Chapter 1434: Tell him the good news


Chaoyan’s body was repaired by Si Yusheng very early, and the reason why it became empty later was because she was injured and could not have a child, so her body was so empty, but as long as she had a child, everything was a different matter. It's still intact, a good person, nothing.

The body is the same as an ordinary pregnant woman who is going to be a mother, without any serious problems.

Si Yusheng finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. Great, he is now a father! He will be a father, he and Chaoyan can have children of their own. He doesn't need to have children with other women. He can have a lovely child with his favorite and favorite woman.

Both the boy and girl Si Yusheng are very happy, and he even thought about not letting Chaoyan regenerate after the birth of this child. Her body is not very good. The fact that she was pregnant with this child really made them think that. However, Si Yusheng also knows how much impact the childbirth will bring to a person. Whether it is before or after giving birth, it takes a long time to make up for it. Chaoyan’s body is inherently bad. Si Yusheng hopes her To be better, they are content enough to have a child.

It must be that he and Chao Yan are kind enough, so God will pity them for giving them a child, and Si Yusheng must keep the baby.

He asked the imperial doctor, "Early doctor, Chaoyan mother and son will be handed over to you. You have been taking care of her body. You know best what is going on. You must keep her and the child in her stomach, and do what you can. Stay safe, the month is big, I know there will be a lot of trouble, so when the month is young, you should try to take care of it. I heard that the first three months were the most unstable, and the result was passed by the two of us so confused. , But it shouldn’t be ignored in the future. I also ask the imperial doctor to come to her to get her pulse every day, to understand her and the fetus’ situation, and to report to me in time. If you have any situation, you must tell me that Zhaoyan’s baby will be handed over to you. Up."

Si Yusheng carefully asked that this was the imperial doctor who had been with him for a long time. He assured him that Chaoyan and the child in her stomach were handed over to him. The imperial doctor did not humiliate his mission. Fetal phase. New Bayi Chinese Website is first published at https://(www). https://m/.x81zw./com/

After the imperial doctor left, Si Yusheng and Chaoyan finally happily put down their identities and figures, like an ordinary couple who were new parents, holding each other's hands and laughing speechlessly.

They are too happy, too happy to have their own children, too happy that God can give them a child. Chaoyan thought that even if he could have children, he would have to wait a long, long time on this day, but he didn't expect to come so soon.

She had been pregnant once and lost a child. She should have experience, but this time she didn't think about it at all. It was beyond her expectation that she was pregnant with this child so confused.

"I can't imagine another life in my belly. This must be the child before us. He must have plunged into my belly again. This time I will do my best to protect him. He was born in this world safely, and we can also be fathers and mothers. I thought I didn’t have the qualifications to be a mother and a biological mother in my entire life. I am now, he can also be a grandfather, I must tell him the good news! "噺⒏⑴The full text of the article is the fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/