Chapter 1462: Or let her come


"Of course, I don’t want to lose it. The matter of me and Feng Min is basically settled, and it won’t change. This time it made me firm in my determination to be with him. He did so much for me. Father and mother also saw his sincerity. At the moment, father and mother like him very much, and especially accept him, including me. I will not have any quarrel with him anymore. We are going to start planning for the wedding. Do you want to send it out first? The princess who wrote to you in the past, didn't she say that she would come to your wedding? It should take a while from preparation to coming back, and writing a letter now should be almost the same, right?"

Lanshan thought that from the letter to the time when they were ready to come, the time should be about the same. I can't really let the family come over on the wedding day. I can help with planning a few days in advance.

Xia Yun still hesitated, "I thought so before, but now that the princess is pregnant, she must sit firmly on her fetus. Let her run back and forth, so far along the way. The princess must pay attention to this when she had a miscarriage before. One child, if this child is not saved because of carelessness, then I will definitely die of guilt. I don’t want to let the princess toss back and forth."

Xia Yun thought for Chaoyan. Chaoyan had a childbirth before, and her body should not be very good. She didn't know whether to make up for it. Anyway, the pain she had suffered before was too much, and she didn't know how her body was now.

The letter from the princess only said that she was pregnant, and she wanted to thank her for her loss, but did not say that she was in her current physical condition. Xia Yun was worried that if the princess was allowed to come over, the bumps on the road would make the princess unstable and she did not know her. How is your physical condition now

The princess treats herself so well, if she invites her to come, she will definitely come, she said that a long time ago, but if she harmed her body and didn't save the birth, then Xia Yun would really feel ashamed.

She hesitated, but she felt that this was not so good, "Not so good, she is your princess, you are the closest person in this world, if your wedding does not let her come, I am afraid she will also Not happy, she wants to come, she hasn’t just said that? If you don’t let her come, she will probably be angry. You are thinking about her, but she may want to attend your wedding. If you don’t Invite her, she may think that you have had a relationship with her, and that you are not as good to her as before. Or write a letter and ask her to come slowly along the way, come early, and don’t be so hurry. It's quite stable, and I can still get used to it all along the way."

I still think about letting the other party come. For such a big thing, if you don’t invite her to come, it would seem like a good thing. This is a happy event for the child, and it’s a must to keep it, but it’s also a must to attend a wedding. of.

It's better to take your time. There shouldn't be any big problems if you don't worry. People who feel pregnant are not so squeamish and don't need to be so careful.

For example, when Zhaoyan saw her that day, when she took her pulse, her pulse was very good and strong. At first glance, she had regular exercises. Her body was not so weak. If you take it slowly along the way, as long as you are well-trained, you should not If there is a big problem, Shanshan feels okay.

Xia Yun is still a bit hesitant. She wants the princess to come, and the princess also wants to come, but she just wants to keep the princess pregnant... New 81 Chinese net update the fastest computer terminal: https:// www.@x81zw