Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 60: threaten


Early the next morning.

A black alchemy flying boat more than 30 meters long lifted into the sky, flew into the clouds and mist, and then flew towards Yishui City at high speed.

On the flying boat, apart from the two servants who specialize in driving the flying boat, there were five people including Xiang Pangyun.

Xiang Pangyun sat casually on the deck of the flying boat, looking at the misty clouds and mist around him, and even saw the vast land below through the clouds and mist.

"Dongbo Snow Eagle, twenty-two years old?" Xiang Pangyun had a weird smile on his lips, "If it's a title class, such a young title class is simply a rare plaything."

Snow Eagle collar.

On the top of Xueshi Mountain, near the cliff outside the castle, a black-haired young man in black was standing alone overlooking the mountain. Standing there, he made ordinary soldiers feel a little coercion. Usually Dong Boxue Ying is still restrained deliberately, but at the moment he is not in a good mood, and the breath that comes out naturally makes ordinary people feel oppressed.

clatter! clatter! clatter!

The horseshoes were galloping, and three knights were galloping over the mountain path.

"Here we come." Dong Bo Snow Eagle looked at them.

The three knights also saw the lord waiting for them outside the castle. The leading knight jumped down, handed over the horse to his companion, and galloped towards Dong Bo Snow Eagle.

"My lord." The knight said respectfully.

"Is there any news from Master Si'an?" Dong Bo Xue Ying asked.

"The owner of Si'an said that no noble young master died suddenly in Yishui City. He has already reported the news to Longshan Tower in Qinghe County. I believe there will be results within three days." The knight said respectfully.

Dongbo Snow Eagle frowned.

It was exactly as I expected, after all, Lord Si An was only in charge of Yishui City. I sent people to deliver news late at night, please check as soon as possible, and my subordinates are waiting for news at any time! But in the end... Mr. Si An didn't find out, so he still had to report it!

"Three days." Dong Bo Xueying secretly said, "I hope there will be no twists and turns, hmph, no matter who it is, don't expect to hurt the stone."

I have been taking care of my younger brother from infancy to now.

The brotherhood has long been deeply rooted in the bone marrow! For his younger brother, he did not hesitate to enter the Destruction Mountain Range.

He didn't quite understand in the past, why some people can put their lives on the line for others, life and death for others! But taking care of my younger brother, watching my younger brother Pidianpidian shouting "brother" and "brother" behind my back, watching my younger brother hug my thigh and shouting "brother hug" when I was a child, watching my younger brother obediently bow his head in front of me and listen to the reprimand...

He also understood that when the feelings are deep enough, they can transcend life and death!

That's what he did to his brother.

"My lord, this is from Mr. Si'an to my lord." The knight respectfully took out a file from his pocket.

Dong Bo Snow Eagle took the file and walked towards the castle.

All the soldiers at the gate of the city saluted respectfully.

"Give me an order to prohibit Qingshi from leaving the castle within three days!" Dong Bo Xueying ordered.

"Yes, Lord."

All soldiers obeyed respectfully.

As for whether to release my brother after three days, it depends on whether the trouble this time is resolved.

Walking in the castle, Dong Bo Snow Eagle flipped through the file in his hand.

"Huh?" Dong Bo Xueying frowned, "Is that younger brother's little girlfriend Ji Rong's?"

Before, he asked Longshan Tower to investigate all information about Ji Rong. This time, the identity of the noble young master was not found out, but Master Si An sent Ji Rong's information first.

"Oh… "

Dongbo Snow Eagle watched.

Ji Rong's father, 'Ji Wuhai', worked hard for his family when he was young. He worked hard for 20 years to build a family business for his family. He also married a wife and gave birth to a daughter. This daughter is Ji Rong! Ji Rong still lived a very prosperous life when she was very young. Later, the uncle in charge of the family turned his face and kicked Ji Rong's family out of the house.

Ji Rong's parents lived in embarrassment in Ji Rong's mother's family - "Yan's family".

In Yan's family, they were discriminated against and looked down upon. Ji Rong's childhood was rather pitiful and miserable, and his father even drank his sorrows away.

When Ji Rong was nine years old.

His father 'Ji Wuhai' woke up and started to work hard, and became rich in just one year! Back in Yishui City, their family began to thrive. Moreover, the Yan family and the Ji family controlled by his uncle were soon ruined.

"Huh?" Dong Bo Snow Eagle looked over.

The dossier is described in great detail. There are many more things to describe.

"After detailed investigation."

"According to the clues, Ji Wuhai suspects that he is a believer of an evil god! His wife and daughter may also be believers of an evil god!"

"The exact evidence needs to be verified."

Dongbo Xueying couldn't help but shrink his pupils when he saw this.

Believers of evil gods

Longshan Tower has been sparing no effort in tracking down the evil gods and demon gods. If they really find out, they will probably do it directly! In fact, before this, Longshanlou hadn't discovered the problem of 'Ji Wuhai' at all. It was because Dongbo Xueying asked for help to investigate the matter of his younger brother's little girlfriend this time that Longshanlou investigated Ji Wuhai's family in detail at the highest level!

This kind of extremely careful investigation, from all aspects of investigation, immediately discovered some 'problems'.

But now it is just suspicion, and there is not enough evidence.

"Huh?" Dong Bo Xue Ying watched carefully.

There are also many facts recorded later, which are the basis for Longshanlou's inference.

"Even if he is not a believer of evil gods, this Ji Wuhai is also a hypocritical and cruel person." Dongbo Xueying was secretly surprised. Ji Wuhai had suffered from his elder brother back then, and was kicked out of the house, and was also looked down upon by his wife's family. But his subsequent revenge was too ruthless and extremely concealed. Even before Longshan Tower, there was no news at all, and it was only discovered through this careful investigation.

"A beggar child was beaten to death by Ji Rong's servant just by bumping into it?"

Some detected information.

It proves... not only Ji Wuhai is hypocritical and cruel, but even his wife and daughter have a cruel side, but they just disguised it well. But Longshan Tower wanted to investigate, and they found out the death of a beggar.


"This kind of woman can no longer be with Qingshi." Dongbo Xueying made a decision immediately.

A woman who is scheming, good at disguising, and quite cruel in her bones... My younger brother is too immature and innocent in comparison, and I am afraid that he would be grateful to the other party if he was played to death.


Dong Bo Snow Eagle was sitting on the roof of the main building of the castle, his mind was completely integrated with the world, feeling the mystery of nature.

"Huh?" Dong Bo Xueying suddenly opened his eyes, looking in the direction of the outer castle gate.

"Is it Miss Ji?"

"Please come in."

The castle soldiers didn't stop him either, and Ji Rong entered the castle.

Ji Rong smiled sweetly and entered the castle, but she was a little puzzled in her heart. Dongbo Qingshi would have come to look for her early during the day, why didn't he look for her today? Is it because of the conflict with the noble young master last time? Ji Rong still decided to come to visit, so that Qingshi could feel how much she cared for him.

"Ji Rong." In a corridor, Dongbo Snow Eagle dressed in black was standing there.

Ji Rong was startled, and then said crisply: "Brother Xueying."

"Remember the little beggar who died tragically six years ago?" Dong Bo Xueying said indifferently.

Ji Rong's heart trembled.

How does he know? Very few know this.

"Brother Xue Ying." Ji Rong looked up at Dong Bo Xue Ying, but when he saw Dong Bo Xue Ying's icy sharp eyes, he felt flustered.

How strong is the spiritual power of the strong man in harmony with man and nature? Being targeted is like a small ant being targeted by a giant dragon.

This is the instinctive fear at the level of life.

Ji Rong couldn't help but panic even more.

"I won't take care of your business, but you'd better get out of my brother's side obediently." Dongbo Xueying said, "I'll give you three days to do all of this. I believe you have the means, it's perfect End this relationship with my brother."

"You'd better listen to me obediently. If you dare to disobey me, then the methods I will use will be more terrifying than you think." Dong Bo Snow Eagle said coldly.

Under the oppression of spiritual power.

Under the threat of Dongbo Xueying, he even told the secret things in the past, which made Ji Rong feel panic and fear.

If Qingshi is a simple little guy, then his elder brother is too scary, obviously if he doesn't agree, he will kill him! You must know that the gun demon lunatic in front of him was one year younger than Qingshi at the beginning, and when he was only fifteen years old, he wiped out the entire Scimitar League with a long spear.