Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 1383: The lord (in the finale)


Taoist Chifeng brought Dongbo Xueying back and forth in the vast and infinite chaotic source space.

The Chaotic Source space is too vast and vast, even for a strong Hunyuan expert to travel through it, it would take a lot of time.


A bloody silk thread suddenly turned into two figures, it was Taoist Chifeng and Dongbo Xueying.

"Look, it's there." Taoist Chifeng pointed to the front, "The chaotic source void tunnel has been pierced, and the enemy is about to appear."

Dongbo Snow Eagle even looked at it, and with his current sense of Chaotic Source Void, he could also feel that that piece of Chaotic Source Space was very strange, as if there was a fixed passage inside from afar.

"It's appeared." Dong Bo Snow Eagle also clearly sensed it.

A gigantic creature came out of the tunnel, and once he came out, his body size skyrocketed and returned to normal. His size was about one percent of the normal source world, and even standing there caused a sensation. The surge of countless chaotic source powers around him, and the rules of his body's natural release, impacted the chaotic source power.

The twelve golden horns on his head are all piercing upwards, and the eight arms are strong and strong, on which there are countless rules of Chaotic Source levels flowing mysteriously.

Different parts of his body have different time flow speeds. Some areas have fast time flow speeds, and some areas have slow time flow speeds. The space is even more intertwined, but the same space can have many body parts folded here. His existence... is like an ultra-small source world.

"It's him? Yan?" Taoist Chifeng looked at him from a distance, his expression changed immediately, and he even sent a voice transmission to Dong Bo Xueying, "Emperor Feixue, Yan is a world-class Chaotic Source late stage, and the accumulation is extremely thick, so it's not easy to mess with, you Procrastinate if you can, and it’s okay if you can’t, remember, don’t fight recklessly. The gap in strength between you is too big, so my weak clone won’t stay here anymore, so as not to be affected by you two.”

Saying that, Taoist Chifeng quickly turned into a blood-colored silk thread, and immediately fled towards the direction of the holy world of practice.

In the vast Hunyuan space, a silver-haired, three-eyed man is traveling at high speed. He is a world-class Hunyuan powerhouse with a famous "Sirius guest". The strong man is definitely a well-known general under the command of the eight lords, and is now being ordered to help.

Not only him, but also other strong men are rushing to support here.

Because the enemy launched a large-scale offensive this time, the side of the holy world of practice is one of the important battlefields.

Among the many powerhouses rescued, Sirius was the fastest, but it still took about an hour to arrive.

"Yan?" Sirius was on his way, and at the same time, he was investigating from afar, and he immediately discovered the appearance of 'Yan'.

If he goes there, one-on-one, it will take some time and even be sure to kill him.

"Emperor Flying Snow." The Sky Wolf guest sent a message immediately, and Dong Bo Xueying's new treasure left a mark, and his power mark naturally spread quickly, and other Hunyuan powerhouses could also use this to get in touch.

"I, Sirius, come here on orders, and I will rush to help you as soon as possible. You must be careful and keep a sufficient distance from him! If the distance is a little closer, your main battle avatar is in danger of falling. Remember." The Sirius sent a message, "I have fought against Yan, and this is his detailed information."

Dongbo Xueying was reminded by Taoist Chifeng and Sirius, and also received information.

"Keep enough distance?" Dongbo Xueying held a black spear and walked over with endless chaotic power. While walking, his body size also skyrocketed... In the end, his body size was even bigger than that of Sirius. One size smaller, only half the height of the opponent. This was already the limit Dong Bo Snow Eagle could maintain without affecting his strength.

"Your name is Emperor Feixue? You killed Cheng Howling?" Yan stood there, looking at Dong Bo Snow Eagle with a pair of dark yellow eyes. Although the distance between the two sides was still quite far, they could see each other clearly.

"Chenghao? Are you talking about the one who was imprisoned in the Abyss Sea? If it was him, I would indeed have killed him." Dong Bo Xueying still walked, each step using escapism to cross a long distance, speed extremely fast.

Even if two creatures with the size of the 'ultra-small source world' do not use many mysteries, the simple steps are ridiculously large.

"The new world-class Hunyuan has mid-term strength?" Yan walked over, thinking secretly, they all died as soon as their life cores were destroyed, so they were more cautious. When digging out the blood, the first thing to do is to dig out the life-saving power To the extreme, these strong beings born with chaotic origin are usually the strongest in many aspects of life preservation!

"Let's destroy his main battle clone first." Yan didn't feel any threat.

The distance between the two sides narrowed sharply.

"Emperor Feixue, don't get too close, use your tricks from a distance." Sirius sent a message urgently.

"Emperor Feixue, be careful, don't get close." Taoist Chifeng was also shocked, "Keep a distance from him."

Dongbo Xueying didn't pay attention at all.

The distance between the two sides is still shrinking.

"Hoho~~~" Yan's dark yellow eyes were full of killing intent.


However, Dongbo Xueying's mind moved, and in the sea of consciousness, a figure who seemed to be more charming than the chaotic source crystal jade stood there, which was exactly the condensed soul of Dongbo Xueying. This is the soul of a world-class Chaotic Source powerhouse. Although it presents the color of Chaotic Source Crystal Jade, it is more restrained, and there are faint traces of dark light flowing inside. Each dark light, if carefully analyzed, is countless mysteries, vast Endless.

The soul is one, mysterious and mysterious.

It is difficult for ordinary Hunyuan powerhouses to dig out the deep-level means contained in the soul.

Dongbo Snow Eagle is the ultimate in the realm of illusion! After a brief inspection of the soul, he immediately understood many tricks that he could use.


A misty and illusory world appeared around, covering an endless vast area, which was thousands of times larger than the diameter of the source world. Also shrouded the 'rock' in the distance in the illusory world.

This is the first time that Dongbo Snow Eagle has used his soul tricks after becoming a Hunyuan powerhouse.

The mystery contained in this trick is a trick that Dongbo Snow Eagle has accumulated from his own observation and comprehend from the current soul, and it is a trick at the Chaotic Source level! And it's a world-class chaotic source-level soul power... In terms of power, it's many times stronger than when it was a semi-chaotic source life form.

"Huh? What kind of trick is this?" Yan suddenly felt flustered, and the illusory world that appeared around him was dragging his soul.

Yan's life core was trembling.

With all my strength I resisted.

"Kill." Dong Bo Xue Ying shot a long spear and came close to him.

"What a weird trick, it's actually a trick aimed at the soul. I have met so many world-class Chaotic Source powerhouses, and I have never seen such a terrible soul trick." Yan was shocked, although among the Chaotic Source powerhouses, some Soul tricks. In terms of power, Dongbo Snow Eagle is definitely the most terrifying of the world-class Chaotic Sources he has encountered.

bang bang bang...

The two sides had already played against each other in an instant.

"Huh? How did Yan's moves become so weak? Didn't even show half of his strength." Sirius was also watching the battle on the way, and couldn't help being surprised.

"Yan's strength is much weaker, and it has something to do with the illusory world that manifested? Well, Emperor Feixue's strength should have reached the middle stage of Chaotic Source in the world. Now that Yan's strength has dropped drastically, he should be able to fight head-on. Taoist Chifeng watched the battle from a distance, heaved a sigh of relief, but his expression changed immediately, "It's not good! It's going to be bad!"

Dongbo Xueying and Yan were fighting.

Although Yan's strength has dropped drastically, he is still several percent stronger than Dongbo Xueying, but the two sides only exchanged dozens of moves, and Dongbo Xueying failed to block the opponent's eight arms with just one spear, and the opponent's two arms were entangled. Dongbo Snow Eagle's long spear, the other six arms directly pierced Dongbo Snow Eagle's body, once pierced, easily penetrated, swiped~~~~

Under a violent tearing and shaking force, Dong Bo Snow Eagle's body was completely reduced to dust.

It will be destroyed with one move!

The spear fell into Yan's hands.

"What?" One of Yan's eight hands was holding the black spear, wondering, "Why is his body protection so weak? How could I destroy his body with one move?"

According to common sense, a Hunyuan strongman will fully dig out many of his own tricks, and even try his best to dig out many life-saving aspects such as 'body protection', 'defense', 'body', so generally even if the body is hit, it is only a minor injury. Generally, it takes a long time to fight, and even flees immediately when the situation is not good. It is not easy to kill.

Such as Sirius, have fought against Yan! Neither could kill.

Dongbo Snow Eagle was defeated in an instant, and the clone of the main battle was destroyed. Daoist Chifeng and Sirius, who were originally hopeful, were also somewhat enlightened.

"I'm still counting on him to delay for a little longer, and he will be wiped out so soon." Taoist Chifeng and Sirius were a little speechless.

"No matter what, he is also a strong man who has achieved Hunyuan, why is he so careless?"

Can become Hunyuan, is there any fool

But Dongbo Xueying's behavior left them speechless.


At this moment, the holy world of practice suddenly crazily swallowed the power of the surrounding chaotic source, and the endless power of chaotic source continued to pour into the holy world of practice, transformed by the source of the world.

A weak clone of Dong Bo Snow Eagle stayed in the holy world of practice. If the weak clone absorbs the power of Chaotic Source by itself, it would be too slow! Let the world source of the practice world absorb it... In terms of the efficiency of absorbing and transforming the power of Chaotic Source, the source of the world has a huge advantage. The source world is compared to the source world.


Dongbo Snow Eagle's body was rapidly becoming stronger, and in just three breaths, his body had recovered to the level of the main battle clone.

"My recovery ability is really great. Relying on a world without an owner, I can quickly raise the weak avatar." Dongbo Xueying secretly sighed, "Unfortunately, it can only be this kind of world that does not exclude me .”

Like the most powerful world — Source World!

They are very repulsive to life in other source worlds, and when alien life comes to the source world, the limit is the level of 'Chaos Realm'! Even the high-ranking 'Lord' who entered a source world was also suppressed to the Chaos Realm. Ruo City Lord and the others are like this. They can't stop them from destroying the demons.

If you use strong

A lord broke out completely, and the result was that the source world exploded and destroyed! In the source world, it can be said that it is better to bend than to bend! Of course, that's because its operation is a natural operation with rules. There is no fear in itself.

In the vast Chaotic Source space... In addition to the source world, the Chaotic Source powerhouses also built many worlds as their own residences. After all, high-level Chaotic Source beings cannot control the source world, and can only live in some newly-built worlds, such as the Thunder World is a similar world. Although the world built by the strong Chaotic Source is very rough and weak, it will not exclude the strong Chaotic Source. Because of the repulsion, even the Chaotic Source powerhouses can't get in! As long as Dongbo Snow Eagle can enter, he can quickly borrow the power of a world without a master source.

"It's a shame to have recovered your strength. You lost so quickly, and you lost even the weapons you just refined." Dongbo Snow Eagle also had no choice but to fly out of the holy world of cultivation immediately.

Once out of the holy world of practice.

I saw the red-nosed old man 'Taoist Chifeng' standing outside in the chaotic source space, and the Taoist Chifeng looked at Dongbo Snow Eagle who came out of the holy world of practice behind him in surprise: "You you you...you weak clone, why did you die so quickly? Has it reached the strength of the avatar's aura? Is it because of you that you practiced in the holy world and swallowed the power of the surrounding world crazily?"

He paid all his attention to the enemy 'rock' in the distance, and didn't care about the interior of the holy world of practice.

"Yes." Dong Bo Xueying nodded, "My weak clone can improve its strength, and it's also my method. I'll talk about it later when I can."

"Okay, okay, hurry up and stop the delay. The longer you delay, the less damage he will cause. He is coming here. This is the treasure of communication. Have you lost the previous one?" Taoist Chifeng threw another message Lian said, "Don't be reckless this time."

"I'm ashamed, ashamed, I just broke through, and I haven't researched some methods of protecting myself and my life." Dong Bo Xueying said.


A qualified world-class Hunyuan powerhouse will study many rules and mysteries of the body, and even dig out many secret techniques to make the body stronger! For example, the newly-promoted world-class Chaotic Source, to the middle stage of the world's Chaotic Source... the normal physical body will be three or four times stronger. There is also the secret technique of body protection, which forms many protective layers on the body surface, like the skin film formed on the surface of the master of the abyss sea, which is a kind of secret technique of body protection.

There are also some defensive tricks in battle.

In short, the strength of the body itself, the secrets of body protection, defensive moves, escape moves... all of these are complete, and this is considered qualified for life-saving. In terms of combat, there are also domineering, insidious, or weird tricks... only by digging in all aspects can they be strong enough.

And Dong Bo Snow Eagle's thoughts are all on the aspect of 'the Tao of the Void absorbs the Tao of the Illusory Realm', and he wants to reach the lord level in one fell swoop.

He didn't delve into similar tricks at all.

The strength of his physical body...is still a new world-class chaotic source level! He didn't deliberately think about any secrets of body protection. It was just that he failed to defend against one move and was wiped out.

"Whoosh." Yan was rushing towards the holy world of practice.

Suddenly, he saw the familiar figure of the young man in white coming out of the holy world of practice, and his body swelled sharply again to only a size smaller than him.

"Emperor Feixue?" Yan was taken aback, "What's going on..."

The main battle avatar.

Shouldn't there be only one? For the weak clone to be promoted to the main battle clone, the energy required is astonishing, and it takes a long, long time to absorb the power of Chaotic Source! Sent from your own source world? It will take a long time to travel.

"He obviously came out of that prison world, and that prison world is a rough world created by the lord, not the source world, so it can't be his lair." Yan was extremely puzzled.


Can't figure it out! As soon as one main battle clone was destroyed, another main battle clone emerged.

"Destroy it first." Yan didn't think about it any more, and killed him directly.


Dong Bo Snow Eagle once again used the illusory world, this time he kept his distance, and used many combat moves. At least in terms of pure attack, he is a qualified world-class Chaotic Source Middle Stage, and even realized new moves one after another.

He didn't deliberately comprehend it.

Ascension of the physical body? Secret technique of body protection? Escape the secret technique? He didn't realize it.

But with the passage of time, the 'combination of the Dao of the Void and the Dao of the Illusionary Realm' is getting deeper and deeper, and the accumulation is getting deeper and deeper. Even if you don't spend any effort, you will feel that the many mysteries contained in the body are becoming easier to understand , naturally a secret technique emerged from my mind! This is 'it will happen'.

"Seal!" Dongbo Xueying was so blessed that he realized a new move, and immediately stretched out his hands.

A series of chains suddenly appeared in the surrounding chaotic source space, countless chains surrounded this area, and also entangled 'Yan', and even part of the void chains penetrated into the body of 'Yan'. 'Yan' suddenly changed his face... He felt the power of this terrifying forbidden secret technique, which suddenly made his strength drop again.

"This forbidden field is definitely a trick of the world-class Hunyuan late stage." Yan was startled, "He is so weak, how can the forbidden field be so strong?"

It's so unbalanced.

A Hunyuan powerhouse should be equal in all aspects! At most, it is slightly stronger in some respects. It is impossible to produce such a large gap.

Flesh body, newly promoted world-class Hunyuan? Forbidden field tricks, world-class Chaotic Source late stage

So weird!

Yan, he hasn't encountered any danger yet, but this kind of weirdness makes him feel a little bad.

He looked at the white-clothed young man in front of him, feeling weird and unable to see through.

Except for the ban field tricks, the other offensive tricks are still only in the middle stage of Chaotic Source World, and there is no threat to Yan.

"Wait a little longer, if I feel something is wrong later, I will run away." Yan Xin thought to himself, he felt that his means of protecting his life were strong enough.

This delay.

It's tea time again.

It has been nearly half an hour before and after this battle.


Dongbo Snow Eagle didn't deliberately comprehend it, but the accumulation was too thick, so he naturally realized it with tricks one after another. Layers of void light began to flow on the surface of his skin. This is the secret technique of body protection! His body breath is naturally getting stronger! This is the physical body as a whole becoming stronger.

"Puff puff puff..." A palm was struck, but thousands of palms came from different voids. Under the influence of forbidden domains and imaginary worlds, Yan could not stop it.

Dongbo Snow Eagle's palm split on Yan's neck.

With this chop, the golden scales on the neck immediately shattered piece by piece, countless secret lines circulated, and there was a layer of black muscles under the golden secret lines. The muscles swirled like ropes, allowing Dong Bo Snow Eagle to split just a little, and he couldn't deep.

"Can it hurt me?" Yan was shocked.

He has a very strong life-saving ability, and the other party can actually hurt him


Yan did not hesitate to choose to escape.

Because he felt a huge threat, this person named Feixue Emperor, not counting soul moves, has now exploded with the strength of the "World Chaotic Source Late Stage". Yan felt that if he continued to delay, even if he was injured again and again, his life might be lost after a long time.

He even felt that the Emperor Feixue in front of him was more terrifying than other world-class perfections.

"His strength has improved too fast, and more powerful moves came out one after another. When I first fought against me, I completely suppressed him, and even easily destroyed his body. Now he can match the world-class Hunyuan Consummation." Yan Secretly said, "Now I still have hope of escaping. If he is promoted again, I will have no hope of escaping."


He fled wildly.

"I understand. Back then, Cheng Howl first said he could last for half an hour, and then he said he could last for a cup of tea, and then he died." Yan felt cold in his heart, "This one is called Emperor Feixue. His strength improvement is terrible."

"Escape?" Dongbo Xueying was also chasing after him. Although the illusory world affects the soul, it only takes a small amount of mental effort and this 'rock' can explode at extreme speed.

It's just that the countless void chains around him have reduced Yan's strength by a large margin.

But still faster than Dongbo Snow Eagle.

"Quick, quicker."

Seeing that the distance between the two sides was getting farther and farther, and the void chains could no longer cover Yan, and Yan's speed was faster, he was also relieved.

"Escape through the void...it should be like this." Dong Bo Snow Eagle quickly mastered a technique of escape. What he had comprehended was the fusion of the Dao of the Void and the Dao of Illusion, and he was naturally good at Escape through the Void. If you want to chase down the enemy, you must quickly master the powerful escape technique, which is faster than Zhiyan!

Yan Gang heaved a sigh of relief, but seeing the young man in white chasing him quickly, and the distance kept shortening, he was shocked: "His escaping skills have also improved?"

When the distance narrowed to a certain range, the forbidden domain was once again shrouded, and the imaginary world was also shrouded again.


"Ancestor! The strength of this Emperor Feixue is too terrifying. He is good at soul tricks and can affect most of my strength. Although my strength is comparable to mine in other aspects, I can only use part of my strength and can't escape at all. And he is a newcomer. The chaotic source of the world has been raised to such a level in a short period of time, it is too terrifying, and it needs to be eradicated as soon as possible." Yan sent out a request for help.

He must call for help.

He can't escape now, although the life-saving means can resist, but after a long time, it may still be dangerous.

A huge spherical creature.

He is a pure spherical shape, even if it is magnified hundreds of millions of times, it is the means of the Chaotic Source powerhouse to spy on it. The surface of this huge creature is absolutely round! He is one of the ancestors of Chaotic Origin Life, named 'Initial'. Among the ancestors, the original ancestors belonged to the middle and lower levels in terms of combat effectiveness. Of course, this is compared with the ancestors.

But in terms of defensive means, it is number one.

Several lords such as City Lord Luo once besieged him, but only slightly injured him. His physical existence itself represented the ultimate defense method.

"Huh? Emperor Feixue is good at soul tricks, and the newly promoted Hunyuan has late-stage strength? Counting soul tricks, it threatens Yan's life?" Shi Shi secretly said.

"Soul tricks can have such power, but I have never heard of it."

"The newcomer is so strong, it can only be that his accumulation is too thick. After the breakthrough, the past accumulation quickly turns into strength." The initial knowledge is much more extensive.

he knows.

There are some semi-chaotic source practitioners who have accumulated too much, like 'Fengyun Yiye' is considered to have accumulated deeply. But some accumulations in the Infinite Chaotic Source Space are deeper than Fengyun Yiye! Even to comprehend many 'Taos', you must know the origin of the source world, the contained Tao... as long as you can imprint more than half of it, you can refine a source world.

There is such a strong man who finally refines the world's origin and becomes a world-class chaotic source!

Because of comprehending too many Dao and accumulating too deeply, even though he is a newcomer, he can continuously tap his own physical strength and quickly climb to the world-class Chaotic Source Late Stage. It takes a little time to complete the series. Even become a lord in the future!

Similar example.

Such as 'meta'.

This is the case with Yuan, he has mastered too many 'Taos', even after he became a lord, he was able to create a source world! This is what only 'Yuan' can do among the eight lords.

Send a weak life to another source world for reincarnation! The difficulty is also very high, and the best thing is 'meta'.

"Another one who has accumulated a lot of money?" Shi Shi secretly thought, "It seems that we must prepare well and find a way to get rid of him."

It is very difficult to kill the world-class chaotic source.

Kill the main battle clone! The world-class Hunyuan powerhouse can also quickly cultivate the main battle avatar, the only way to destroy the source world lair is to cut off the root! In order to use the soul connection to directly kill all clones.

"Destroy his source world." Initial thought.

This has to be well prepared.

One-on-one, in the source world, can rival the lord.

To destroy the source world, a group attack is necessary, a group of ancestors unite!

"The eight lords of the practitioners are investigating all sides. We have to deceive them and form a sneak attack." Shi Shi secretly said, "We have to plan carefully, and even launch a large-scale war to deliberately confuse our sight."

Although launching a large-scale offensive like this time.

But the eight lords and many ancestors didn't participate in the battle, they just restrained each other. It's not easy for them to fight at this level.

"Fushi, the three of you arrive as soon as possible to rescue Yan." Shi Shi immediately sent an order to the other three men who were on their way to arrive as soon as possible.

Chifeng Taoist is outside the holy realm of practice, watching from a distance, a little dazed.

The 'Sirius', who was on his way to rescue him, had been watching the battle from a distance, and was dazzled.

"This Emperor Feixue, how could this happen?"

"In the beginning, he was quickly killed, and his body was in a mess, but then quickly came out a main battle clone? First he entangled 'Yan', and then he fought on par, and even more frightened that 'Yan' started to run away , and even failed to escape, 'Yan' was completely entangled, and now he is at an absolute disadvantage."

"This this… "

"His strength is probably almost equal to mine." Sirius was shocked.

He can see it.

Judging from the power of Feixue Emperor's attack, it only slightly injured 'Yan', so in terms of power, it should not be as powerful as his Sirius!

But 'Yan' didn't know why, but the strength he displayed was very weak, and his strength dropped drastically.

"Huh?" Sirius was startled suddenly, his eyes widened in disbelief.

Yan fled and couldn't escape, so he could barely hold on.

But suddenly Dongbo Xueying stabbed with his right hand, his fingertips were like the tip of a spear, his power suddenly increased, tearing~~~ His arm swirled and stabbed, forming circles of vortexes around, and there were countless twisted and muddy creatures around the vortex. With the source of power, Yan was affected by the 'illusory world' and 'forbidden domain', so he couldn't block this move at all, allowing Dong Bo Snow Eagle's right hand to directly penetrate Yan's chest.

Pfft, directly piercing scales, muscles and many other barriers, most of the huge body of 'Yan''s ultra-small source world was pierced.

Yan's eyes widened: "This, this..."

Although he failed to use his defensive tricks.

But his body and body protection secret technique are extremely strong, to cause such an injury, it must be a trick with the perfect power of the world-class Chaotic Source! If his six arms were able to use all of his defensive moves, even such powerful moves would at most cause him minor injuries.

But now, he couldn't protect himself, and he became a pure target.

"He is even scarier, much scarier than the world-class Chaotic Source Consummation." Yan was terrified.

"Poof, poof."

The body was blurred, and there were two consecutive stabs on the arm, each time trying to lock the life core.

Although Yan Zai tried his best to protect the life core in his body, he was finally stabbed by Dong Bo Snow Eagle's fingertips! Stabbed on the life core in the body, accompanied by the fragmentation of the life core, Yan's dark yellow eyes widened, but his breath began to annihilate.

too fast.

A total of three stabs in a row, as fast as lightning, and Yan died. At the moment of death, Yan was full of fear, and even understood that the world-class Hunyuan's perfect combat power combined with soul moves had surpassed any world he had encountered. Level Chaotic Source is complete.

Yan, before he even had time to send a message back to report, he was already dead.

"I don't have a long spear, so I can only stab with my hands. I lost the long spear too carelessly before. It's really shameful. Fortunately, the physical body at this level is strong enough." Dong Bo Xueying then pulled out the arm of the opponent's abdomen, and the stain on the arm All the bloodstains dissipated, and he couldn't help frowning slightly. Although the long spear he refined was very ordinary, it had little effect on his strength.

But at least, stabbing the enemy's body with his hands made Dong Bo Snow Eagle frown a little.

With one move, he took all the treasures left by 'Yan' into his hands.

Rock also has storage treasures, many strange things, and also has its own long spear.

"I got the spear." Dongbo Snow Eagle picked up the black spear, and then put the body of 'Yan' directly into the treasure storage.

Dongbo Snow Eagle stood in this chaotic void and waited silently.

According to City Lord Luo, there are enemies coming one after another, not just one.

"It's been an hour." Dongbo Xueying sighed in his heart. It has been an hour since he became a Chaotic Source Being. It is the power of world-class Chaotic Source Consummation. Even Dong Bo Xueying inspected his body and realized a new secret technique naturally.

The newly realized secret techniques are almost all at the Chaotic Source Consummation level of the world, and his physical body is also constantly becoming stronger.

Obviously, after accumulating to this point, realizing the world-class Chaotic Source moves is as easy as drinking water.

"There is still an hour to go to the lord level." Dong Bo Snow Eagle is looking forward to it.

call out.

The Chifeng Taoist turned into a blood-colored silk thread and escaped, exclaiming: "Emperor Feixue, did you kill 'Yan'?"

Not only him, but also the Sirius who was about to arrive at this moment was also extremely shocked.