Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 42: Demon Water Stone


This huge octagonal castle covers an area of one or two miles, and there are many traps hidden in it.

"Lu Huairu is hiding inside, we have to go in." Si Bairong hesitated and looked at the corridor in front of him, which was deep and deep into the inner castle, "However, there may be many traps and magic circles inside, and knights who are good at saving their lives must be there. Find the way ahead."

Dongbo Xueying showed a smile.

This Si Bairong, who looks at it to save some face, is also afraid of danger, I really don't know how he cultivated to the silver moon level.

Tang Xiong and Liang Yong were very calm and calm, their eyes all fell on Yu Jingqiu.

"Blindly breaking in is death." Yu Jingqiu's voice was cold, but people couldn't help calming down, "Although Lu Huairu is only a star mage, he is good at alchemy, and must have set up many traps and circles. Even if the Silver Moon Knight is blind Going in... It's hard to save your life, just wait a moment, I will cast a spell to find the way ahead."

As he spoke, Yu Jingqiu held the staff and moved his lips slightly, silently chanting the incantation.

In fact, mages chanting spells is a kind of self-hypnosis. After all, some powerful spells are too difficult to perform without self-hypnosis, which is close to the limit. As for some inferior spells... they can be forcibly cast without chanting spells at all. Like the previous Frost Domain, there is no pressure on Yu Jingqiu.

"哗哗哗~~~" Suddenly, countless ices began to condense out of thin air in front of my eyes, and soon formed a huge ice serpent that was as long as a bucket group and was about 20 meters long. The snake head carried a cold killing intent, and Si Bairong, Tang Xiong and the others were all a little afraid of that invisible power.

"The fifth-level spell Ice Snake." Dong Bo Snow Eagle nodded secretly, "This kind of magic snake has no vital points, and its strength is much higher than that of ordinary Silver Moon Knights. In terms of strength alone, it may be comparable to the title level, but it is just a skill." The top is weaker, if there are ten heads... I am afraid they can threaten the title level, but the title level is one of heaven and man, under the suppression of the power of heaven and earth, it is impossible to cast spells at all."

Yu Jingqiu continued to chant the incantation silently with the staff in his hand.

After a while, another equally huge ice serpent appeared next to it.

"The mana is limited, and we still need to face the unknown situation below. We need to be careful." Yu Jingqiu said, "These two ice snakes are enough to open the way."

"Haha, there is an Archmage Yinyue following. As I said, it is our luck." Tang Xiong smiled, "The Ice Snake is harmless. If we go to explore the way, it will be a desperate fight."

"Jingqiu is the best." Si Borong boasted, "Okay, let's go, Jingqiu, you are among our four guards, Lao Liang and I are in front, and Dong Bo Xueying and Tang Xiong are behind."

I didn't dare to rush forward just now.

Now that there are two big ice snakes in the front, he is full of confidence.

In the spacious corridor passage, two huge ice serpents are swimming forward one after the other, and they stop at each section of the road, and their tails lash the corridor wall next to them, rumbling~~~ The corridor trembles, and some spell patterns are forcibly Destroyed, some weaker walls collapsed directly, some traps were destroyed, some traps were activated, and attacked the ice snake, even if an ice hole was pierced, the cold air on the surface of the ice snake made up for the ice hole , but the whole body shrunk slightly.

With every attack, every injury, the Ice Serpent will continue to lose its ice power, and will completely collapse when it finally can't hold on.

But before they collapse, they are harmless at all! A frenzied attack without fear of death.

"It's really scary." Dong Bo Snow Eagle watched from behind, secretly marveling, "If mages are given enough time, the threat is indeed greater than that of knights. Some magic arrays arranged by mages are said to be more powerful."

A mage is more like a scholar, studying and analyzing the world. The spells they cast are also extremely exquisite, enough time to cast spells slowly, and they can easily torture the knight to death! If they are given a year and a half to arrange a powerful magic circle, the power will be even greater.

The knight is more brave.

The knights erupted in an instant, killing first, and the stronger the knight, the faster it was. Dong Bo Xueying, for example, was now able to charge over 100 meters in the blink of an eye, and ordinary people couldn't even see him clearly. This terrible speed... If you really want to assassinate a mage, the mages have no time to react, so mages and knights have their own advantages.

"Boom boom boom~~~"

The pure power of the Ice Serpent is close to the title level. If they fight close to each other, they may be a bit stupid, but they are very good at tearing down corridors and passages. With some roaring, many walls collapsed, and many traps have no chance to play , Many magic circles were destroyed from the lines.

However, the entire inner castle is indeed very stable. Even if some walls are removed, the castle itself still has other supporting walls, and it still does not collapse.

"Haha, with Jingqiu here, we can relax a lot. No trap or magic circle can threaten us at all." Si Bairong laughed.

"Don't be careless." Yu Jingqiu holds the staff in his hand, but carefully observes everything in front of him, "A powerful alchemist, some traps are unexpected. Although my two ice snakes crushed twice in a row Destruction... It can only be said that more than 90% of the traps and magic circles will be destroyed, there is no absolute safety, so you have to be careful."

"It's more than 90%, no problem. And that Lu Huairu... I'm afraid he's not as good as Jingqiu you think. Jingqiu, you are in Changfeng Academy, and you have come into contact with extremely powerful masters. No one can compare with Lu Huairu." Si Borong said, he said so in words, but in action he has always followed the example of experienced guard Liang Yong, obviously he is quite cautious.

In a large hall in the hidden depths of the inner castle.

Lu Huairu sat on a high throne in the hall, frowning, and beside him stood three subordinates, all of whom were meteor-star knights.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that sorcerer to be a silver-moon-level sorcerer." Lu Huairu frowned. He just saw the frost outside, and even some mortals couldn't freeze to death in an instant. He didn't see Bo Xueying and the five of them, so he naturally didn't know that Yu Jingqiu was here.

"Altar Master, what should we do?" The three guardians all looked at him.

"What can I do? Two ice snakes wantonly destroyed and destroyed many places. My magic circle has been destroyed, and few of the pure mechanism traps can work. Even if they are activated, they will consume at most a little It's just the power of the Ice Serpent." Lu Huairu shook his head, "It seems that there is only one chance."

He has traps in the entire inner castle, so there are naturally some killing moves.

But there are two ice serpents...

As a result, only the stupidest and most difficult to destroy mechanism trap can play a big role.

"There is a lore trap, which is the seventh corridor!" Lu Huairu said, "It is the most powerful trap I have set up! But with the two ice snakes in front, I am afraid that this trap can only kill two or three silver snakes." Moon Knight...so three guardians are needed to take action. When they are seriously injured by the trap, you go to make up for it, hmph, at the most terrible moment, you three who are comparable to Silver Moon Knight will kill them, and they will die."

"Yes." The three guardians respectfully obeyed, and then took out the pendant on their chest from their arms with some distress. The pendant can be opened, and there is a small blood-colored crystal inside.

All three of them raised their heads and ate the small blood-red crystal.

As the skin began to turn red, the body's energy and blood surged, and the battle energy in the body also began to undergo some changes.

This is their life-saving item - 'Demon God Water Stone', which is of no use to the title level, but it has the effect of greatly increasing the strength of Meteor Knight and Silver Moon Knight, and the weaker the strength, the more obvious the effect of increasing. Generally, Meteor Knights can reach the strength comparable to Silver Moon Knights in a short period of time after taking it. Of course, after the effect of the medicine wears off, they will be exhausted for two or three days.

But even so, such treasures that can greatly increase their strength are extremely precious. They are the guardians of this branch, and they are only one grain per person.

"Don't feel bad, we will definitely move out after this time, and I will apply for it at that time, and get another one for you." Lu Huairu said, "Go, go behind the seventh corridor and wait."


The three protectors with flushed skin immediately walked out.

At this time, a monster-like strong man walked in from the side door. His footsteps faintly made the whole hall tremble. Lu Huairu stood up obediently when he saw it. The monster-like strong man said casually: "Why, I am in trouble. gone?"

"Master God Envoy, I'm afraid this place has been exposed." Lu Huairu said.

"Exposed?" The strong monster walked to the throne, sat down directly, frowned and snorted, "Didn't you find me?"

"If you find the envoys, it won't be just a few silver moons. I'm afraid they will directly arrange Si Lianghong, Xiang Pangyun, or even Chaofan." Lu Huairu said, there are differences in the strength of the title level .

Normal title level, also get the bronze order.

Those who are more powerful can be ranked among the top 3,000 in the entire empire, and there is still a big difference between being on the list and not being on the list.

And Si Lianghong is an old blood demon monster that has lived for hundreds of years, and Xiang Pangyun is even more ferocious. Both of them are enough to rank around 500 in the title level of the entire Longshan Empire, which is far above the general title level. Up.

"How many silver moons?" The strong monster sneered, "It's nothing but ants in front of me. It's a pity that I have just rested here for a while and will leave."