Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 21: Game release, Ghost General!


"Qian'er, it's over!"

"I ran it twice and found no bugs."

"Is it ready to be released?"

Ma Yang is much more excited than Pei Qian, after all, this is the first game he participated in the production of.

Although he just filled out a request form.

The so-called "bug checking" only took three or four hours, but Pei Qian really didn't plan to waste any more time.

Mainly because this game is a template, and the template itself is already a version that has been checked and has almost no bugs.

Pei Qian just changed a little bit of skill settings, changed a lot of text descriptions, and other things didn't change at all, so naturally he won't fix any big bugs.

Of course, even if there is a bug now, Pei Qian can't fix it, and he has to spend money to find someone online.


Pei Qian still submitted the game for review directly according to the original process.

Before that, you must first determine the game name and introduction.

Pei Qian decided to stick to the previous idea. The name and introduction should be kept simple. It's best for players to be completely confused and unable to guess the content of the game.

Also try not to get involved with any hot search terms.

For example, "Three Kingdoms" must not appear in the title of the game!

Otherwise, players who like the Three Kingdoms game may find this game when they search for the keyword "Three Kingdoms", and then download it to play.

Pei Qian thought for a while, and with a flash of inspiration, he tapped the keyboard to fill in the name and introduction.

Name: "Ghost General"

Introduction: This is an ordinary card game.

Price: 10 yuan + in-app purchase.

It is guaranteed that players will not be able to guess what kind of game this is when they see this name and this introduction!

At the same time, the threshold of 10 yuan is enough to persuade a large number of players who accidentally stray into this game.

Compared with the last "Lonely Desert Highway", the game capacity is much larger this time. After all, it is also a mobile game with rich content.

Therefore, the review time should be slightly longer this time, and the review will not be passed until tomorrow at the earliest.

After arranging all this, Pei Qian's previous worries suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Even if the quality of the original game art is not bad, so what

Players have no way of knowing this game at all, so how can they see the original paintings in the game

Pei Qian closed the backstage happily, satisfied and looking forward to the settlement in a week.

He seems to have seen 300,000 in the account, and he can eat, drink and play as a salted fish as he enjoys a bright future...

In the afternoon, Ruan Guangjian woke up from hunger.

Several other people also got up.

Lao Huang is cleaning up the house, using a large garbage bag to collect all the leftover instant noodle boxes and all kinds of garbage, ready to pack and throw away.

"Guangjian, are you awake? How are you, have those original paintings crossed over? Does Party A want to revise it?" Lao Huang asked while packing up his things.

Ruan Guangjian turned over and got up: "No, Mr. Pei said that he is very satisfied and does not need to be modified."

"Very satisfied?" Lao Huang was a little surprised, "What kind of immortal Party A did you meet, and you didn't ask for revisions even once?"

Ruan Guangjian nodded: "Well, I'm also wondering. Although there is really nothing to modify the quality of our original pictures, but according to the general urination of Party A... Hey, do you still have instant noodles?"

"No, it's all over. Let's go out to eat at night and celebrate." Lao Huang suggested.

Ruan Guangjian nodded in agreement: "Okay, I think so too. Go out to eat a big meal, and then divide the money. Everyone has worked hard these days."

"Hey, it's mainly because you are working harder." Lao Huang dragged a large bag of garbage and went out.

Ruan Guangjian didn't expect Pei Qian to accept these original paintings without saying a word.

Because the average Party A, even if he is very satisfied with the plan, will find some small faults by nitpicking for the first time.

It is not to say that Party A is sick, it is mainly a work flow problem.

Most Party A is not a person, but a unit or a company.

It is often only a certain staff member of Party A who is handed over with Party B.

If Party B submits a version of the plan, and the staff responsible for the docking of Party A accepts it, then it will be difficult for this staff member to communicate with the leader.

If you can't pick out any faults at all, doesn't that make you seem useless and haven't done a good job in this area at all

Therefore, most representatives of Party A will find some faults to prove their existence.

There will even be such a desperate situation as "let's stick with the first version".

Ruan Guangjian also sighed that this time he really met the angel Party A.

There is no ambiguity in the payment, and there is no bargaining, but instead, they take the initiative to add money!

Just give you one of the demand forms, and you can design as you like!

After the design is finished, there is no need to modify it, and I accept it with satisfaction!

This made Ruan Guangjian feel embarrassed.

But thinking about the excellent quality of the original paintings he provided, Ruan Guangjian felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

It can only be said that it is so open and bright to cooperate with refreshing people!

Several brothers in the dormitory worked together for three weeks. Now that the work is done and the money has arrived, it is time for a big meal.

Ruan Guangjian took a few people to the small restaurant next to the school, asked for a private room, and bought two cases of beer from the nearby supermarket.

This is the plan to eat Haisai today, and I won't go home if I don't get drunk.

"By the way, Guangjian, which game are our original paintings made for? When will the game be launched?" Lao Huang was eating cold dishes and suddenly remembered this very important question.

These people certainly want to see the games they are involved in making go live sooner rather than later.

If it can explode, even better.

"I don't know when it will be launched. I didn't ask. But similar games should be tested repeatedly before they can be launched. I guess there should be no drama in the near future."

"By the way, I can check."

Ruan Guangjian has an account on the ESRO resource station. He can follow Pei Qian's account to find his company, and then find all the games released by this company.

"Fuck, "Lonely Desert Highway" is made by this company?!"

Ruan Guangjian was shocked.

He had already heard about this bullshit game. Although he didn't play it himself, he also knew some news about it some time ago.

Take a look at the second game.

"It's called "Ghost General", a mobile card game, and it is under review! It should be the game that used our original painting."

"Wouldn't it be possible to play it soon?"

"No, the efficiency is too fast... I just handed over the batch of original paintings this morning, and it will be arraigned in the afternoon, so I can play it tomorrow?!"

Ruan Guangjian was shocked by the wind-like speed.

Why do other people's games have to be tested for three to five days or a week? Otherwise, what if the game has bugs

As a result, it was good here, and it was sent out on the same day!

Lao Huang chewed on the peanuts: "It's normal, maybe the program has already been done, and it's just waiting for the art resources to be finished. There's nothing surprising."

Ruan Guangjian nodded: "Well, yes. Then we can download it tomorrow and have a look."

"Come, come, let's talk about the game tomorrow, let's go first!" Lao Huang raised his glasses, and several brothers clinked happily, planning to drink one or not get drunk!