Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 35: Online recruitment


Based on his memory, Pei Qian found Bao Xu in the Internet cafe at the west gate of the school.

features are very obvious.

It was autumn now, and everyone else was wearing long-sleeved trousers. He was wearing a sweater and a thick coat draped over the chair.

It's not that he is afraid of the cold, but that this suit has been worn since last winter until now...

No one can do this except him.

Bao Xu was staring at the computer screen in a daze.

The characters on the screen are riding flying mounts and wandering aimlessly in the main city.

Pei Qian came behind Bao Xu and smelled a faint smell of head oil.

It's not very serious, maybe because Bao Xu's hairline has receded seriously, and he doesn't have much hair anymore.

Well, if you can persuade him to leave the Internet cafe, you must give him some money to let him take a shower and change into clean clothes.

"Bao Xu?" Pei Qian called out tentatively.

Bao Xu was stunned for ten seconds before turning his head blankly. Inside the two huge dark circles, his eyes blinked blankly: "Are you looking for me?"

After confirming that he was not looking for the wrong person, Pei Qian sat down in the vacant seat next to Bao Xu.

"I have a job, would you like to do it?" Pei Qian asked.

Bao Xu turned his head slowly and continued to stare at the computer screen in a daze: "Being a network administrator? Not interested."

"I'm not a network manager, I'm a designer. Design a game myself." Pei Qian said.

Bao Xu's face slowly turned around again, looking up and down at Pei Qian.

It was finally determined that this seemed like an ordinary student.

"Don't make fun of me." Bao Xu didn't believe it.

Pei Qian was speechless. He was thinking that if he wore another outfit, it might be much better.

But the suits haven't arrived yet.

Pei Qian decided not to ink with him, and took out five hundred dollars directly from his pocket.

"It's an advance salary for you if you're willing to come."

Seeing five red and bright hundred-yuan bills, Bao Xu's eyes instantly glowed with some light.

He was a little sure, Pei Qian was serious.

If it's a scam, then Pei Qian has to ask him for money, how can anyone take the initiative to give money

And a shot is five hundred.

Five hundred in 2009 was a huge sum for a person like Bao Xu. After all, the price of Internet cafes at this time was generally only two or three yuan per hour.

"Not only that, the company has the best computer with dual monitors, you can play games casually." Pei Qian made up for it decisively.

Bao Xu's eyes lit up instantly.

You don't need to pay for Internet access, you can play games with the top computer!

Isn't this much more comfortable than an Internet cafe

It's like throwing a handful of dried fish in front of a starving cat.

"You really don't lie to me? Then what is my job?" Bao Xu wondered.

"Your job is to play games! The position I gave you is called Game Experiencer."

"Experience other people's games as well as our own games. If you find any problems, please give me feedback as soon as possible."

"Of course, you can also participate in the design work and make comments."

"I think you're perfectly qualified for this position, don't you?"

Pei Qian smiled, full of bewitchment.

Bao Xu pursed his lips, his throat twitched slightly.

Isn't this the life he dreams of

Playing games, you can still make money, why not do it

"I'm willing... er, I'm willing to think about it. If it's what you said, I... can consider going out."

Bao Xu originally blurted out "I do", but then he thought about it, what if he was a liar

Therefore, there is some room for speech, and it is still necessary to see the actual working environment before making a decision.

Pei Qian was sure that he had persuaded him.

Such a good condition, there is no reason to refuse.

"So now all you need to do is:"

"Take the five hundred dollars and go have a good bath, get a haircut, and buy clean clothes."

"Our company is in Shenhua Haojing. You are in this body. If you go in, you will be stopped by the guard as a homeless person."

"As for when to start work, it should be within the next two days. I will call you then."

"You are always ready."

After Pei Qian finished speaking, he turned and left.

Bao Xu looked at the five hundred yuan in his hand, and suddenly burst into tears.

"I... I'm finally being appreciated..."

He clutched the five hundred dollars tightly in his hand and lay on the computer table sobbing.

The slightly bald top of the head reflected the light of the monitor, revealing a hint of warmth.

The people next to him couldn't help but look sideways, what's going on

What kind of equipment exploded, so happy

After getting Bao Xu, Pei Qian is in a good mood.

Another capable soldier.

Ma Yang and Bao Xu have their right and left arms together, and things are a lot easier.

Pei Qian was not afraid that Bao Xu would run away, because the expectant look in Bao Xu's eyes could not be disguised.

Bao Xu could not refuse such favorable conditions.

It's a pity that talents like Bao Xu are rare.

Pei Qian still had to recruit online.

It took five minutes for Pei Qian to edit a few recruitment criteria on his mobile phone and send it to Xin Hailu, asking her to post job requirements online according to these criteria.

There are three positions for this recruitment.

The first one is the design post, and the requirements are: those who love games and are proficient in using cloud editors are preferred.

The second is the art post, the requirements are: have a certain level of aesthetics, be able to fully understand the designer's intention, and fully communicate with the outsourcing team.

The third type is the administrative post. The requirements are: female, with good facial features and elegant temperament.

In terms of salary level, it is higher than the industry average, and the specific salary is negotiable.

There is no programming post, because now making games can be done through cloud editors and templates, and using cloud editors is mainly the work of designers, and it is a problem at the execution level.

Some special functional requirements can be customized on the cloud editor. Special programmers will complete them remotely. They will be charged according to the workload, and there is no need to recruit programmers by themselves.

The art post is mainly responsible for communication.

There are a lot of art resources in the cloud editor, and you can also contact a special art team to customize it, and the specific process needs to be negotiated and negotiated by a special person.

Those who negotiate must also have a certain artistic literacy, otherwise the communication efficiency will be very low.

As for administrative jobs...

The company is doing such a beautiful job, and it's not too much to recruit two or three beautiful female receptionists, right

Xin Hailu is not only Pei Qian's assistant, she is also in charge of all aspects of the company, so she has to assign a few administrative staff to do chores for her.

The job requirements written by Pei Qian were very vague.

For example, in the design post, only those who love games are written, and those who are proficient in using cloud editors are preferred.

There is almost no threshold.

The threshold is set too high, and all the industry elites come, which is not acceptable.

Pei Qian just had to set a lower standard and put in a few more bastards, so that he could screen himself.

In this way, the preparatory work is almost completed.

The work place is finalized, and the desk and chair can be arranged soon.

Pei Qian's outfit is also done.

Ma Yang and Bao Xu, the two right-hand men, are ready.

Xin Hailu manages the company in an orderly manner.

As long as you recruit all the people through the interview, you can officially start work, and then start losing money at the speed of light!

Pei Qian thought happily about the future.