Chapter 100: The princess is married!


That's the case, but when the carriage stopped, when he heard the joy, Zhaoyan's heart still thumped.

But she quickly adjusted her complexion, and she got off the carriage generously. The firecrackers had been exploded outside, and the confetti from the firecrackers scattered all over the floor. Congratulations came from the inside. The bride just entered, but the smoke outside has not yet cleared. …

Zhaoyan walked in and saw the newcomer preparing to pay his respects, Xia Yun shouted, "The princess is married!"

This loud voice directly silenced the lively hall, everyone turned their heads, even Feng Min and his bride were stunned and turned their heads, and then everyone immediately knelt down to welcome the face.

What occasion is this? No matter what occasion he is, the princess must pay a salute when he drives there, especially the princess Chaoyan, whose heart is hurt by the lord of the country!

It’s just that today’s Her Royal Highness is so beautiful, most of these are either door-to-door or right. Most people have never seen Zhaoyan, or had to meet from a distance before, but now looking so close, Zhaoyan has been specially dressed up again. After a while, they only felt like a fairy floating down. For such a princess, they could only kneel on the ground and look up secretly, and they felt that it was a blessing for a few lifetimes. New Bayi Chinese website debut

And Chao Yan's dress up soon overshadowed Feng Min's bride's limelight. With her princess as a princess, all the attention was focused on her, and they could only call a halt when they were preparing to pay their respects.

Zhaoyan stood at the door and looked at Feng Min and his bride across the entire lobby. She didn't know what she was feeling at this time, but it was painful after all. The pain was like a blunt knife cutting with one knife. Her meat, one click, dripping with blood...

Everything before he came was a fantasy, but when he watched him put on a red robe and held his other half to spend the rest of his life together, he knew how dazzling this scene was! ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Chaoyan adjusted his mood, and a smile of congratulations immediately appeared on his face, "Brother Feng Min can't forget me? I didn't invite me over for such a big event as marriage, but I was born! I just went abroad for two months. You just forgot about me and didn't even tell me when you married your sister-in-law. That's what your brother did? You won't blame me for uninviting me today

When Chaoyan arrived at his sister-in-law, there was a tremor in the ending. She couldn't help it. Now she can only call it that way, Si Yusheng can hear it. Even if she behaves very normally, the trembling of the ending is really pitiful.

When Feng Min saw Zhaoyan coming over like this, he looked solemn and thought she was going to stop this wedding, but when she saw that she was called sister-in-law, it should not be like this, so his smile returned to his face, "Sister, this is No matter where, I have been busy preparing for the wedding these few days. I don’t know when my sister came back. I thought you missed my wedding. When you come back, I have to punish you, but I didn’t expect to come. In time, since it's here, sit down quickly, come, and prepare a place for Her Royal Highness."

The face of the face is such a big battle, especially for the bride today. The bride under the hijab is not convinced in her heart, but because of the large number of people, she can’t be so bright, "Yes, your Royal Highness." , It is indeed Guan Rao, or not? I ask your Royal Highness to forgive him on this happy day, and how can the slave family deserve the princess to call her sister-in-law, the princess praised the slave family."