Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 2: extraordinary



On the warm bed, Dongbo Xueying was leaning on the bed and reading a book, and the light from the crystal lamp next to him illuminated the whole room.

The name of the book is "Ten Extraordinary Knights".

This is a biographical novel. Dongbo Xueying likes to read stories the most, especially stories that are legendary and extraordinary. As a nobleman, his mother is a mage and has a large collection of books... Dongbo Xueying has long known Lots of common sense.

Knights can be divided into seven levels: human level, earth level, sky level, meteor, silver moon, title, and 'extraordinary'.

Among them, human rank, earth rank, and heaven rank are all considered ordinary knights.

Meteor, Silver Moon, and titles are Star Knights.

Above the Star Knight is Transcendence.

Three large levels... hard to beat! Like my father and Uncle Tong are all heavenly knights.

As for the star knights, what are star knights? It means that they are as dazzling as stars on the battlefield, and countless arrows can't hurt them.

But these belong to the power of mortals.

Even the title knight who can destroy an army of 100,000 by one person... Although there are various titles such as 'a legion of one man', 'the limit of mortals', and 'the power that is close to the gods', it is still the power of mortals. dropped.

You can step into the extraordinary!

That is the difference in quality. It is a leap of the whole life level. They are no longer mortals, but extraordinary beings. Can't even hurt them. They possess incredible, transcendent powers!

The gods are very jealous of them.

Like the legendary lava giant with a height of 1,000 meters, and the great demon of purgatory in the abyss, etc., they are also extraordinary beings. And human beings can also become 'extraordinary' through practice.

The superpowers of human beings repel the invading demons and kill all those who dare to resist!

They are the clan force of human beings, deterring all alien races!

"It would be great if I could become an extraordinary knight, catch a few demons for fun, make a giant dragon as a mount, and drink with the gods." Dongbo Snow Eagle looked at this biographical story and began to giggle, as if he had become one of them. The extraordinary knight, suddenly—


The flame lamp next to it automatically extinguished.

"Ah, why did the crystal lamp go out? So fast?" Dong Bo Xueying, who was excited to read, suddenly had a bitter face and helplessness, "It's really pitiful to have a mother who is a mage. Even the crystal lamp automatically turns off when the time comes. Lights out."

"Well, sleep!"

No light, only sleep.

Dongbo Xueying began to sleep soundly. In his sleep, he transformed himself into an extraordinary knight, omnipotent. The sleeping Dongbo Xueying couldn't help grinning, obviously the dream was very sweet.

Dong Bolie and his wife were also on the bed ready to rest.

"Dong Bo, I've been feeling restless lately." The wife lay in her husband's arms.

"Ayu, don't worry, we have been in Yishui City for eight years, and it has been peaceful. Your family has never been found. Don't worry, nothing will happen. Our family will always live in peace, ten or twenty years ... Forever and ever, they can't find us, and they will never find us." Dong Bolie gently hugged his wife.

The wife rests her head on her husband's chest.

She didn't say much, she knew how powerful her family was, and she might be caught one day.

There is a smile on the corner of her mouth. She doesn't regret the choice she made back then. It would have been a disaster for her to obey the family back then. She escaped from the family to take risks, and finally got together with the person she loved, and even had a pair of lovely sons. , she is already very satisfied.

"Dong Bo, will you regret it?" His wife said softly, "Once you are caught, they will not let you go."

"How many times have you and I lived and died together, and you still ask this?" Dong Bolie laughed.


It was late at night and the castle was quiet.

Except for the soldiers who were still on duty, almost everyone was asleep.

"Boom~~~" A big bird like a dark cloud flew towards it at high speed, and the rumbling sound of breaking through the sky made some glass windows of the castle vibrate.

The big bird stopped high in the sky.

The man in gray robe and the man in silver armor looked down.

"Here we are." The gray-robed man had complicated eyes, "Sister... I really don't want to arrest you."


A majestic roar resounded through the entire castle, and the lion-man Tong San let out a roar.

"Is it the lion man of the orc clan?" the silver-armored man looked down and asked curiously.

"It was a lion-man slave assigned to my sister by the family back then. I didn't expect that after so many years, this lion-man is still following my sister and is quite loyal." The gray-robed man looked at the strong lion-man and remembered the The lion-man slave boy who was locked in the cage, the lion-man slave boy who has been silently following his sister, is now so majestic.

The castle below covers an area of two miles, divided into the outer castle and the inner castle. The outer castle is home to four battalions of soldiers and servants. Knights can bring their families to live in the outer castle. There is a battalion of soldiers on the outer castle wall at night. guard.

"There are enemies."

"There are enemies."

The three hundred soldiers on the city wall picked up the huge dark red crossbow beside them. The thick arrows on the crossbow had been placed long ago, and they aimed at the four-winged vulture in the sky.

"Go." The gray-robed man ordered.

"Yes." The man in silver armor leaped down from a height of nearly fifty-six meters without any buffer, and his feet landed on the stone floor of the castle with a bang. The ground shook, and the stone slabs under his feet cracked in all directions. .

The man in silver armor looked ahead, at this moment Dong Bolie and his wife had already come out, even Dong Bo Xueying and his younger brother Qingshi got up.

There are roars and booms outside again, how can I sleep.

"What's going on?" Dongbo Xueying stood behind his parents and looked at his younger brother in his arms.

"Mo Yangyu!" The silver-armored man stood in the open space of the castle, letting a large number of soldiers on the high wall in the distance point at him with crossbows, he said coldly, "At this point, do you still want to resist? ? Or obediently go with us."

"Look around you." Dong Bolie shouted.

The man in silver armor glanced around. On the high wall of the castle in the distance, there were some soldiers surrounded on the ground, each holding a dark red crossbow. The pupils of the man in silver armor shrank slightly, and then he smiled and said: Star-breaking crossbows, amazing, an ordinary small territory in a county can be equipped with so many star-breaking crossbows? So many star-breaking crossbows are besieging me, and there is indeed hope to kill me."

"You are a Meteor Knight. If you are one-on-one, no one in our castle will be your opponent." Dong Bolie said, "But there are five hundred star-breaking crossbows, each of which can hurt you, and they will besiege you together. Let's take a few shots... It is still sure to kill you."

"This is the territory of the Dongbo family." Mo Yangyu, the purple-robed woman, also said, "You invaded a noble's territory, which is a provocation to our family. We can definitely kill you, and your death will be in vain."

According to the laws of the empire, nobles have privileges, and their territories are even more inviolable.

"You husband and wife should come with me, don't be stubborn." The man in silver armor frowned.

"The nobles are protected by the laws of the empire. Are you going to violate the laws of the empire and forcibly kidnap two nobles?" the purple-robed woman Mo Yangyu said coldly.

"Xiao Yu."

A somewhat hoarse voice came.

Everyone looked up and saw the gray-robed man on the back of the big bird in the sky holding a magic staff. Suddenly, a terrifying and turbulent power gathered, and thick clouds appeared out of nowhere in the sky. There were countless people in the clouds Thunder and lightning were flickering, and in many places in the castle below, there were traces of electric light out of thin air. The countless electric lights in the dark night were magnificent. These electric lights fell on the soldiers, and the soldiers immediately screamed, twitched and fell to the ground , the star-breaking crossbow also fell to the ground.

With every gesture, hundreds of soldiers have no power to resist. He has shown mercy, otherwise all the soldiers will become coke.

The four-winged vultures from high above also landed, and the gray-robed man walked down. He lifted his hood to reveal a slightly pale but still handsome face. resemblance.

"Xiaoyu, do you want to resist again?" said the gray-robed youth.

"Brother..." The purple-robed woman Mo Yangyu's eyes widened, her body trembling slightly.