Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 25: The artist circle is on fire!


After a moment.

The group is fried!

"Isn't Tengda the company of "Lonely Desert Highway"?!"

"!!! Stop making shitty games and make mobile games instead?"

"This kind of company is still called conscience, it's true!"

All these people searched for it, and then they found out that this game was actually produced by the same company as the popular game "Lonely Desert Highway" a while ago!

To say that this company has a conscience, this is unlikely, right? !

Ruan Guangjian hurriedly explained: "Really, if you don't believe me, download the game and take a look. This game is really fair. You can buy it for 10 yuan and play freely. The only extra fee in it is the 30 yuan lifetime card. One more chance for ten consecutive draws, and there are no other charges!"

"real or fake?"

Chen Qi was skeptical.

A mobile card game with almost no in-app purchases

So what are you expecting to make money from

Counting on 10 bucks per player to recoup costs

Isn't this a game project destined to lose? !

Everyone didn't quite believe it, and they bought the game to check it out.

As a result, after entering, I found that this game is really such a conscience!

There is indeed a mall system, but there is only one product in the mall system, which is a lifetime card priced at 30 yuan.

Like those payment points that other card games have, such as stamina potions, level challenges, card draws, etc., this game "Ghost General" does not have all of them!

In other words, all players experience almost the same game experience, there is no distinction between high and low, and there is no difference between rich players and free players!

Even the only in-app purchase service lifetime card is only 30 yuan!

This is only equivalent to a point card money in "Fantasy World", and it is still enjoyed for life!

Chen Qi was shocked.

He is incomprehensible!

As a well-known game concept artist in China, he works for a top game company in China and is a serious industry insider.

Although he is in charge of art, he also knows a thing or two about game design.

The in-app purchase service in card games is the most profitable. Many local tyrants recharge hundreds of thousands of dollars at every turn, and one person can top hundreds of ordinary players.

This profit model started from "Q Meng Sanguo" in the field of mobile games. The in-app purchase revenue of this game has indeed made many game companies jealous.

Of course, there are also many players who will call this game too dark.

But, how can game companies get along with money

Chen Qi didn't expect a company to be so arrogant. Not only did it spend all its research and development funds to improve the quality of the game, leaving no money for publicity, but it also took the initiative to cut off its own source of income, just to provide all players with Equal gaming experience!

What kind of spirit is this

Very childish, but also very noble!

Chen Qi's eyes were wet. He thought of himself when he had just entered the industry. At that time, the domestic stand-alone game was booming. Gamers like him did not forget their original intentions and always worked hard to make a stand-alone game called "conscience". gameā€¦

And now, there are really not many companies with such conscience!

"No problem, I'll go to Weibo to help you promote it, this kind of good game can't be buried!" Chen Qi spoke first.

Others, naturally, also responded in groups!

"It's really a game of conscience, I'm going to promote it too!"

"I don't have many followers on Weibo, so I'll go to other groups to shout."

"For those who posted on Weibo, don't forget to attach these original paintings. These original paintings are the essence of the game!"

Of course, some people were a little suspicious.

Could it be that you came here to rub the big guy's free publicity

But on second thought, it doesn't feel like it.

The key is that Ruan Guangjian's original painting is really good-looking and convinced everyone. Otherwise, these people are well-known figures in the industry, who will help him promote it for free.

What's more, this game is really conscientious, and even the payment points in the game have been cut cleanly.

This kind of conscience company, did not buy the water army, did not review the evaluation, and was sitting upright, what is there to doubt

Judging from the current situation, most of the game is going to lose all its money. If you help to promote it, it can be regarded as a little bit of death.

Soon, several bigwigs in the group reposted Ruan Guangjian's Weibo and original paintings.

Chen Qi also forwarded it and wrote a paragraph of his own.

"A friend in the group especially likes this original painting style. The reinterpretation of the traditional characters of the Three Kingdoms is very imaginative, and the style can be said to be a style of its own."

".S. This seems to be a feed to a game company, and the game is called "Ghost General"."

Chen Qi didn't introduce too much. On the one hand, because of his personality, he was really not good at stacking too many gorgeous words; on the other hand, he didn't want others to think that this was a business order or advertisement.

Blow too much and you'll overdo it.

The original text of Weibo gives people the feeling that I just mention it casually and share my friend's work with you.

Of course, although these painters are big names in the industry, strictly speaking, there are not many fans.

Like Chen Qi, although he holds the position of main art and concept design in large-scale domestic game projects, and also has many popular original paintings, his Weibo fans are only on the order of more than 100,000.

A similar Weibo may only have a few hundred comments at most, not more.

However, Chen Qi's Weibo friends are not the only painters like himself who only focus on original game paintings.

Among the people who follow each other, there are big touches who draw comics, some well-known producers of game companies, and even some second- and third-tier stars, authors, etc., also have some connections.

This group of people in Chen Qiqun promoted together, and their influence was still there.

Soon, the number of comments on Weibo grew rapidly.

"Is this all the characters of the Three Kingdoms transformed by magic? So handsome!"

"Is it the work of a foreign artist?"

"It's the work of a Chinese painter!"

"How can Chinese painters draw original paintings with such a unique style?"

"Surprised, just looking at the original painting makes me feel so emotional!"

"This game is called "Ghost General"? Why have I never heard of it?"

"All the mobile games are in the Q version, and I almost vomited. This style feels refreshing!"

"Go and see!"

The response was unexpectedly enthusiastic!

In fact, this is also normal, because the game "Q Meng Three Kingdoms" has been popular for a year!

During this year, "Q Meng Three Kingdoms" has been continuously expanding the number of mobile card game players, so that most mobile game players can play card mobile games without obstacles.

But on the other hand, players are gradually getting tired of the mode of "Q Meng Three Kingdoms".

Especially this Q version style, after watching a lot of games that follow the trend, many players have already developed serious aesthetic fatigue, and they feel sick when they see the Q version!

"Ghost General" is completely different. This set of original paintings is enough to make players feel that this is a completely different game from "Q Meng Three Kingdoms", and naturally they will be more interested!