Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 15: Ma Yang's work


Pei Qian has already thought about it. Since he wants to crash "Q Meng Three Kingdoms", he can only choose the theme of the Three Kingdoms.

However, the theme of the Three Kingdoms itself is actually a decent I, not too good, but not too bad.

To make players hate these characters of the Three Kingdoms, the best way is to make magic changes and completely subvert their traditional images!

In this way, those players who love the Three Kingdoms will naturally curse, anger and retreat when they see such a mess of changes, thereby lowering the reputation of the entire game.

And the heavy task of this magic reform was left to Ma Yang to complete.

For Ma Yang's ability, Pei Qian gave full trust. As long as Ma Yang does the work seriously, he will definitely be able to be almost yellow!

Looking at the names of these characters, Ma Yang looked embarrassed.

He stretched his head down from the top bunk and whispered, "Brother Qian, I... I've only watched TV dramas from the Three Kingdoms, and I can't match the number of people here..."

Pei Qian couldn't help but feel joy in his heart, isn't that just right!

If you are familiar with the characters of the Three Kingdoms, I am not at ease to entrust this task to you!

"It's okay, I believe in you. It was originally intended to subvert the tradition. You can rest assured that the more subversive the better!"

"And you don't have to worry about what kind of image to draw, it depends on the artist's design, you just provide a direction."

"You open up the design, it's subversive anyway, and no one will pick on common sense mistakes."

Pei Qian comforted him again and again.

He didn't want Ma Yang to retreat and push the job back.

Ma Yang finally nodded: "That's fine, I'll try my best."

Pei Qian was worried, and ordered again: "Remember, it must be subverted! The more outrageous the better!"

Ma Yang sat on the top bunk and started scratching his head.

Hold for ten minutes, no progress.

He couldn't bear it any longer, and probed again and said, "Brother Qian, why don't I buy a copy of Romance of the Three Kingdoms first..."

Pei Qian immediately stopped: "No, absolutely not! I just saw your innovative spirit, understand? You are not affected by the traditional image of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", so you can achieve this subversion!"

"Don't think about what his original image is, you can give me the imagination and the magic to change!"

Ma Yang had no choice but to say "hey", then retracted his head and continued scratching his ears.

After a while, he stretched out his head again and asked Pei Qian: "Brother Qian, I set Guan Yu to be a dragon, okay?"

Pei Qian nodded: "Okay!"

after awhile.

"Brother Qian, I'll set Ma Chao as a horse, okay?"


After a while.

"Brother Qian, I set Zhou Cang as a dragon girl, Zhuge Liang as a great inventor, Huang Yueying as a mechanical puppet, Xu Chu as a tiger, Cao Pi as a tentacle monster, and Lu Meng as a dragon slayer. … it's OK?"

Pei Qian slapped his thigh: "Okay! It's too good! Old Ma, you are a genius, do you know that, just continue this way!"

Ma Yang was originally full of doubts about his own setting, but seeing Pei Qian's approval so much also ignited his self-confidence.

Seeing Ma Yang working so seriously, Pei Qian was overjoyed.

You didn't find the wrong person!

Design Zhou Cang as a dragon girl, and set Lu Meng as a dragon slayer

Look what genius crap this is!

This makes Pei Qian think to himself, it is absolutely impossible to come up with it!

It's a completely unreliable solution when I hear it. Then I'll find a cheaper artist to spend a lot of money. Can I still see the original painting of this game

Imagine that the players drew Cao Pi and found that it was a tentacle monster;

I drew Ma Chao and found it was a centaur;

When I got Lu Meng, I found that the Great Governor had become a Dragon Slayer Lolita...

Shouldn't this be scolded to death by fans who like the Three Kingdoms theme

A famous international movie star once said that jokes are not nonsense, and changes are not random fabrications.

Now this is just nonsense and messing up. This game is made, and it is properly spurned by thousands of people, making the players who like the Three Kingdoms tears in their stomachs!

Pei Qian's haze in the past few days has been swept away, and he instantly feels that his life has become brighter again!

Loss of 300,000, net profit of 300,000!

Pei Qian felt that a beautiful life was beckoning to him!

While Ma Yang was filling out the form, Pei Qian went to the resource station and took a look at the situation of the painters.

This resource station of ESRO integrates a large number of resources in the domestic game field, including human resources.

Whether it is a designer, an artist or a programmer, they can provide services to buyers at a clear price on the resource station.

Buyers can see the resumes and works of these people in the resource station, and if they are satisfied, they can discuss cooperation.

For example, how many original paintings of a certain artist to buy.

Pei Qian searched for painters who were good at original paintings and began to quickly eliminate them one by one.

Very famous big touch, all excluded.

Elite painters with good reputation in the industry are all excluded.

Just go to those novice painters who sell an original painting for only seven or eight hundred yuan!

After rummaging through and looking at the works of many people, Pei Qian found that they seemed to be almost the same.

This resource station has a threshold, which does not mean that any art student can obtain certification.

The staff of ESRO will review it. All novice painters who can put their names on it basically have good painting skills.

Pei Qian looked around, and finally settled on a new artist with few representative works.

The representative works of this painter are all in the two-dimensional Q-cute style, and there is no realistic style in the works.

This shows that he is probably not very good at realistic style!

And the game that Pei Qian is going to do is an original painting in a realistic style.

"It's him!"

Pei Qian made a decision immediately.

Of course, Pei Qian couldn't just find one painter, because he wanted too many original paintings.

In some card games, the original card painting will be as fine as a poster, so even a senior artist would have to work for a week to complete it.

For example, the original painting that Pei Qian requires now is a card on the screen of the mobile phone, and the fineness can be greatly reduced, but if the artist is capable enough and it is relatively hard, it will take about 2 days.

That is to say, an artist can only produce about 15 original paintings at most, regardless of quality.

Of course, Pei Qian's original paintings are said to be 200, but they are not completely different 200.

There are only 50 characters, and each character has 4 original paintings, which are in different star status.

Just like Zhuge Liang, from one star to four stars, only some details and special effects have changed, not all of them are designed from scratch.

Therefore, the four original paintings of each character can be produced as a set.

Even so, to make a safe estimate, Pei Qian had to find six or seven painters to ensure that all these contents were completed on schedule.

Pei Qian planned to find a painter to discuss the price a little, and then find someone else.

"Hello, our company is currently preparing a mobile card game. We need to customize a batch of original paintings in batches. We would like to discuss the pricing and construction period with you in general. If you are interested, please reply."

Pei Qian left a message for this painter named "Ruan Guangjian", waited for a few minutes, but there was no reply, probably not online.

Pei Qian is not in a hurry, anyway, Ma Yang's demand table will not be available until tomorrow at the earliest.

Looking at the time, it was already night, and Pei Qian felt that his stomach was already growling.

"Old Ma, go to dinner?"

Pei Qian got off the bed and looked at Ma Yang in the upper bunk.

Ma Yang was still racking his brains, typing on the keyboard at the same time, and there were already large paragraphs of text on the demand form.

"... Don't be so serious, go and eat first." Pei Qian said.

Ma Yang was still a little addicted to work, but he was really hungry and rolled over and got out of bed.

"Canteen?" Ma Yang asked.

Pei Qian shook his head, patted his chest and said, "No, go out to eat today, please!"

ten minutes later.

The waiter brought a bowl of ramen noodles and a bowl of egg fried rice and placed them in front of the two of them.