Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 89: Who is he?


Lei Chaoya is a forbidden area where many prisoners are locked up. Naturally, there are a large number of guards and mages manipulating the magic circle in the entire forbidden area.

"Hurry up, hurry up, in the cell about Mo Yangyu, that young man in black is so powerful, just looking at me, my eyes are blurred, my ears are ringing, and I fell directly from Lei Chaoya into the sea... It's too scary." The guard continued to speak in horror, and soon a large number of guards gathered, and the leader in charge of guarding Lei Chaoya was a Silver Moon Knight.

"Just looking at you, you fell down?" The silver moon knight carrying the weapon box frowned, "Could it be a mage who is good at soul?"

"The first, second, and third teams, all assembled and ready to go." Silver Moon Knight immediately began to order, "Dharma circle, activate, ready to attack at any time."



Execute the order one by one.

The power of the magic circle in the forbidden area also began to activate, and the temperature around Lei Chaoya began to drop sharply, and frost began to condense on the ground.

"Get out!" An angry shout sounded from the surrounding world.

A turbulent water wave appeared out of nowhere, like a big snake swimming. This huge water wave, hundreds of meters long, directly swept over the large group of guards who had assembled. The guards were all panicked or holding weapons, Or with a shield. The Silver Moon Knight standing at the front and leading also changed his expression, and even a shield appeared out of thin air in his hand to block in front of him.

"Boom~~~" The water waves swept away, and all the guards were thrown into the air. The Silver Moon Knight was the only one who stood still, and his face changed slightly: "Water attribute spells? It's so powerful, I'm afraid it's A silver-moon-level mage!"

"Who, who dares to offend my Moyang family's forbidden place!" The silver moon knight shouted loudly, "Report your name!"

Suddenly a blaze of fighting spirit shot up into the sky.

The faint flame-like vindictiveness seemed ordinary, but it made the Silver Moon Knight feel invisible fear. Every ray of vindictive energy was like sunlight between heaven and earth, and the flame-like vindictive energy in the sky directly condensed into a huge palm.


The huge palm slapped the Silver Moon Knight directly.

"No, no, this is not a mage, the water wave just now is the water induced by the realm of all things!" Silver Moon Knight finally realized that he wanted to hide, but the huge flame palm was too fast, so he could only use his shield to block it .

Peng, a huge palm came down, and slapped the Silver Moon Knight into the rocky ground with a slap. There were many bones breaking sounds, and the Silver Moon Knight immediately spurted blood from his mouth.

"Thank you, Lord, for your mercy." The Silver Moon Knight was terrified and afraid, he knew that the other party was showing mercy, otherwise that blow would be enough to turn him into a meat paste.

The huge flaming palm was slowly withdrawn.

The soldiers and guards tumbling in the distance, as well as the leader Silvermoon Knight looked at the huge flaming palm flying in mid-air in horror! The palm finally turned into a large amount of fighting energy and flew back to the cave where Lei Chaoya's Mo Yangyu was.

"Captain." Immediately, a guard came to curry favor and helped the Silver Moon Knight up.

"Everyone, don't mess around, and don't bother that lord." Silver Moon Knight ordered immediately.


All the soldiers and guards responded to their orders, what are you kidding? If they really fought, they might be wiped out in an instant. The water waves swept just now, and they used soft strength. Except for the Silver Moon Knight, the other weaker ones, including the Meteor Knight and the weakest ordinary soldiers, were all thrown away. but none of them died. Obviously showing mercy.

"This palm doesn't look like a spell, but more like battle qi." Silvermoon Knight held his chest, his eyes filled with anxiety and panic, "Can the battle qi be so powerful when separated from the body? Could it be extraordinary?"

Inside the cave.

Dongbo Xueying was chatting with his mother, eating some snacks and drinking the spirit liquid of the Ocean World Stone.

He didn't want others to disturb him, so he manipulated the water from a long distance to shoot those guards away. If he used fire... he might burn those guards to death. There is a debt and a master. As for these low-level soldiers and guards, they are actually just for a bite of food.

Dongbo Xueying also taught the leader Silver Moon Knight who provoked and offended him a lesson.

"Snow Eagle." Mo Yangyu watched the misty reddish grudge fly in from outside the cave door, and all of them were submerged into Dongbo Xueying's body.

"Your vindictive energy can be separated from the body and then retracted. You can manipulate it so freely, don't you?" Mo Yangyu couldn't believe it.

"Well, I just stepped into Transcendence not long ago." Dong Bo Snow Eagle said, "I fell into the black abyss, and it was because I stepped into Transcendence that I was lucky enough to escape."

Mo Yangyu couldn't believe it and was extremely proud.

own son...

Twenty years have passed since that eight-year-old boy back then, and now he has become a legendary extraordinary being!

"It's like a dream, I can't even believe it." Mo Yangyu smiled.

"Mother, eat some more." Dong Bo Xueying only brought some snacks when he came this time, and he also estimated that his parents' life has not been easy these years.


Mo Yangyu was in a great mood. She ate and drank the spiritual liquid. Her skin color was changing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her skin wrinkles were changing. Dongbo Snow Eagle poured his mother cup after cup, and even when the jug was finished, he sent more spirit liquid from the storage treasure into the jug. The soul was injured, and then because of being too sad, and the mage's body was inherently fragile, without the mana to nourish it, it naturally plummeted.

The spirit liquid of the ocean world stone, ordinary extraordinary saint-level masters are reluctant to eat it as food and drink it as water! It is the greatest harvest of Elder Lei Zhen's life. Before he died, he left the formation, and he would rather destroy it than make it easier for the Warcraft family.

Usually drink a little bit, and you won't be hungry for a few days.

A pot of psychic liquid is worth ten days' supply! The value is worth millions of gold coins. Of course, extraordinary powerhouses would not be willing to exchange them for gold coins. At their level, worldly money is completely enough for them. No matter how many gold coins there are, they are just numbers. What they value more is the extraordinary!

"Mother, how did you know what happened to me?" Dong Bo Xue Ying asked.

"It was Mo Yangchen who sent someone to tell me." Mo Yangyu said, "He deliberately wanted to anger me, but if it wasn't for him, I'm afraid I would have to wait a long time to find out about you, Xue Ying."

"It's Mo Yang Chenbai again!" Dong Bo Xue Ying had a hint of evil in his eyes.

He must die!

However, Dong Bo Xueying quickly controlled his emotions and continued to eat, drink and chat with his mother. He hoped that his mother would be happier.

"Well, I'm actually full." Mo Yangyu smiled, "I drank a lot without knowing it, and my soul's injuries have completely recovered, and I feel like I can't drink any more."

"You don't need to drink it if you're full." Dong Bo Xueying smiled, "Generally, people won't be hungry after drinking a cup of this extraordinary spiritual liquid a day. Mother, you are seriously injured, and your body has deteriorated and owed a lot in the past few years, so I can Continuous absorption and digestion. Now that the body has recovered, it will naturally be full."

Mo Yangyu in front of him had snow-white hair, but the roots had turned black.

His appearance and complexion have completely returned to the appearance of six years ago, and his spirit is even better.

"It's amazing." Mo Yangyu said.

"This spiritual liquid is quite important, mother, don't tell the outside world." Dong Bo Xueying said, the ocean boundary stone is enough for him to use for thousands of years, of course he has to save some for his parents, Qingshi, Zongshu and Tongshu. These are all my relatives! But it's still necessary to keep it a secret. The others, Dongbo Xueying, are very relieved. After this blow, Qingshi should be much more stable.

This psychic liquid is all-round help for the body, dantian qi sea, and soul, and it is effective for the extraordinary, let alone for ordinary people, and it will also be of great help to their cultivation! Even if it is difficult for their parents to go too far in their practice, they can live longer.

"Don't worry, I know." Mo Yangyu smiled.

"Then let's go pick up father." Dong Bo Xue Ying got up.

"Dong Bo..." Mo Yangyu's heart throbbed, her husband, since she was imprisoned here, the two of them have been separated for twenty years.

Twenty years is too long.

Holding his mother's hand, he walked out of the cave gate.

The supernatural grudge permeated, forming a protective layer around the mother.

Following Dongbo Xueying took his mother and flew up.

"Lei Chaoya." Flying high in the sky, Mo Yangyu looked at Lei Chaoya below, and at the dumbfounded large group of guards in the distance. This was the place where she had been imprisoned for twenty years.

"Father is in the Dongxiang Lake Alchemy Workshop, let's go." Dongbo Snow Eagle said.


In an instant, it turned into a rainbow of flames and flew away through the air.

"So fast!"

The leader of the Silver Moon Knight, who had been clutching his chest and turned pale, looked at this scene in shock, "Flying to the sky and escaping from the ground, it's extraordinary!"

"Is it the legendary flying into the sky? Extraordinary life?" The soldiers and guards next to him were also shocked. Almost everyone in the world has heard of the extraordinary...but very few have actually seen it with their own eyes.

"Who is that young man in black? Mo Yangyu has been locked up all this time, so where is the chance to get to know Chaofan, the person she met twenty years ago?" Silvermoon Knight was a little puzzled, "In front of Chaofan, the Moyang family is nothing. What, but why did it take twenty years to save her? Is it an extraordinary life that has just broken through?"

Silvermoon Knight wondered.

Suddenly he thought of someone—

A very amazing, such a peerless evildoer that only appeared in the entire Longshan Empire for hundreds of years, but he died with Xiang Pangyun!

"Could it be Dongbo Xueying? He fell into the black wind and came out alive?" Silver Moon Knight was a little surprised and couldn't be sure. After thinking about it, Mo Yangyu probably knew only the monstrous Dongbo Xueying. It is possible to step into the transcendent.

"No matter who it is, it's obvious that he has an unusual relationship with Mo Yangyu! Maybe this extraordinary life will anger the entire Mo Yang family." Thinking about it, the Silver Moon Knight trembled in fear. The anger of an extraordinary life? Definitely not something the Mo Yang family can bear!

"The news must be reported to the family as soon as possible." Silver Moon Knight did not dare to neglect, and immediately ordered someone to deliver the news.

If it was some masters from Qinghe County, they would probably recognize Dongbo Snow Eagle when they saw him.

It's just that this is Duoyu County in the Eastern Region Province, and few people know Dong Bo Xueying's appearance!


Dong Bo Snow Eagle held his mother's hand, surrounded by flames, flying at high speed.

"Quickly, is this the superpower flying into the sky and hiding from the ground?" Mo Yangyu looked around in amazement, the surrounding scenes became illusory, and only the distant scenery could be seen clearly.

"The current speed is only half of the real fastest speed." Dong Bo Snow Eagle explained, "The speed is much slower when the extraordinary power is flying with people."

Particles of the body are completely attached to the flames, and the speed can reach the extreme. Generally, this is done when it is more important and urgent, or it will fly like this when it is necessary to drill into cracks and other small areas.

Keep flying in human form, only 70% to 80% of the speed.

If you fly with people... the speed will be even slower! Dongbo Xueying could only maintain half of his previous speed.

"Here we are, Dongxiang Lake is in front of us." Dong Bo Xueying held his mother's hand, slowed down and broke through the clouds, and he could already see the sparkling Dongxiang Lake below.

"It's so fast, it's only a few words." Mo Yangyu was amazed. She lived in Duoyu County since she was a child, and she knows the distance between Dongxiang Lake and Lei Chaoya very well.

Dongbo Xueying's power of heaven and earth enveloped the mage's tower in the alchemy workshop next to Dongxiang Lake, and he easily found his father in it. His expression relaxed, and his father's condition was much better than his mother's.