Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 48: The legendary overtime pay!


The details of "Fortress at Sea" were quickly finalized.

Within a week, the design drafts of each function were completed as scheduled. Huang Sibo reviewed them one by one and found that there were differences from Bao Xu's original ideas, so he made changes.

At the same time, these designers also began to use the editor to make the prototype of the game.

Due to the extensive use of general templates, the initial progress is not slow, but to achieve the desired effect of Huang Sibo and Bao Xu, the follow-up needs to be adjusted slowly.

All requirements for art resources have been handed over to the art team for communication and customization with the painters of the resource station.

Including some general zombies, role models of mercenaries, and image customization of little girls, etc., are also rapidly preparing.

Taking the image customization of the little girl as an example, the members of the art team at Tenda need to communicate and confirm with the painter, Bao Xu and Huang Sibo repeatedly.

There are three artists responsible for the image of the little girl, one conceptual design and original painting, one model, and one action, each responsible for different aspects of work.

After this whole process, the little girl will become the most invested game character in the whole game.

Including the movements and expressions of the little girls in some specific plot links, they are all custom-made, so it can be said that no expense was spared.

Of course, the investment is still within the budget.

Because those 3A masterpieces in foreign countries use this standard for every character, and there are seven or eight main characters at every turn; and in "Fortress at Sea", only the character of the little girl is made according to this standard, and the budget is naturally controlled. it is good.

Sometimes when he found better art resources, Huang Sibo went directly to Pei Qian.

And Pei Qian definitely waved his hand: buy!

At the beginning, Huang Sibo was still a little uneasy, thinking in his heart, if the budget for purchasing resources is added, is it really okay

If it was in another company, I'm afraid the boss would have jumped and scolded people long ago!

From 7.8 million to 1.2 million, then to 1.5 million...

In other companies, Huang Sibo would definitely be labeled as "unclear planning and poor cost control".

But in Tenda, President Pei not only didn't blame Huang Sibo, but was happy instead

Huang Sibo couldn't help but sigh, this is the difference in the pattern!

I'm so stupid, but President Pei still trusts me unconditionally...

It's just a slap in the face, no reward!

If I don't make this game well, I'm simply sorry for Mr. Pei's cultivation!

In the blink of an eye, it's the end of the month.

Today is Friday, November 29th.

For Huang Sibo, this is an ordinary day.

At present, his work has almost been completed, the design work has been completed, the details have been handled properly, and the resources in various games are also in production.

As the main executive strategy, it is of course not within Huang Sibo's scope of work to manually adjust the editor, and naturally there are subordinates to do it.

And Huang Sibo's task is to supervise the rest of the design team and promote the progress of the work.

Compared with the design draft, this work is much easier, so Huang Sibo has not worked overtime for a while.

With sufficient manpower and sufficient budget, the development progress is still under control, and naturally there is no need to work overtime.

Huang Sibo has never felt that work is so easy and comfortable.


The phone rang.

Huang Sibo picked it up and saw that it turned out to be a text message notifying the bank card salary has arrived!

"Ah? Isn't it the 29th today?"

Huang Sibo was a little confused.

Because according to the general company's urine, the monthly salary is not paid until the next month.

The salary on the 5th is basically considered to be very conscientious.

A very rude company will not pay until the middle of the next month or even the end of the month, which is equivalent to suppressing employees’ salary for a month in disguised form for no reason. .

Companies that pay wages before the 5th of next month are already considered very conscientious.

This is the first time Huang Sibo has seen such a salary that is paid in the same month!

"Your account XXXX was credited with salary soft sister currency 5375.8 at 11:09 on November 29, [XX Bank]"

Huang Sibo was stunned.

This salary is wrong!

He clearly remembered that his entry time was around November 5, and the working time was definitely less than a month.

The basic salary is set at 4,000 yuan per month, plus the deduction of five insurances, one housing fund and income tax, the salary amount should be less than 4,000 yuan!

But how did this send more than 5,000

Huang Sibo is a little confused, but this kind of trivial matter is definitely not suitable to ask President Pei, just ask Assistant Xin directly.

Huang Sibo found Xin Hailu and expressed his doubts.

Xin Hailu smiled and said, "Yes, that's all, there are overtime pay."

"Overtime pay???" Huang Sibo was even more confused.

Xin Hailu nodded: "Yes, it's not just you, everyone who works overtime in the company has overtime pay. You should work about 50 hours of overtime in the company, and the overtime pay is calculated at 1.5 times the hourly wage, and then deducted. Five insurances and one housing fund, personal income tax, etc., is this money.”

Huang Sibo opened his mouth slightly and was speechless for a while.

Only in the legendary overtime pay!

And it is still paid at 1.5 times the personal hourly salary!

Overtime pay is something that most game companies do not have.

Not to mention now, even ten years later, in most industries, companies that pay overtime can be said to be rare!

Moreover, many companies pay overtime based on the hourly wage of the local minimum wage.

However, Tengda is different. Overtime is calculated according to the standard hourly wage of each employee!

In layman's terms, it means more overtime pay!

Take Huang Sibo, for example, his basic salary is 4,000 per month, calculated based on 20 working days and working hours per day, the hourly salary is 25 yuan, and the overtime pay is 37.5 per hour.

After that, the overtime pay was calculated according to the number of overtime hours worked by Huang Sibo, added to the salary, and then the payment of five social insurances and one housing fund, tax deductions, etc., was the amount of money that Huang Sibo received on his card now!

Just two words, open and bright!

Huang Sibo has never met such a conscientious company, no, let alone met, never even heard of it!

Back at his workstation, Huang Sibo couldn't calm down for a long time.

It turns out that President Pei knows everything!

He knew that we were ignoring his orders to work overtime, and instead of scolding us, he silently put the overtime pay on our card.

Huang Sibo's heart warmed, and his eyes were moist.


Really great boss!

As for Pei Qian, he didn't know how grateful the employees who received overtime pay were to him.

He still has a headache.

Why can't this system fund be spent! ! !

The reason why employees are paid at the end of the month is mainly because the system is settled at the beginning of the month.

Pei Qian has to make sure that before each system settlement, the salary to the employees has been sent out, otherwise there will be an inexplicable backlog of salary, which is very detrimental to the loss of system funds!