Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 69: Great credit


Heifengya was so high that it pierced through the clouds.

High above the clouds, the Black Moon Centipede is hovering there, and the mage Bai Yuan, Qingshi, Zong Ling, Tong San, Kong Youyue, Ji Rong, Si Chen and others on the centipede's back are all watching nervously. Looking at the next big battle.

"Heifengya, life and death are divided on Heifengya!" Bai Yuanzhi exclaimed.

Above the 'Black Wind Abyss' next to Heifengya is a huge black wind vortex. The huge vortex has set off an endless gust of wind, as if the world is shaking and twisting. This kind of power made them feel a little scared.

And in the howling black wind, two figures were frantically fighting on the cliff.

"They are very dangerous now. Once they leave the ground and have no support, they will be drawn into the Black Wind Abyss." Bai Yuanzhi said, "Involved in the Black Wind Abyss... We mortals are bound to die, I am afraid that only extraordinary beings can live come out."

"This Pang Yun, why did you chase after my brother!" Qingshi trembled anxiously, "Isn't he going to kill me? My brother has no enmity with him, why did he disregard life and death with my brother on Heifengya?" fight?"


Bai Yuanzhi shook his head, "It's nothing more than chasing and killing all the way before. The Black Wind Cliff is really dangerous, and Xiang Pangyun still doesn't give up... Alas, no wonder everyone says he is a lunatic who enjoys killing! He and our thoughts are not the same. Same. Maybe your brother is the best prey for him."

"Damn, damn, why did this happen." Qingshi looked anxiously at the young man in black with a spear among the two figures fighting below, that was his brother, his most important relative.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Dongbo Xueying was completely on the verge of life and death, and he even deliberately approached the edge of Heifengya, making Xiang Pangyun even more scruples.


The two sides broke up after a fight, Xiang Pangyun did not continue to attack, but stared at Dong Bo Xueying.

"You haven't exhausted your battle energy yet?" Xiang Pangyun was a little unwilling.

"Why, your battle qi is almost exhausted? Let me just say, you have been using the secret technique of battle qi until now, and it should be almost gone." Dong Bo Xueying's eyes were a little excited, and he succeeded. The dangerous environment of Fengya made Xiang Pangyun always have scruples, so he was able to last longer. After a long time, it must be known that both sides are in an explosive state.

Xiang Pangyun used the secret technique of fighting qi, and the speed of fighting qi consumption increased sharply. Dongbo Xueying also burst out with strength and blood, and his physical strength was constantly being consumed.

Although the power of heaven and earth is replenished, the replenishment cannot keep up with the consumption.

Finally, Xiang Pangyun's vindictiveness could hardly hold up any longer!

I finally grasped this chance of survival!

"How can you have more battle qi than me?" Xiang Pangyun couldn't believe it. How long he had lived, the practice of battle qi had reached the point of perfection below the extraordinary level, and his method was taught to him by his 'father', logically It is too rare to say that he has more vindictiveness than him at the title level. Not to mention a little guy who just entered the title level not long ago.

How did he know.

What Dong Bo Snow Eagle consumed was physical strength! In terms of durability, it is obviously longer than the outbreak of vindictiveness.

"Your vindictiveness is almost gone, if you continue to fight, you will die!" Dong Bo Xueying stared at the opponent, Xiang Pangyun was faster than him, and now there is still some vindictiveness left, if you run away now... you can completely throw him away Far.

"Dongbo Snow Eagle."

Xiang Pangyun didn't panic in the slightest. He looked at the black-clothed youth in front of him with blood-red eyes, "I admire you very much. You are only 22 years old this year, and you can unite man and nature, and your strength is perfect! You can even fight me to the point of death. At this level, although you are weaker than me and Si Lianghong in terms of strength, you are still enough to rank in the top 1,000 of the Longshan list."

"Twenty-two years old, that's all. You still have a long lifespan to continue fighting. You almost hope that you can step into the extraordinary in the future."

"Once you enter the extraordinary...that's another level of life."

Dongbo Snow Eagle felt something was wrong.

its not right.

It stands to reason that the grudge is almost exhausted, and Xiang Pangyun should either seize the time to continue attacking, or give up and retreat immediately. Why are you talking nonsense here

"It's a great contribution for a future supernatural to kill you!" Xiang Pangyun suddenly grinned, boom~~~ His whole body suddenly began to change, and it quickly began to swell, and a large number of black scales appeared on the surface of the swollen skin ...In almost the blink of an eye, Xiang Pangyun in front of him turned into a four-hoofed black beast with a body length of more than ten meters.

The four-hoofed beast has a pair of scale wings, and its eyes are even more blood red. There is a faint blood color flowing on the surface of the black scale armor all over its body. threaten.

Its body height is six meters.

Dong Bo Snow Eagle was completely stunned when such a tall monster appeared in front of him.

"Demon... Warcraft?"

"You're not human!" Dong Bo Xueying couldn't believe it, "Warcraft, or are they aliens?"

He made a decision almost instantly.

What was in front of him was a terrifying sixth-order monster! And it's different!

Tier 6 Warcraft is comparable to the title level in terms of strength! There are actually only so many normal monsters, and they are all recorded in human books, so they can be recognized at a glance. And 'alien species' refers to monsters that are not even recorded in some very special books, and are monsters that have awakened the ancient blood.

In the ancient life of the ancient times, there were giants and beasts.

Therefore, there are also extremely rare monsters that can awaken the ancient bloodlines. Unlike humans, who rely more on grudges, monsters mainly rely on their bodies, so the monsters that awaken the ancient bloodlines are very terrifying.

"Hmph." The blood-colored eyes of the four-hoofed black-armored monster were full of madness.

It was bestowed by the 'father' and had a human body.

And then into the human world...

Human mortals, even at the title level, cannot exceed the lifespan of two hundred years, unless there are special circumstances such as Si Lianghong's body transforming into a blood demon. And his pseudonym 'Xiang Pangyun' has been in the human world for more than a hundred years, even if he is not exposed this time, he will have to retire and return in a few years.

This time, Feng Mo accepted the task.

In fact, Xiang Pangyun didn't bother to get involved, but when he heard the mission information of the Bloodshed Tavern saying that 'Dongbo Snow Eagle' might be a title-level powerhouse, his heart was moved at that time! Twenty-two years old, at such a young age, the Bloodshed Tavern will not be indiscriminate. If Dong Bo Snow Eagle is really a title-level powerhouse, such a young title-level person is expected to be extraordinary in the future.

Killing such a genius is definitely a great contribution! It is more credit than killing ten or twenty other title-level people, so Xiang Pangyun took the initiative to follow.

The truth was even more surprising than he expected.

This Dongbo Snow Eagle not only unites heaven and man, but even has perfect strength, and even his strength has been raised to a level close to his. Such a terrifying evildoer is rare in the entire Longshan Empire. Can he give up such a great contribution

So he wanted to kill Dong Bo Snow Eagle at all costs!

From the beginning!

He followed, and his goal was this human genius.

"Dong Bo Snow Eagle, die." The four-hoofed black-armored beast rushed out instantly.

"It turned out to be a monster of a different species." Dongbo Snow Eagle also knew something was wrong, and immediately moved his body like a lightning stab.


The four-hoofed black-armored beast didn't care at all, and let the thorn pierce its chest scales. There was a crack on the scales, but it couldn't penetrate completely! Moreover, the scales on the surface of this strange beast's body are superimposed, and it is afraid that it has to penetrate two or three scales to penetrate into its body.

"Huh." The sharp claws of the four-hoofed black-armored beast rushed directly angrily.

Its four hooves are more than three meters long, thick and powerful, and the sharp claws on the hoof claws are like blades.

Dongbo Xueying tried his best to escape on the ground in embarrassment.

"Its strength is stronger than that of a human body!" Dongbo Snow Eagle thought desperately, the gap was too great, the scale armor of the alien species of monster 'Xiang Pangyun' had extremely high defense, and his own spear could not pierce it. How to fight with your strength? If it is said that Xiang Pangyun is about 500 in the Longshan list in his personal state, I am afraid that there are not 100 now, and he is also in the top 200.

This is also normal.

Warcraft, of course, are stronger in their real form, and human bodies are relatively weaker after all.

"Hoo." "Hoo." "Hoo."

The four-hoofed black-armored beast 'Xiang Pangyun' swoops three times in a row like lightning, how powerful is its scaled-armored wings flapping? If it flies, its speed can easily break the speed of sound! The alien monsters that can fly naturally don't care about the strong wind next to them.

With fast speed and huge size, Xue Ying could no longer evade after only three swoops to attack Dong Bo Snow Eagle.


Even though the spear was in front of him to resist, the claws of the four-hoofed black-armored beast slapped on the spear, still causing Dong Bo Snow Eagle to fly backwards.

"Sure!" Dong Bo Snow Eagle flew sideways and flew backwards, piercing down with his spear as hard as he could. Pfft, the spear pierced the rocks more than one meter deep. Although there were a lot of cracks around, Dong Bo Snow Eagle flew upside down. The body just stopped.

"Stop struggling, Dong Bo Xue Ying!" But the four-hoofed black-armored beast had already killed Dong Bo Xue Ying again.