Chapter 52: Here comes another prince


After eating this loss, Zhaoyan was very careful. Others could harm me, but don't harm me.

Bringing so many headwear and clothes, many of them are brand new, and I have never used them before, and I feel novel and fresh while turning over Zhaoyan. I try them one by one on the head, but it’s a pity that she now has her hair draped. It's just pulled up a little behind, there is not much place for plugs, just gestures, but it still looks luxurious and lazy.

Si Yusheng took a nap there, Chaoyan sat in front of the vanity mirror fiddling with her own things, doing her own things, time and quiet can also be described as such.

Zhao Yan kept trying one by one, after all, how could a woman hate these.

Xia Yun walked in with a man, "Princess, someone came to see you."

Chaoyan didn't get up, but turned to look at the man behind Xia Yun. He was luxuriously dressed, his skin was fair and jade, and his facial features were perfect. Even with such a close examination, he couldn't find a trace of flaws. He was straight and like a bamboo. , Slender and strong.

Seeing that the man looks good, but Zhaoyan still did not stand up, but waited for the person to report himself first.

Si Wangshu might not have thought that Chaoyan was so arrogant. The visitor was a guest, and she couldn't stand to meet me and still sit here, but the princess was wearing a veil on her face, and the aura and arrogance in her eyes were a little bit. Not tacky. ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

No wonder there is news that the emperor father wants her to marry the future prince, it is no wonder that the emperor father wants her to be the future queen, such a figure, such a temperament, such a life experience, indeed she must be.

Si Wangshu didn't forget the purpose of coming, and immediately greeted him kindly, "Princess Chaoyan, I have heard of the princess's beautiful name for a long time, but I have never seen it. Now although the princess is wearing a veil and plain clothes, she still faintly I can guess that the princess must be a peerless beauty. Just look at the aura revealed in this eye. I heard that the princess was frightened by the sunset, so I came to visit the princess immediately when I returned to the palace today. I wonder if the princess is better now. ?"

Chaoyan then slowly got up and put down the things in his hands, "Some are better, but I still have some sickness. Please stay away from me. Don't get sick."

Si Wangshu understood that Chaoyan kept a distance from me intentionally or unintentionally, saying this, so he laughed, "Hahahahahaha, the princess is worried, I am not a pampered young master, I am this great majesty, The princess has also heard of it. I am a person who is doing business all the year round. He is not even expensive or squeamish. I usually eat and drink and live without paying attention. My body is very hard. , Princess, don't worry about getting over this sickness to me."

After going back and forth, I exposed myself to the family. It turned out to be the majesty, and there is another prince...

Chaoyan is not good at socializing, but Si Wangshu is very familiar with him. He put the gifts he brought on Chaoyan's table, "I must not come empty-handed. This is the baby I have found when doing business abroad these years. I know. The princess does not lack anything and has a very high vision. I don’t know if these things can be in the eyes of the princess.” After saying that she ordered people to open these boxes, looking at the boxes is normal, but the things in the boxes are indeed rare. Asagan is used to seeing good things, and can judge whether a thing is good or not. For me, these things are used to seeing good things, but they are also rare.