source world?"

He has been pursuing to control the source world, and now there is a strong man who can do it


The surrounding maze corridor space exploded and shattered directly.

The Holy Master stared blankly at the surroundings, everything was shattered, everything in the corridor of the lost world dissipated, even the Destroyer Demon Race was wiped out, leaving only him, the Holy Master, alive.

"Huh." A young man in white appeared in front of him.

The Holy Master looked at the white-clothed young man who was walking in front of him, his aura was magnificent and lofty, and the Holy Master couldn't help but kneel down. As soon as he got down on one knee, the Holy Master immediately stood up with gritted teeth and stared at Dong Dong. Bo Xueying, his body was trembling under the invisible coercion, his teeth were clenched tightly, and blood was seeping through.

"Dongbo Xueying!" The Holy Master stared at Dongbo Xueying, "Have you finally reached this point? Have you taken control of this source world, and become a Chaotic Source powerhouse?"

Dong Bo Xue Ying just looked at him and didn't say anything.

"Are you going to kill me, or are you going to torture me?" The Holy Master growled, he knew that with everything he had done, it would be normal for this Dongbo Snow Eagle to torture him for endless years. In front of Dong Bo Snow Eagle today, he was as incapable of resisting as an ant.


Dongbo Xueying shook his head, "You should disappear in this world, forever."


The Holy Master was completely wiped out! There is no dust left.

Dong Bo Xue Ying shook his head slightly. When he saw the Holy Master, the gap in their lives was too great, so Dong Bo Xue Ying simply wiped them out.

"Master." Dong Bo Xueying thought of his master Gu Qi, he hadn't met and chatted with Gu Qi's real body yet.

"There is a chance." Dongbo Snow Eagle smiled.

"There are also father, mother, and many others." Dong Bo Xueying smiled.

He can easily sense all the lives that have been born in the history of this 'source world'! From the first era when the source world was born, the first life began... Dong Bo Snow Eagle has mastered all the creatures in the history of the source world. Naturally, he also masters many creatures in this era, such as his parents, younger brother Tongshu, Zongshu, and others, such as master Gu Qi and the others...

As long as there are beings that have appeared in the history of the world, they can range from mortals to cosmic gods!

As long as it doesn't become a chaotic source! I can move them from the time when they died to the present, so that they can easily have eternal life.

This is the means of the 'source world master'.

life and death? past future

It doesn't mean much to the master of the source world. In his own source world, regardless of the past or the future, whether he is alive or dead, as long as he does not become a chaotic source life, he is under the control of the master of the source world.

"My current soul is much stronger than the level of half-chaotic source life." Dongbo Snow Eagle said with emotion, "I estimated before that it would take about billions of years to transform the half-chaotic source of the empty realm and the virtual world illusion Dao is perfectly integrated. But now, my soul is stronger than before. I don’t know how many times.”

The soul of a world-class chaotic life form is indeed at a much higher level than the soul of a semi-chaotic life form.

In his mind at this moment, the Dao of the Void is constantly absorbing many mysteries of the ultimate realm, the Dao of the Illusionary Realm, and is constantly combining with each other. This kind of progress is too fast.


"In two hours, will the fusion be successful?" Dong Bo Xueying murmured secretly, "By then, will he become a lord?"