Chapter 12: ready


The distance between country and country is neither long nor short, but there is a delay on this road. If you speed up, it may be here in six or seven days, but sitting on this sedan chair is their princess, the body of a daughter. , And she is the number one beauty in the world. Even if others have not seen her, she is still famous. You can't touch her. What if there is a bruise on this delicate skin

Therefore, the bearers are very careful, and the kung fu under their feet has naturally become more delicate. The pace is smaller and more stable, and the walking is slower, but they have more than enough time in time, so naturally they are not in a hurry. These six or seven days Fortunately, it was delayed for more than ten days, but fortunately, it was still too late, and there was still time and time for wealth to come out.

When this group of people Ma Haohao entered the city, they naturally had their soles and quickly went to the palace to report. Chaoyan and the others were not in a hurry. They only stayed in their own country. Chaoyan who went abroad for the first time was still somewhat Strange, she couldn’t help but curiosity when she was walking on the street. She looked at the street markets different from her own country. It seemed to be lively, and the customs seemed to be different. After all, it was a world she hadn’t seen before... ァNew ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"Look, princess, the costumes of these people do not seem to be different from our country. They are the same, but there are many people, and there are quarrels. People in our country never quarrel, they are very enthusiastic. of."

Xia Yun, the girl who grew up with Chaoyan, also curiously peeked out along the corner that the princess had set aside, and at the same time expressed her thoughts and opinions.

Chaoyan was expressionless, just using her watery eyes to look outside to inquire, lively and lively, curious and curious after all, but she already has some insights of her own.

She retracted her hand holding the curtain, continued to sit upright on the seat, and turned her eyes back to the front of her self-conscious mouth, "Naturally the same, these are all people in the world before, and they are citizens of a country. Only after the coup d’état took place, it was divided into a small country. There were so many people because it was the country with the best landform and the most abundant material among all countries. The number of people is normal. If there are more people, there will be more natural emotions. Quarrels are just commonplace."

Xia Yun pouted her lips and nodded and listened to the princess's words. Seeing that it was about to arrive, she quickly got up and adjusted the corners of the princess's clothes, as well as the position of the headwear. This is the first time she has appeared on the stage, let alone. Her Royal Highness's reputation is already out there, but she still has to face everyone with her best appearance.

It is estimated that this picture of national color talent is like seeing a fairy descending from the world. It is not an exaggeration to say a fairy. Xia Yun knows that in this life there will be no better-looking person than our princess.

Of course, people like His Royal Highness shouldn't get old, and it's great to keep the looks like they are now.

Chaoyan sat still, naturally knowing that Xia Yun was helping me organize my face, and she was about to step from a stable palace to another palace full of wind and clouds. I am the princess of our country, and no one is in the palace. Dare to deceive me, no one dare to offend me, let me spoil me.

But when I got here, I was just an envoy. After all, I was a foreigner. Most of their princes and princesses would be unwelcome to me, and I can only swallow my anger and come up with me as a princess and an envoy of a country.

Just by this look, I don’t know how much trouble it will bring me...