Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 16: Destroy the mountains



Snow Eagle collar, in Snow Stone Castle, in the study.

Dong Bo Xue Ying sat behind his desk, while Zong Ling and Tong San also sat down casually.

"Snow Eagle, are you looking for us?" Tong San was a little puzzled.

"Today I went to the Archmage, and the Archmage promised to accept Qingshi as his personal disciple, but he made two requests, or fifty thousand gold coins. Or the heart of the Silver Moon Wolf King. If he meets one of his requirements, Qingshi will be fine as a disciple. It's gone." Dong Bo Xueying said.

"Fifty thousand gold coins?" Tong San glared, "It's really dark. You, Uncle Zong, and the master and I have risked life and death, but we didn't save too many treasures. Or did we have an unexpected big accident after the master became pregnant?" Harvest! Otherwise, how could your father and the others buy the title of nobility and the collar of the Snow Eagle? He only paid 50,000 gold coins for one mouthful?"

This amount is exaggerated, and it is difficult for ordinary Meteor Knights to spend all their wealth to get it.

Parents and the others were also very lucky people when they took risks outside, and adventurers originally went to some very dangerous places, and the death rate was extremely high. The parents and the others were lucky enough to survive, so they could buy titles and territories! And because everyone who dares to be an adventurer is not afraid of death and is extremely vicious, this is also the reason why the nobles in Yishui City know that Xue Yingling is very rich, but no one dares to move their minds.

"The Silver Moon Wolf King's heart is even harder." Zong Ling frowned next to him, "If it's just a pure fourth-order beast, the Silver Moon Wolf King, with Snow Eagle's current strength and our cooperation, we are still sure! But Silver Moon There are a large number of wolves under the command of the wolf king... under the siege of wolves, it is more terrifying than a wolf king."

The wolf king itself is not scary, what is scary is the pack of wolves!

Therefore, the Yinyue Wolf King is clearly a fourth-order monster, but the value of its corpse is comparable to that of a fifth-order monster!

"I'm going to enter the Destruction Mountain Range." Dong Bo Snow Eagle said.


"Too risky!"

Tong San and Zong Ling were shocked.

Where is the Mountain of Doom

It is the largest mountain range in the entire world, connecting four provinces! There are countless monsters and even extraordinary beings living in it. From generation to generation, the entire human empire has not been able to completely eliminate this huge threat. Even the main defense of the imperial army is around the Warcraft Mountains! The army often carried out some large-scale massacres on the outskirts of the mountains, and a large number of low-level monster meat could only be purchased outside.

So first-tier, second-tier, and third-tier Warcraft meat are all cheaper. From the fourth level, it suddenly increased sharply. Because Tier 4 Warcraft cannot be hunted and killed by ordinary troops, it must be the elite of the elite.

"Even if the army is dispatched on a large scale, it is still the outermost three thousand miles." Zong Ling also said, "Even the silver moon knights and title-level knights are unwilling to enter the Destroyer Mountain Range... there is not much in the outer three thousand miles." Great harvest, go deeper, you may encounter some terrifying monsters at any time!"

"That's right, Snow Eagle." Tong San also continued, "Master and I never thought of going into the Destroying Mountain Range when we took the risk! Just like you, you want to hunt and kill a fourth-tier monster, but it's impossible to let it happen by such a coincidence." You will meet the fourth level, maybe you will meet the fifth level or even the sixth level! Then you will die!"

They are all in a hurry.

Destroy the mountains

That is the ultimate lair of the enemy of all mankind, the "Warcraft"! If you go in, you're really betting your life on it.

"You didn't listen to me." Dongbo Snow Eagle laughed, "I'm planning to enter the Destruction Mountain Range, but I'm only in the outermost three thousand miles, and hunting monsters is only second. The most important thing is that I plan to Hunt the Scimitar Alliance!"

"Scimitar Alliance?" Zong Ling and Tong San's eyes lit up.

The outer three thousand miles, because they are often raided by the army, the monsters that are too strong have already withdrawn, and generally low-level monsters are here on a large scale. Every sweep is actually a large-scale fight between the army and low-level monsters... There is a steady stream of low-level monsters. Every time a group is swept away, more low-level monsters will continue to emerge from the depths of the Destruction Mountain Range.

In those three thousand miles, too many human soldiers fell, but the army also honed many strong men.

"Scimitar League? These bandits hide in the Destruction Mountain Range, and they don't dare to go too deep, and they are also in the outermost three thousand miles." Zong Ling nodded lightly, "And the leader of the Scimitar League, Gai Bin, is a shooting star Knight, he is always greedy and plundering, so there must be a lot of treasures. And the entire bandit lair probably has more treasures, but it is not easy to attack."

"The enemy is clear and we are dark, Uncle Zong, how do you think my strength compares to that of Gai Bin?" Dong Bo Xueying said.

"You are much stronger than him. I can hold on for a while if I fight against him. If I fight against you...you really put all your strength into it, but I can't even hold on." Zong Ling smiled wryly.

Normally, Dong Bo Snow Eagle has reached the peak state of Meteor Knight.

When it erupts, its strength rises to that of the Silver Moon Knight!

His marksmanship is close to that of a master marksmanship, and his battle qi movement skills are still passed down by 'Black Ice Knight' Gu Yuanhan!

"Your only weakness is that you see too little blood." Zong Ling said, "Although you executed some serious criminals in our territory, you still have too few life-and-death fights. You and us are just competing after all. "

"I understand, so this time I went to destroy the mountains... In the process of searching for the lair of the Scimitar League, I must have encountered a lot of monsters, and I can practice more." Dongbo Snow Eagle said.

"It's not easy to find the lair of the Scimitar League."

Zong Ling was a little worried, "During this process, I will encounter monsters again and again... There is even a very small possibility of encountering some powerful monsters."

Although it is three thousand miles away, it is too strong as an extraordinary level! Such as the sixth-order level is unlikely to appear. But Tier 5, Tier 4... Occasionally there will still be ones, and once the army is swept away, they will retreat early if the opportunity is not good. But for an individual like Dong Bo Snow Eagle to take risks, such a powerful monster might sneak up and kill him.

"Luck shouldn't be that bad." Dong Bo Xueying said, "And my marksmanship is quite good at defense, so I'm sure I can save my life."

"And don't destroy the mountains... If you want to earn 50,000 gold coins, how can you earn it?" Dong Bo Xue Ying shook his head.

Want to take no risks

Meteor Knight went to serve as a guest guard for a big family. It was very safe, but his annual salary was only three to five thousand gold coins. Want to get tens of thousands of gold coins? It's all about taking big risks.

"Okay." Zong Ling said, "I'll go with you. I've been there several times at least three thousand miles away."

"Uncle Zong, have you been there?" Dongbo Xueying stared in surprise.

"Well, after your parents bought the Xueying collar, I practiced alone, and I also went to the outskirts of the Destruction Mountains to hone myself." Zong Ling has his own pride as a snake-human royal family. He has always wanted to break through the sky and step into the meteor level. , It is also quite hard to force myself.

"Go and destroy the mountains, listen to your uncle, don't be careless." Tong San also entrusted.

After preparations, Dong Bo Xue Ying and Zong Ling set off with a team of hundreds of soldiers in the early morning five days later.

The castle drawbridge was put down long ago.

"Brother, come back early." Qingshi ran to the edge of the mountain and shouted loudly, Tongsan stood beside him.

"Qingshi, don't worry, listen to Uncle Tong obediently at home." Dongbo Xueying, who had already reached a distance, also responded.

"Know it."

Qingshi nodded heavily, but felt very reluctant in his heart.

Since I was a child, I haven't been separated from my brother for too long. It is said that it will take ten days and a half months for my brother to go out to do errands this time.

He didn't know that Dong Bo Xueying went out this time to earn 'tuition fees' for him.

Dongbo Xueying and his cavalry team traveled easily all the way, and in the evening, they had already reached the edge of the Ruin Mountain Range, more than 900 miles away.

The cavalry began to set up camp.

Start to take a pot to cook.

"Lao Yang."

Zong Ling and Dong Bo Xue Ying were with a bearded man named Yang Cheng, an earth-level knight who was loyal to the Dong Bo family and the captain of the hundred-man team.

Zong Ling said, "The lord and I will go into the mountains tomorrow morning, and I will leave this place to you."

"Lord Zong Ling and Lord Lord, don't worry, I will do this little thing properly, Lord Lord, you have to be careful." Yang Cheng worried, "When I was in the army, although I also swept through the periphery of the Destruction Mountain Range area. But that was when the army was dispatched, and they never went out alone. And the overwhelming number of monsters rushed to kill without fear of death... Of the brothers who joined the army with me, three or four of the ten who were able to retire safely in the end, the rest were almost They all died in the Destruction Mountains."

Dong Bo Snow Eagle nodded.

The Destroyed Mountain Range... is indeed a forbidden area, and those who dare to enter the periphery are the army and some desperate bandits. As for the deeper ones, those who dare to go in are even less pitiful.

Early the next morning, the genius was bright.

Dongbo Snow Eagle and Zong Ling, who were carrying the weapon box, quietly entered the Ruining Mountain Range on foot. There was no way to ride a horse in the Ruining Mountain Range, and the slightest disturbance of the horse might attract terrifying monsters.

"My lord, be careful." Captain Yang Cheng and some other soldiers were a little worried as they watched the black-clothed boy and the silver-haired snake man go away until they disappeared into the forests inside the Destroyed Mountain Range in the distance. not see.