Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 24: fear


The bandits who chased after and wanted to surround and kill Dong Bo Xueying with the leader were all stunned. Their leader died just like that

This is just a few tricks to fight, and the death is too fast.

puff! Dong Bo Snow Eagle pulled out his spear in an instant, and turned his gaze to these bloody bandits.

"Run away."


All the bandits were terrified, they didn't even have a sky-level knight, even the leader 'Gai Bin' could kill them all by himself, not to mention that this young lord was stronger than Gai Bin.

"Scum, still want to escape?" Dong Bo Xueying rushed towards these bandits in an instant, with snowflakes fluttering and blood splattering, just like bandits slaughtering ordinary civilians wantonly. Now these bandits were equally vulnerable in front of Dong Bo Snow Eagle... The remaining three ground knights were killed in almost two breaths, and a large number of bandit corpses were thrown and fell down.

"Run away, run away." All the bandits collapsed completely, the gap was too great, that long spear was so powerful that it would kill him if he rubbed it, not a single bandit could withstand a single move in front of Dong Bo Snow Eagle !



Dong Bo Xueying showed no mercy to these bandits of the Scimitar League. The bandits who had been killed scattered and fled in terror. One. In order to get rid of the cancer in Yishui City, Dong Bo Snow Eagle first stared at those who were stronger.

Get rid of all those knights.

In just a moment, the bandits fled in all directions, leaving more than 200 corpses on the ground, not a single leader of the Scimitar League, the masters of the heavens and the masters of the earth, the real backbone remained.

The Scimitar League was destroyed!

Those minions, I am afraid that some mountain villages' own guards can resist them.

"Spare me, spare me." Zong Ling forced the other five bandits into the corner of the mountain wall, and they didn't dare to move, because those who moved were all dead.

"Snow Eagle." Zong Ling laughed and said, "Happy, happy, the big cancer of the Scimitar League has been eliminated like this! I have searched the corpses of Gai Bin and some masters, and found many treasures, especially Gai Bin. There is actually a storage treasure on Bin's body."

Dongbo Xueying was a little surprised that there were treasures stored

"This big thief is really rich." Dong Bo Xue Ying walked over.

"Here." Zong Ling handed over a package, which was filled with some gold tickets issued by some imperial banks. Obviously, as a bandit, life is counted from day to day, and treasures are usually hidden with him, including a ring.

After Dongbo Xueying got the ring, he immediately sensed it, and the grudge penetrated directly along his finger, washing the entire inside of the ring, and the ring immediately felt the spirit of Dongbo Xueying! Knights and mages can use grudge and mana to refine and store treasures. If they are ordinary people, they need the help of mages to help refine them with blood.

"Good guy." Once refined, Dong Bo Snow Eagle was taken aback. There were a lot of treasures in it, mainly gold tickets, gold coins, weapons and other miscellaneous items. However, the entire storage space is only two feet away, which is much smaller than the storage pendant left by his mother.

"So many golden tickets." Dongbo Snow Eagle's spirit can clearly sense all the items in the storage space.

Golden tickets, worth 85,000 gold coins in total! There are also some scattered treasures, and there are 90,000 gold coins in total.

The belongings of other heavenly mages, knights and bandits add up to more than 20,000 gold coins.

"Being a bandit is really rich enough." Dong Bo Xue Ying secretly said.

"You five."

Dongbo Snow Eagle looked at the five terrified thugs, "Lead the way ahead to your lair. If you lead the way right, spare your life. If you lead the way wrong... you will die!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

"Don't worry, my lord, we will definitely lead the way." The five bandits responded immediately.

The gangsters led the way nervously in front.

Dongbo Xueying and Zong Ling followed behind.

"Uncle Zong, here." Dong Bo Xueying handed the storage ring to Uncle Zong.

"How can this be done? You were the one who got rid of the Scimitar League, so these should belong to you." Zong Linglian refused.

"Haha, mother gave me the storage pendant a long time ago, I don't need this." Dong Bo Xueying said.

"But you can also leave it to Qingshi. Qingshi will become a mage in the future, and a mage still needs to store treasures." Zong Ling shook his head.

Dongbo Xueying shook his head lightly: "It's still early, Qingshi will study with his teacher for at least a few years before he can become a real mage! At that time, I will give Qingshi a better one, Uncle Zong, don't you Forgot, this time we gained a lot."

Zong Ling was startled, then smiled.

Yes, this time there is the Shadow Leopard and the Silver Moon Wolf King, which are worth hundreds of thousands of gold coins. In addition, killing the Scimitar League also got over 100,000 gold coins. It was indeed a huge profit.

"Okay." Zong Ling didn't say any more, took the storage ring and refined it easily.

"Huh?" Zong Ling was taken aback. He found a large number of gold tickets and some gold coins in the storage ring. The gold tickets were worth 50,000 gold coins.

"Snow Eagle collar still has all kinds of expenses. Uncle Zong, you take the 50,000 gold coins and use them first, and wait until you don't have enough." Dongbo Xueying said in a low voice, "I will find an opportunity to slow down when I go back this time." Slowly sell the silver moon wolf king fur and shadow leopard carcass."

The shadow leopard corpse is placed in the storage space, and the storage space has an absolute vacuum without air, which is extremely beneficial for storing items.

"En." Zong Ling nodded slightly while thinking, Xue Ying's strength will continue to improve, and the expenditure of the Xue Ying leader will also gradually increase.

Not long after.

"My lord, we are coming soon." The five thugs were all very respectful and well-behaved, and one of the thin thugs continued, "Our lair is in the middle of the mountain. Ordinary people can't see it even when they walk up to the mountain. The passage is very hidden."

"Lead the way ahead."

Dongbo Xueying held a spear and was on guard at all times.

The five gangsters moved forward very skillfully, but Dong Bo Xueying faintly felt a terrible threat.

It seems that there is something terrible lurking inside the mountain ahead.

Ever since he reached the level of a master of marksmanship, he has a clear understanding of the gods, and his sense of the nature of the world has become more and more magical. For example, he can usually detect monsters in advance, and even the ambushes of bandits can be detected in advance.

"What's going on? I didn't feel any aura, just uncontrollable fear." Dongbo Xueying felt palpitations, and suddenly stopped and stretched out his hand to stop Uncle Zong.

He looked at the big mountain in front of him, and there was also moss growing on the mountain wall.

"Snow Eagle, what's wrong?" Zong Ling was puzzled.

"Something's not right, I feel bad." Dong Bo Snow Eagle whispered, "Go, go quickly."

Zong Ling's face changed, and he didn't have any doubts.


The two immediately turned around and left quickly.

"My lord, the passage into the mountainside is very hidden. It's hidden behind the rocks. Leader... Hey, where are you?" When the five gangsters turned their heads, they found that the two Dongbo Xueying who were following behind Has disappeared.

"Let's go, the young lord of Xueying has already left?"

"Brothers, the scimitar alliance is over, hurry up and find some treasures and escape."

These gangsters were also very cunning, and each of them quickly entered their lair.


On the wall of this mountain that stands in the endless years, a huge face emerges, with eyebrows, eyes, and mouth formed by rocks... With a lofty aura, its eyes look far away and have already reached several miles away. Outside Dongbo Xueying and Zong Ling.

There was a doubtful expression on the huge face: "Huh? You can even discover my existence? No matter how powerful a young man is, there may be a strong human being behind him."

"We have to change to another place to monitor humans."

The huge face on the mountain wall quickly disappeared, and the mountain wall returned to normal.


In the depths of the ground, a behemoth quietly left here and moved to other places.

Destroy the camp outside the mountains.

Dongbo Xueying and Zong Ling ran out of the Ruining Mountain Range as fast as they could and arrived at the camp.

"It finally came out." Dongbo Xueying turned his head and looked behind, still feeling a little palpitating.