Chapter 1447: I've been waiting for you here


It was too late for Lanshan to cry. She just wanted to break free from everyone's obstacles. When she went outside, she wanted to chase after her. Even if she could never catch up with Feng Min with only a pair of legs, she wanted to chase it out.

Now she just wanted to catch up with Feng Min and explain to him clearly that she was not angry with him, nor did she not love him. Those words were just a pretense to lie to him and drive him away.

She loves Feng Min, she loves Feng Min very much, and there is nothing left. She and Yu Quan have nothing. The person she likes is Feng Min and wants to be with him.

"I said why you girl didn’t listen to persuasion. A person who ran out at night had to break out. Be careful, we will catch you and lock you up and ask you to go again tomorrow morning. You still run into us, we can all take it with you. Knife and gun, if you collide again, we will detain you!"

Lanshan did not listen to persuasion, still running rampant, these guards with knives also warned her one by one. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest computer terminal: https:// www.@x81zw

I could explain to her very gently just now, but now Shanshan is running rampant like a madman. They thought they had encountered some difficult characters, so they all took out their swords and pointed at her.

But Shanshan didn't care at all. She just wanted to go out, so that everyone around her was pointing at her with a sword. She was blind as if she couldn't see in front of her, and she could only go to the road of Fengming.

"Hold on, I'm sorry to interrupt, I'll take her back!"

Feng Min's voice!

Lanshan turned her head excitedly and saw Feng Min, but he didn't leave!

Feng Min also picked her up with a shallow smile, and took her aside, but she didn't care about it. Just after she stopped, she asked Feng Min, "Great, you didn't leave, why didn't you leave? I thought you were gone, and I will never be able to catch you again."

At this moment of seeing Feng Min, Shan Shan finally couldn't help it. She threw herself into his arms and wept, crying like a tearful person.

Almost, she almost thought that she would never see Feng Min again, and that she would lose someone who loved her so much in this life, because of such a small misunderstanding, and she hadn't said anything, just like Feng Min, The selfish one made the decision alone between the two of them.

After thinking about it clearly, I blamed him, but isn't he such a person

Feng Min is for two people, alone to bear the burden, why is it not that one person is taking charge of the affairs of two people without authorization

She hugged Feng Min tightly, for fear that she would run away as soon as she let go. She hugged her tightly and cried very sadly.

Feng Min held her lightly, gently comforted her, and coaxed her: "Little idiot, I already knew why you were angry with me. I knew it since you said that to me in the morning. The day before I don’t know why you quarreled with me, but I knew it in the morning. What you said to me let me see at a glance. Who did you listen to? Knowing that I can’t bear the things I’ve done for you, I want to cut it off with me, and if I'm decisive, I will sever the relationship. I know that you will regret it after you know the truth. Naturally, it is impossible to leave. I will wait for you here." New Bayi Chinese website first published www.(x81zw).com m./x81zw/.com

Feng Min is very smart. He has been guarding Shan Shan at the door. When she knows the truth and chasing it out, when Shan Shan said that in the morning, he understood in his heart that Yu Quan must have sent someone to investigate and then told Shan Shan. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Shanshan to accept Yu Quan, and it would be impossible to say something like that to herself suddenly, everything is for a reason.