Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 82: six years


There are generally two ways to step into the extraordinary, one is to transform the body into an extraordinary! The other is the extraordinary transformation of grudge!

Like a lot of pseudo-transcendents... they were lucky enough to use external forces to make their bodies supernatural, but their grudges are still title-level grudges, so compared to the real supernatural, their strength is very weak, and they are only about 500 in the Longshan list. . But there are still many title-level people who put their lives in danger and fight hard.

Because once you become a pseudo-transcendent, your lifespan will skyrocket! Facing the powerful title level, they can still escape if they can't beat them. They can also fly into the sky and escape from the ground.

"It is said that the second awakening of the ancient bloodline can also step into the extraordinary." Dongbo Snow Eagle secretly said, "Unfortunately, it seems difficult."

In Lei Zhen's memoirs, he occasionally mentioned the second awakening of the ancient bloodline.

Once awakened, he will just rule the roost among mortals.

The second awakening... Only then can we truly have the style of a real ancient life.

You must know that among the primordial beings, the top ones are comparable to real gods! However, the ancient blood in the bodies of mortals is too thin, so it is extremely rare to awaken once, and it is extremely rare to want to awaken again... Lei Zhen did not elaborate on this in his memoirs, but Dongbo Xueying vaguely understood from a few words that it should be very, very difficult. .

"I'm currently trapped in the underground hall of the Black Wind Divine Palace, and I have no other choice but to take the most normal path—superhuman fighting qi." Dong Bo Xueying secretly said.

Once the battle qi changes qualitatively and becomes extraordinary, the extraordinary vindictive energy permeates the body, muscles, bones, viscera and mind from the inside out, making the body also become extraordinary.

This extraordinary process…

is the safest.

Like those pseudo-transcendents, when there is no hope of breaking through, they use some external force to forcibly transform their bodies, especially when transforming their minds, it is really close to death.


Dongbo Xueying sat cross-legged on the smooth floor of the hall, the power of the flames of heaven and earth poured into his body and entered the sea of energy in his dantian.

In the sea of dantian qi, a round and tiny sphere is spinning.

This is exactly the 'Shi Dan' formed by the complete materialization and condensing of the title-level grudge.

"This solid core must be continuously nurtured and polished, and finally a qualitative change will occur. A ray of extraordinary fighting energy will be bred in the solid core, and then all title-level fighting energy will be completely transformed into extraordinary fighting energy." Dong Bo Snow Eagle also had some Anxiety, "pregnancy and polishing... a qualitative change..."

This way, there is no trick.

There are many title levels, like Xiang Pangyun who changed from Warcraft, and some other evil geniuses who are even in the top 100 or top 50 of the Longshan list. Many of them have been trapped in the title level for a long time, constantly conceiving and polishing Down, until a sudden breakthrough one day!

"I reached the realm of all things, and what I realized was the mystery of the fire of all things." Dong Bo Snow Eagle secretly said, "Duqi is also fire fighting qi... and there is also the spiritual liquid dissolved by the ocean boundary stone, and I should be able to step into Transcendence quickly. "

The probability of ordinary title level stepping into extraordinary is extremely low.

Those who have mastered the realm of all things are all ranked in the top 50 of the Longshan list, and the probability of stepping into the extraordinary is much higher! Many of those who have mastered the Realm of Everything are over a hundred years old, while Dong Bo Snow Eagle is only twenty-two years old. He has ample time and is almost absolutely sure that he will be able to step into Transcendence. Just how long will it take, ten years? fifty years? a hundred years? No one can tell!

"It's useless to rush."

"Calm down, take it step by step slowly." Dongbo Xueying sat cross-legged, absorbing the power of the flames of heaven and earth, and nurturing the fighting spirit pill in his body.

Time is the most merciless.

The snow on Xueshi Mountain melts and accumulates, accumulates and melts again, and the trees, flowers and plants on the top of the mountain are also reincarnated...

When Dongbo Xueying fell into the dark abyss, the Xueying leader was also very famous, and there were discussions in Anyang Province and even outside Anyang Province.

But no matter how evil a genius is, a dead genius is no longer a genius.

It was hard to hear any discussion about Dongbo Xueying in Anyang Province, even in Yishui City, his hometown, there were very few discussions about Dongbo Xueying. After all, Dongbo Xueying was just a passerby to them. It's just that when I drink occasionally, I still sigh... Our Yishui City, after all, has produced a remarkable person.

Three years after Dongbo Snow Eagle fell into the Black Wind Abyss.

A piece of news shocked the entire Qinghe County and even the Anyang Province.

Master Yu Jingqiu, the proud daughter of Qinghe County, is one of heaven and man, stepping into the title level!

It is not uncommon to step into the title level.

But at only twenty-eight years old, he became a title-level mage! It's just too rare. Mages are different from knights. Knights will naturally break through when they understand the world, but mages are really accumulating gradually, constantly analyzing and researching spell models, and truly studying and analyzing the world will naturally reach a sufficient level, in order to be one with nature and man!

Only twenty-eight years old? It is indeed very evil.

Changfeng Academy.

The spring rain is falling, and there is a lot of discussion in Changfeng Academy now, talking about the female teacher 'Master Yu Jingqiu' in their academy. Although it is incomparable with Dong Bo Xueying, a peerless evildoer who appears once in a hundred years in the entire empire, Yu Jingqiu is also very good. What's worse, it took ten or eight years to produce one in the huge territory of the Longshan Empire.

"Jing Qiu." A gentle voice sounded.

Yu Jingqiu was sitting in a pavilion, drinking tea, looking at the spring rain outside the pavilion. She was really excited after this breakthrough, but soon she remembered that peerless evildoer.

"Teacher?" Yu Jingqiu turned his head to look at the source of the voice, and immediately got up, and an old man with a white beard holding an umbrella was walking over.

"Jingqiu, have you made up your mind? Which one of the extraordinary forces are you going to join?" the old man with the white beard asked.

"Teacher, you, the dean, and many titles in the courtyard are all in the Water Source Taoist Temple." Yu Jingqiu said, "Of course I also go to the Water Source Taoist Temple."

Water Source Taoist Temple is a very large extraordinary organization.

"Earth Temple also values you very much, and offers you very good conditions, don't you want to go?" the white-bearded old man smiled.

"The Temple of the Earth puts a lot of restrictions on freedom." Yu Jingqiu gently shook his head, "I don't like fighting and killing, I just want to study spells freely and quietly, and study the natural mysteries of heaven and earth."

"En." The white-bearded old man nodded slightly, "Okay, then you are ready, and I will take you to the Taoist temple of the water source in the northern snowfield in a few days. After going to the Taoist temple, you will go to the fire world! These common senses I I also told you earlier that mundane things should be arranged as they should be."

"I understand." Yu Jingqiu nodded.

At the bottom of Heifengyuan Valley, in the dilapidated hall deep in the underground of Heifeng Divine Palace.

A young man in black was bending over, holding a dagger in his hand, and quickly cut off his messy hair at random. With his control over power, and the power of heaven and earth, he could sense every hair finely. , and soon returned to a simple and casual short hair. He got used to short hair when he was practicing marksmanship hard every day when he was a child. After all, long hair is more troublesome, and he has no time to waste on it.

As the surrounding flames appeared out of thin air, all the cut hairs were instantly burned into ashes.

six years.

Dongbo Snow Eagle's face hardly changed, but his eyes were more restrained, and his demeanor was more detached.

Trapped in one place for six full years, with only two extraordinary alchemy creatures to talk to, how depressing and boring are these days? At first, Dongbo Xueying also felt very uncomfortable. Fortunately, he practiced marksmanship crazily when he was a boy, so he gradually got used to this loneliness!

"Monkey, come on, let's compete again." Dongbo Xueying waved his hand, and a snow gun appeared in his hand.

"Master, you only bully me." The golden ape said angrily.

"I feel that my marksmanship is always not quite right. Don't be silly, take my shot first." Dongbo Xueying was still thinking about his marksmanship, and immediately made moves to fight the golden ape , while pondering in actual combat.

At the beginning, he didn't think there was any problem with his marksmanship.

But the more he practiced in the hall, the more problematic his marksmanship became, which was very awkward.