Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 2: Wealth conversion system


Year 2009.

Handong Province, Jingzhou City, Handong University.

"Brother Qian, wake up, you're going to be late for class! Today is the vice president's class, but please ask for your name!"

Pei Qian woke up from his sleep, rubbed his eyes, and wondered who was calling him.

Am I not renting a one-bedroom? Who came to my room

When he opened his eyes, a long face almost occupied Pei Qian's entire field of vision.

"Ma Yang?"

Pei Qian was stunned and almost thought he was dreaming.

"Come on, I woke you up, you can't blame me for not making the roll call." Ma Yang's long face quickly left Pei Qian's field of vision, turned around and hurried out of the dormitory.

Wait, the bedroom

Pei Qian woke up instantly, a salted fish stood up, and sat up from the bed.

University dormitory, six-person room!

I was still in the lower bunk by the door. I still remember that the door was not closed tightly in winter, and there was a small crack that always leaked air inside. For this, Pei Qian complained a lot.

The only two buddies left in the room were also packing up and going out immediately.

"Hurry up, Brother Qian, hurry up and run two steps, and you can still catch up. Otherwise, we wouldn't dare to call for you when the name was called. It would be miserable if you were caught by the vice president."

The two roommates also hurried out.

Pei Qian couldn't help pumping himself twice.

Hiss... the cheek hurts!

Really or not, isn't this the time of college

The vice dean's class... and the roll call... that's the freshman...

Year 2009? !

Isn't that going back ten years

Pei Qian hesitated for a moment, and soon accepted this fact calmly.

After graduating from college in 2013, he moved between two industries, changed jobs to many companies, encountered extremely nasty leaders, and experienced infighting in the workplace.

In short, one social animal.

Of course, I am overjoyed to encounter such a good thing as time-travel. To be able to go back to ten years ago and start all over again is something that many people wish for!

Pei Qian didn't feel sleepy at all, he rolled over from the bed and sat up.

What's next

Do you want to report the situation to the Time and Space Administration

I won't be shot and killed on the spot, right

Or... the first thing after crossing the border, go to class first

are you crazy!

The memory of ten years ago is already very vague, but Pei Qian still barely remembers that he skipped a lot of classes in his freshman year, including the deputy dean's class, but he did not hang in the vice dean's class.

Although the vice-principal said the name was called, he did not actually call it.

On the contrary, it was a young male teacher who seemed to be kind. He never called names, but suddenly called once at the end of the term, which was also included in the test scores.

"I don't want to call names, I just want to get to know everyone."

He said so.

Now that Pei Qian thinks about it, he still has a deep feeling of being ripped off. After all, he was still too young at that time, and he had full trust in this kind teacher.

At this moment, a transparent light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Pei Qian, and the lines of writing were continuously displayed.

[The wealth conversion system is binding the host...]

[Binding is successful.]

[Host: Pei Qian]

[Please host the instructions for using this system.]

"what's the situation?!"

Pei Qian was startled, and then fell into ecstasy.

Sure enough, there must be a system after crossing, this is the golden finger!

Calmness, calmness, these are all routines, nothing to make a fuss about.

Pei Qian quickly calmed down and began to observe the text messages on the light curtain.

[Wealth Conversion System]

[Profit/loss conversion ratio: to be determined]

[System capital: 50000]

[Personal property: 443]

This is a generic template.

Below the general template, there is an area similar to a dialog box, which is used to display some dynamic information, which should be "Instructions for Use".

[Wealth conversion rules:]

[Every once in a while, the system will provide the host with a certain amount of system funds, which can only be used for the company's normal business activities and cannot be squandered.]

[The settlement will be carried out after a period of time, and the surplus or loss of the system funds will be converted into personal property at your discretion according to a certain proportion.]

[Special note: In order to motivate the host to focus on work, the host cannot directly pay himself a salary through the company account.]

[Next step: View detailed rules]

"Oh? This system earns blood!"

"You provide me with funds and give me money back? The conscience system!"

Pei Qian instantly understood the function of this system.

Although the "system funds" and "personal property" here are both "money", they are two completely different concepts.

The personal property 443 is displayed here, which means that Pei Qian's current money is only 443 yuan, which is the money he can freely use.

The 50,000 yuan is the funds of the system. According to the system, the money can only be used for business activities, such as starting a company.

And after a period of time, no matter whether you make money or lose money, the corresponding part will be converted into personal property according to a certain percentage, and Pei Qian can spend it at will!

"Exciting! Look at the detailed rules."

Pei Qian continued to click on the light curtain to check.

[The host must engage in normal, reasonable, legal, and technically commercial activities.]

[The following behaviors are all illegal, please pay attention.]

[Excess category:]

[1. Large-scale purchase of real estate and real estate speculation.]

[2. Purchasing digital currency, participating in Ponzi schemes, illegal fundraising and other illegal activities.]

[3. Speculation, reselling materials, disrupting market order.]

[… (click to expand the remaining 97 violations)]

[Loss category:]

[1. Do charity, or donate company property to others.]

[2. Purchasing, hiring employees, renting office space, and purchasing office supplies at standards far higher than market prices.]

[3. Passive slack, too low efficiency, and failed to create any value for a long time.]

[… (click to expand the remaining 97 violations)]

[Supplementary terms: The host shall not disclose or imply the existence of the system itself or the challenge to anyone or in any way.]

[The system has the final right to interpret the definition of violations.]

[Next step: Randomly generate profit and loss conversion ratio]

"The rules are really strict."

Pei Qian checked as many as 200 violations, and several plans that appeared in his mind were rejected one by one.

Real estate speculation, purchase of digital currency, etc., are prohibited by the system.

Normal investment and financial management behaviors are fine, but in terms of the general annualized rate of return, it may be difficult to meet Pei Qian's needs.

There are as many as 200 violation rules, which not only limit the "surplus" activities that Pei Qian can carry out, but also limit the "loss" activities that he can carry out.

In short, all crooked ways are prohibited.

Pei Qian continued to click on the light curtain to go to the next step.

[The profit and loss conversion ratio is being randomly generated... ]

[The ratio of profit conversion is 100:1, and the ratio of loss conversion is 1:1]

"Hey, wait a minute, this ratio..."

Pei Qian took a closer look and found that this seemed to be a bit of a bug.

The loss conversion ratio is a bit high

After all the system funds are lost, they can be converted into personal property in equal amounts!

Losing money is equivalent to earning blood!

"Randomly generated such a good conversion ratio? I am a European emperor!"

"It's a pity that the conversion ratio of earnings is a bit low, but it doesn't matter, it's easier to lose money than make money!"

Pei Qian feels that his luck has exploded!

[Final step: Please name your company (click here to enter)]

Pei Qian thought about it for a while, and entered the input box with his mind: Tenda Network Technology Co., Ltd.

The meaning is "flying up".

That is to say, I hope that the company Tengda can quickly turn yellow!

["Tengda Network Technology Co., Ltd." is registered.]

After the last step was also completed, the text information on the light curtain disappeared, returning to the initial state of the panel.

[Wealth Conversion System]

[Host: Pei Qian]

[Profit conversion ratio 100:1, loss conversion ratio 1:1]

[Next settlement time: 14 days later]

[Remarks: One week before settlement, if there are unreleased products, the settlement date will be postponed, and the postponement time will be determined by the system.]

[System capital: 50000]

[Personal property: 443]

Pei Qian checked the meaning of this note.

One week before the settlement, Pei Qian cannot have unreleased products.

This is reasonable.

If there is no such rule, Pei Qian can put all the company's property into production on the day before the settlement, so that the system capital becomes 0, which is equivalent to taking advantage of the loophole.

With this rule, Pei Qian must list all the products in his hand to make a profit one week before the settlement. Whether it is profit or loss, this step cannot be skipped.

"There is one less way of exploiting loopholes, but it doesn't matter."

"So, the next thing to do is to make 50,000 of system funds become 0, and then make 443 of personal assets become 50,443."

"Isn't it just losing money within the rules? I don't think it's difficult." Pei Qian was full of confidence.

Open a company normally, create value and develop products normally.

Then, as the boss of the company, Pei Qian only needs to deviate a little from this direction and walk on the wrong path.

Isn't it done

There are very few companies that succeed in starting a business, but a lot of companies that fail to start a business are caught. Which one is less difficult is obvious!