Chapter 31: hate


Turning his head to see Si Yusheng’s room was extremely dark, there was no light, and with the moonlight that came in, the ground was faintly visible. There were overturned pens, inks, papers and inkstones, as well as various smashed decorations, but no one dare When they came up to clean, the people trembling outside the door, no one dared to come in and touch his mold.

Si Yusheng sat down in front of the case, wishing to tear his face to pieces!

Two angers rushed straight from under their feet to the top door, and the nameless flame in my heart couldn't hold back.

The first thing he did when he returned to the room was to smash things, and he smashed everything that could be smashed in the room, but it was just to relieve his anger for a while. All this he did was meaningless, no matter how he smashed it. It's impossible to make everything today seem like it didn't happen.

Si Yusheng felt a sense of pressure, as if there was a sense of embarrassment that could not escape...

My own woman, I can't even intercede.

Tired, he sat on the ground, only feeling that his heart was knocked so hard, it didn't hurt, but it was a kind of suffocation. New Bayi Chinese website debut

He could hardly expect...

The reason why he didn't intercede was because he was afraid of angering the emperor, so he was angry and pointed out a marriage to Mingxiang.

The ban was for a month. How long this month is, I can’t get out, and the news from the outside cannot be passed in. At least my father will stop all Mingxiang’s news. It’s impossible to let me know this month. There is enough time for a lot of things to happen. Maybe she will become someone else’s wife when I go out. I believe that my father can do it. He can do it in order to make me give up, but I absolutely can’t accept it. !

So his powerlessness and decadence and embarrassment are all because of this. If I, as the prince, cannot protect even my own woman or even my beloved woman, I would be so useless and incapable...

Haven't all my efforts been wasted

I know that my father doesn’t like her and feel that we don’t match well, so I work hard to do things for my father and complete tasks. Gradually my father pays more and more attention to me. I want to marry me based on his preference for me. A woman should be okay, but things slowly backfired, and he opposed it more and more.

Before, he just warned, but today he has completely torn his face.

Si Yusheng sat down on the ground and couldn't understand it. It was just a woman, so why couldn't he get it? Since I can have three wives and four concubines in the future, this woman has nothing to do with her status, why not

The position of the wife is so important, why do we have to join forces? I rely on my ability to be worth two people, can I do whatever I want? Why do I have to marry the princess? Is it good for me to have diplomatic relations between the two countries

He was in anger now, and his mind was filled with Mingxiang not being able to marry anyone else. He couldn't understand and was not reconciled. Of course, the most important thing was his hatred of the face.

It used to be okay. It was just a warning. It can still be seen above. Now not only is I banned, Mingxiang has also been stripped of the position of the princess. I guess it's no fate, maybe I won't even see each other in the future.

If she hadn't talked so much today, the emperor would just show me an attitude in front of her, eager to put aside the relationship between me and Mingxiang, for fear of her misunderstanding, I am not afraid of her misunderstanding at all!