Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 25: intelligence


"Snow Eagle, what did you find?" Although Zong Ling believed in Xue Ying, he was still at a loss.

"I don't know either." Dongbo Xueying shook his head, "It's just a feeling that if we continue to stay there, we may lose our lives at any time."

"The Machete League's lair has been in that mountainside for so many years, isn't it doing well?" Zong Ling wondered.

"I don't know about that." Dongbo Xueying smiled, "It doesn't matter, Uncle Zong, now we're done, it's time to go home."

"Well, it's time to go home." Zong Ling also smiled happily.

The two walked side by side to the camp.

A team of hundreds of soldiers from Xue Yingling was stationed in the camp.

"My lord."

"My lord." Some patrolling soldiers in the territory shouted respectfully, and soon Captain Yang Cheng, the captain of the 100-man team, came to greet him.

When Captain Yang Cheng greeted him, he said in surprise: "My lord, my lord Zong Ling, why did you come back so early today? It usually gets dark, but now it's very early."

Dongbo Snow Eagle smiled.

Early this morning, he entered the Destruction Mountain Range to kill the Yinyue wolves. After killing the wolf king, he returned. However, there was a slight delay on the way because of the Scimitar League. It was indeed still an hour or two before dark.

"Captain Yang Cheng." Dong Bo Xueying said, "Uncle Zong and I are going to set off now and rush back to Xueying's collar. And you will continue to stay and wait until tomorrow daytime before rushing back."

"Going back to the Xueying collar?" Captain Yang Cheng showed joy. He was camping every day, and the weather was freezing. How could he be as comfortable as being in the castle

"Yes." Zong Ling said, "The lord and I will go back first, and you have to take the soldiers with you."

"Don't worry, Master Zong Ling." Captain Yang Cheng patted his chest and assured.


Dongbo Xueying and Zong Ling each rode a Feishuang colt and started to drive towards Xueying!

The Feishuang Demonic Beast's horse has very good running endurance and load bearing. Although the Silver Moon Wolf King's fur weighs nearly two thousand catties, the Feishuang horse still keeps moving forward at a relatively fast speed along the way! The pony was a little tired, so Dong Bo Xueying and Zong Ling changed horses... so that the pony could rest.

it's getting dark.

On the flat and frozen road, two flying frost horses turned into two gusts of wind, galloping forward at high speed.

"It's just ahead." Dongbo Snow Eagle saw a towering mountain in the distance, it was the 'Snow Rock Mountain' named after himself and his younger brother!

"Finally back." Zong Ling also smiled.

"At this time, Qingshi should have dinner." Dong Bo Snow Eagle was in a happy mood. This time, the purpose of destroying the mountains was completely achieved, and the harvest was even greater than expected. At least there must be no problem with my younger brother's apprenticeship.

Two flying frost horses galloped on the mountain road.

Along the mountain road, keep rushing up.

"Lord Lord." There were also soldiers guarding the checkpoint on the mountain road, and he recognized at a glance that the two Feishuang horses were his Lord Lord and the steward Zong Ling, and they were very respectful.

All the way unhindered, has been flying to the gate of the castle.

"Open the door!"

Dongbo Snow Eagle shouted loudly on his horse.

"Ah, it's the lord." The patrolling soldiers quickly recognized it, "Quickly, let the drawbridge go and open the gate of the castle."

"Master Qingshi, Master Qingshi, the lord is back, the lord is back." There were also servants in the castle who shouted loudly and rushed to report.


The castle drawbridge was slowly lowered, and the city gate was pushed open by the soldiers.

With the city gate opened, Dong Bo Snow Eagle took a look on the horse, and saw a boy in thick clothes galloping cheerfully from a distance, looking like a little bear.

"Brother." Qingshi's excited eyes lit up.

"Haha." Dong Bo Xueying dismounted and handed the horse to the soldier next to him.

Immediately smiled and watched Qingshi gallop up, and picked up his younger brother. Although he was carrying nearly two thousand catties of the wolf king's fur, Dong Bo Xueying was a powerful knight who could stand on his arms. How easy it was to hold his younger brother

"Brother, you said you'll be back in ten and a half months, so it's been a full eighteen days." Qing Shilian said, including the travel time, it was indeed eighteen days.

"Delayed, delayed, have you had dinner yet?" Dong Bo Xue Ying asked.

"Just when I was about to eat, I heard my brother came back." Qingshi was excited, and his eyes lit up immediately, "Brother, what kind of fur is on your back? It's so beautiful, so white, so soft." He also stretched out his hand to touch it. touched.

"This fur hasn't been cleaned up yet, I'll let you play with it when it's done." Dong Bo Xueying said, "Let's go and have dinner."

Holding his brother in his arms, he walked towards the castle.

There was one more person at the gate of the castle, the majestic lion man Tong San, Tong San was grinning at the moment, he was so happy, watching Zong Ling and Xue Ying come back, and even carried the huge Silver Moon Wolf on his back Wang Fupi knew that... going out this time must be a great success. With his years of adventurous eyesight, he recognized at a glance that the fur must belong to the Silver Moon Wolf King. Ordinary wolves don't have such a big fur at all! Not so pretty either.

"Uncle Zong, Uncle Tong, let's go have dinner together." Dong Bo Xueying said.

"Let's go together." Tong San and Zong Ling also laughed.

"Hoho, brother is back, come back." Being hugged by Dong Bo Xueying, younger brother Qingshi cheered happily.

And on the other side.

The backbone of the Scimitar League was all destroyed, and the casualties were heavy. The remaining minions naturally wrapped up some treasures in the lair and began to flee in all directions! After they escaped, the news that "Scimitar League has been eradicated by the young lord of Snow Eagle" spread like a gust of wind.

late at night.

Yishui City, Longshan Tower.

"Master Si'an." The white-haired old man You Tu stood outside a room in a low voice.

The black-haired middle-aged man yawned, eyes half dazed, and said casually: "You Tu, you woke me up in the middle of the night, what's the matter?"

"Lord Si'an, a major event has happened in Yishui City!" the white-haired old man said in a low voice.

"A big deal, what a big deal?" Lord Si An asked suspiciously.

"The Scimitar League has been destroyed!" the white-haired old man said softly.

Lord Si An was taken aback.

Machete League

The largest and most powerful group of bandits in Yishui City? Commanded by the powerful Meteor Knight 'Scimitar' Gai Bin, the Scimitar Alliance, which has a group of heavenly mages and knights under its command, has been wiped out

"The news is correct?" Lord Si An couldn't believe it, "The Scimitar League led by Gai Bin? The entire Scimitar League is very cunning, if it sees a bad opportunity, it will slip away and be wiped out?"

"Yes, it is the Scimitar League led by Gai Bin." The white-haired old man nodded, "Even Gai Bin himself was killed! All the mages and mages of the heaven and earth ranks in the entire Scimitar League, and even most ordinary knight mages... Everything was wiped out! And it was wiped out by one person."

"Who?" Sir Si An asked.

"It's the young lord who was rumored to be possessed by the spear." The white-haired old man whispered, "Dongbo Snow Eagle!"

Master Si An was shocked.

With the power of one person, destroy the entire Scimitar League

What kind of strength must it be, at least a meteor star, maybe even a silver moon knight!

"Where's the detailed file?" Sir Si An asked.

"Here." The white-haired old man immediately handed over the file, "The news just came that our people from Longshan Building have captured a few remaining ordinary bandits from the Scimitar League, and they will bring them to the landlord tomorrow."

Lord Si An flipped through the files, and he was no longer tired at all, and his whole body was extremely sober.

Longshan Building's intelligence network is the largest.

The preliminary information submitted has almost recorded the situation at that time.

"If the information is true, then the number one expert in Yishui City today is probably this young lord." Sir Si An whispered softly, "I really can't imagine, how old is he? Back then, Dong Bolie Mo Yangyu The couple have given birth to an amazing son!"