Chapter 1453: Why don't you take off your clothes?


Feng Min didn't take off his clothes, he just wore it, and then fell asleep in the bed, looking a little strange and asked him, "Aren't you taking off your clothes when you sleep?"

Feng Min was embarrassed. He was used to euphemistically, but he was a little embarrassed to say it directly by such a straightforward temper.

He hasn't seen such a girl's family. They are usually shy, and the men are more proactive. But when they are both of them, the other way around, he becomes so passive.

"I, of course I take off my clothes, but that's it for tonight. Let's go back tomorrow morning. It doesn't matter if you wear clothes to sleep. Now it's cold. Wear more clothes to sleep warmly."

Feng Min makes excuses for himself, and he can only say that without wanting to hurt Shan Shan's heart, but Shan Shan always feels weird, isn't it

It’s not too cold, right? She feels okay, it's not particularly cold, and besides covering him with such a big quilt, he is still sleeping in clothes. How uncomfortable!

Lanshan thinks that Feng Min is a person who loves cleanliness and tidiness so much. It doesn't seem to be like this. Lanshan thinks that he must have something else unspeakable.

"Is that so? You are not awkward because you slept with me, so you want to wear more. Please, I am a girl and my foot is still injured. What can I do to you? Don’t worry about what you do to me. Instead, you are still watching me like this. Isn’t it uncomfortable to sleep in clothes? I don’t believe you have such a habit."

Lanshan sat up half-length, staring at Feng Min so directly, asking him to spit out the truth, Feng Min could never take off his clothes. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

He told the truth and said, "Well, if I can promise you, it's all right. If I take off my clothes, I can't get through this barrier in my heart. My parents taught me how to treat other girls' girls since I was young. Now following you, it hurts you. I can promise you to sleep with you. It is also convenient to take care of you when asked, but I must not take off my clothes. Once I take off my clothes, I can’t explain it clearly. Honestly, be obedient, advance the date of the wedding, and sooner or later what you want will happen." New 81 Chinese website update the fastest computer terminal: https:// www.@x81zw

Feng Min suddenly drove the car, making the shy shy people do not know what to say.

What does she want will happen sooner or later, what does she want? She didn't know what Lanshan wanted. She lowered her head and hid and smiled like a smile, but she didn't know what she wanted!

She just wanted to sleep with Feng Min normally. She didn't want anything. How could Feng Min think of her like that

Now she is honest, Feng Min opened the topic and she was honest, lying down and sleeping, facing the wall, with her back facing Feng Min, Feng Min also separated from Shan Shan some distance, and slept on the edge of the bed. , Try to stay aside, don't press her, don't touch her, don't get close to her.

But Feng Min can’t sleep. He doesn’t pay attention to it. He can fall asleep anywhere. He doesn’t recognize the bed or the environment. But now there is a girl sleeping next to him, the girl he is so careful about. He is afraid that he will fall asleep. If he would touch her, hurt her, or act excessively towards her, so he could only stay awake half-dreaming and half-awake all the time.

It also prevented her from looking for herself for something to do at night, so she slept like this all night, but she slept soundly, perhaps because her mood was ups and downs, so she slept soundly, it was too exhausting.