Chapter 44: sick


This is the last thing Chaoyan thinks when she is sane...

After Si Yusheng jumped into the water, she quickly found Zhaoyan, because she was dressed in light clothes and could float in the water. It looked like a butterfly dancing in the water, but there was no kung fu. Appreciation, it seems that she has no consciousness, it is likely to be drowning. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Si Yusheng hurriedly swam toward her, picked up the person, and entered the autumn lake. It was also very cold at night. Si Yusheng hugged the person to the pavilion, and quickly took off his robe and covered her. Body.

The veil made of thin soft smoke sticks tightly to the face after being dipped in water.

In addition, Si Yusheng was protecting her waist, and at this moment he could only think of one sentence, Cherry Fan Sukou, Yang Liu Xiaoman waist.

Just now he was clamoring and clamoring to see her true face. He saw it right now. In fact, if you took the veil to see her in a meeting, it would be more real, but now I don’t have much time to appreciate it. Instead, I have to shake her up first and become conscious. Explain true safety.

Si Yusheng shook it and patted it, but there was no response from Chaoyan. Si Yusheng immediately picked her up and flew to the shore with ease, and then hurriedly ordered someone to the room. Ask a doctor!

The toss was in the middle of the night. Han Su hurried back and saw Si Yusheng sitting next to the princess’s bed wearing only a coat, and the princess had changed into clean clothes and was lying there, her face pale and haggard. It's very, like a butterfly with folded wings, which makes people feel distressed. New Bayi Chinese website debut

Seeing Han Su coming, Si Yusheng immediately asked him, "Have anyone been caught?"

Han Su shook his head, "No, this person is very light, and he hides in no one's place in an instant. I can't find it. Now the Guards have been moved to search in the palaces. The servants are concerned about the safety of the princess, so I rushed. Come back, is the princess okay?"

Si Yusheng glanced at her face, and saw that there was a layer of blood missing between her skin, and she looked abnormally pale. "It's okay. It's okay if you feed the medicine on time. It's just that I was frightened. The lake is cold again, I'm afraid it will be in the middle of the night. It burns up, so I am here to accompany her, after all, I also have my responsibility."

Han Su listened to Si Yusheng's words, and walked forward nervously a few steps, wanting to see the princess's current situation, but realized that he was overstepping, immediately stopped, at a loss...

He doesn't want to go, wants to watch the princess wake up, but it seems inconvenient to stay here...

Si Yusheng also saw the hesitation in his heart, and simply sent him away, "It's useless for you to stay here. There are maids waiting here. You have worked with the assassin, and you are a little familiar with him, so you should go. See if someone is caught and provide some help. You know him a little bit. If he is dressed as a guard or eunuch, you can recognize him. As for... If she wakes up, I will find someone to tell you. "

Han Su glanced at Si Yusheng, then nodded and left. Right now this is the best way. It is useless to stay here. Only by arresting the assassin for interrogation can we know who instigated him.

After leaving Han Su, he was the only one in the entire bedroom. Before he had time to change his clothes, he was wearing a bottom coat. First he reached out his hand and touched Chaoyan’s forehead. The towel he had prepared early in the morning was wrapped in cold water and applied to her head.

Chaoyan just lay down, Si Yusheng didn’t lift the veil secretly at all. Since she didn’t want to let me see it, I didn’t watch it. I said that I would let her show it to me willingly one day. of.