Love Affairs in Chang’an

Chapter 34: First impression


Baiqi's residence and training camp are both at the Xuanwu Gate of Tai Chi Palace, the same place where Li Shimin directed a major palace coup. In the past, entering the palace from here would directly face the harem where the emperor lived, so it was a weak area for defense and a choke point.

Today, this place is guarded by the Zuojian gatekeepers commanded by Li Junxian. Baiqi's residence is a row of newly built magnificent residences, with fresh paint and bright glazed tiles, showing a sense of nobility everywhere.

"Mu Bai, the emperor attaches great importance to Baiqi. Look at the newly built soldiers' residence, it is better than any of the Imperial Guards. Because you are His Majesty's personal guards, so in every aspect, you are It must be the best." Li Junxian pointed to the row of military quarters and said to Qin Mubai, "Look at your quarters, the treatment of even ordinary Baiqi soldiers is no worse than that of many generals. Each house is assigned a servant and a eunuch to serve the horses. There are six hundred horsemen and more than a thousand servants. There are so many people waiting for me, I guess in this world, only the soldiers of Baiqi are so unworthy of soldiers."

Qin Mubai finally heard it. Although Li Junxian said it more casually and casually, it seemed like he was joking, but it had a hint of sourness. They were enemies in the same trade. Li Junxian had commanded the Zuojianmen and had been stationed at the Xuanwu Gate of Taiji Palace for many years, but he had not received such treatment.

"Since the treatment is so good, I think our responsibilities and tasks are also very difficult." Qin Mubai said.

"As long as you understand." Li Junxian had a serious expression on his face. He took out a folded paper and handed it to Qin Mubai, saying, "You should take a look first. This is what I have done for you Baiqi after listening to the emperor's decree." Developed training plan.”

Qin Mubai took it and took a look at it, and took a deep breath in his heart!

This is clearly a "murder plan"!

In the training table, the twelve hours of a day are specified very precisely. From getting up at dawn to going to bed at midnight, every moment is arranged to be "fulfilling". This surprised Qin Mubai, who was familiar with military camps in the 21st century - this was clearly devilish training!

Coupled with the military regulations and brainwashing political doctrines formulated by the emperor for Baiqi, it is conceivable that Baiqi will be such a force in the future: absolute obedience and meticulous, iron-blooded and invincible, a group of the most high-profile bodyguards and the most gorgeous killing machine.

"What, are you scared?" Li Junxian raised the corner of his mouth and smiled a little coldly.

Qin Mubai closed the fold lightly and took a few steps with his hands behind his back. He smiled slightly and said, "Excuse me, General Li. Can I give you some advice?"

"Of course." Li Junxian said in a serious tone, "His Majesty the Emperor has a decree. You are the commander-in-chief of the Hundred Cavalry, and I am just a long history to assist you. It is still up to you to make the final decision on major matters."

"Okay. I need to make some adjustments to some of these training subjects." Qin Mubai paused and turned to look at him, "Is that okay?"

Li Junxian frowned slightly and smiled nonchalantly: "Of course. Anyway, in the end, it is the emperor who has to fulfill his purpose."

Qin Mubai nodded and said nothing, thinking: It seems that the emperor is still worried about me, a newcomer, after all. It sounds nice to send a "seasoned and experienced" general to assist me, but actually he wants to supervise me or even isolate me from the beginning. It's no wonder that Baiqi is the closest pro-honored army to the emperor. The emperor doesn't know me very well, so how can he trust me with his life and fortune

In fact, what Qin Mubai was murmuring in his heart was not how to compete with Li Junxian for favor or how to win the emperor's trust. It is true that the training plan formulated by Li Junxian is too 'unscientific'.

For example, after lunch, there is only one rest time for a stick of incense, and then you will immediately engage in high-intensity strength training. Even if you gain strength, your stomach will be damaged. If you don't know how to rest, you don't know how to work. How can you train a true warrior by being ruthless and bitter. Moreover, these training subjects are too traditional, no different from those of other armies of the Tang Dynasty. Even if the quality of these Hundreds of Cavalry soldiers is indeed much higher than that of other ordinary soldiers, if they are trained in this way, what will be special about them in the end? What qualifications do you have to stand out as the emperor's personal guard

So at this moment, Qin Mubai already had a detailed training plan in mind, which of course he learned from the National University of Defense Technology and the modern army. Just reselect them to make them suitable for the current situation of the Tang army, and that's it.

Doesn't the emperor need a group of real "Zhongnanhai bodyguards"? Okay, I'll give you a group of special forces!

Li Junxian took Qin Mubai for a walk around the Hundred Cavalry Camp, and then gathered 600 soldiers. Among the officers of Baiqi, except for Qin Mubai, the envoy of Baiqi, the other officers have not yet taken up their posts. Qin Mubai thought to himself that the emperor had good intentions. Let Qin Mubai, the leader, take office first and establish a "preconceived" impression in front of the soldiers, which will be very beneficial to him in the future to unify the people and unite the team.

After all, the backgrounds of Changsun Huan and others are very powerful, and their popularity and influence among the children of the official clan are not comparable to Qin Mubai's for the time being.

"Your Majesty said that the other officers will take office in about seven days." Li Junxian said, "Therefore, you must get familiar with these people under your command within these seven days. What I want to remind you is that these six hundred People, even if they are just small soldiers, may have a lot of background. Therefore, most of them are arrogant. It is difficult for you to conquer them. "

"A man without personality is not a good man, and a soldier who is not proud is not a good soldier." Qin Mubai smiled slightly, "These people all have backgrounds and are capable. But backgrounds cannot protect you and cannot kill the enemy. Since they When you enter Baiqi, you should put aside all things like background. If Baiqi can't do it, get out."

After saying that, Qin Mubai stared at Li Junxian with a smile on his face, his expression calm but determined.

Li Junxian was startled for a moment and nodded: "Then just go ahead and do it!"

Six hundred soldiers stood in a neat formation, all looking at their highest direct commander, Qin Mubai.

Six hundred people, six hundred different looks. There is envy, jealousy, dissatisfaction, but also expectation and admiration. Qin Mubai could almost read six hundred different thoughts from their eyes.

"What we need to do now is to unify their minds." After making up his mind, Qin Mubai took a step forward, took out the military regulations booklet Li Shimin gave him, waved it, and said, "Brothers, let's not talk nonsense. We can enter. Those who come to Baiqi are all knowledgeable and capable people. I think everyone knows what we are here for. There are no rules and there is no rule. We will not talk eloquently or make friends, nor will we do anything new. When you take office, you must kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. Here are the military regulations of the Hundred Cavalry given by His Majesty the Emperor. I hope that everyone will keep it in mind and engrave it in their bones. Military orders are as ruthless as the law. No matter who he is in the future, he will be punished. Those who violate these military regulations will be severely punished in accordance with the law.”

The six hundred soldiers suddenly shook their neat figures and looked solemn. They never expected that the hundred knights would use such an opening statement.

This first thing is to put a tight curse on every soldier. You have to wear it if you want to, and you have to wear it if you don’t want to.

After that, Qin Mubai summoned several civil servants assigned to Baiqi by Li Shimin and asked them to take the general regulations and copy them 600 copies, so that each person could have one copy. In addition, military regulations are also erected in the form of tablets and inscriptions in military buildings and training grounds. Let everyone be aware of and remember these military regulations subconsciously, and do not go beyond the limits.

"Three days later, there will be a written examination of military regulations. I will also take part, and Li Changshi will be asked to invigilate the examination." Qin Mubai said, "So, within three days, everyone must memorize the military regulations. The examination will not be If you are qualified, you can pack up and go home.”

"Ah?..." The soldiers were in an uproar. Is there such a thing in the world

As a result, a large number of horrified and questioning eyes were cast on Qin Mubai, and naturally there was a lot of dissatisfaction among them.

Li Junxian also frowned slightly and whispered: "General Qin, aren't you going too far?... Well, what I mean is that it would be hard to convince the public if you fired a soldier so easily."

Qin Mubai understood what was expressed in the eyes of Li Junxian and these soldiers. These people all have origins and backgrounds, and they have finally been selected into Baiqi. If they are fired, they will be fired... Do you, Qin Mubai, have this power

With a slight sneer, Qin Mubai thought to himself: Are you all waiting for my explanation? joke! If I have to explain everything to you, then all of you will become hundreds of knights.

"This general's order has been issued like a mountain. It will never be changed, never pursued selfishly, and will never violate the law. Therefore, brothers, you must remember and implement it." After a pause, the whole place was silent, and Qin Mubai shouted: "Do you hear me clearly?"

"Listen...clearly." A sparse response.

"louder please!"

"Listen clearly!"

"Be tidy!"

"Listen clearly!"

"That's right." Qin Mubai smiled slightly, "At this time in three days, the military regulations test will be held. Those who are absent will automatically abstain and be punished as deserters. Now they are dismissed."

"Nuo-" The sergeants responded in unison and left one after another. No one was muttering in a low voice anymore.

Li Junxian watched quietly from the side, glanced sideways at Qin Mubai, frowned deeply, and thought to himself: This guy is ruthless, he has a lot of power, and he is a powerful figure at a young age. No wonder the emperor fell in love with him at a glance!

"General Li, I will be living in the military dormitory for the past three days. I will ask you to take charge of the daily training for these three days. I need some time to do important things." Qin Mubai said.

"That's no problem. I'm here to help you do these things." Li Junxian nodded in response, but he was thinking in his heart: You are going to memorize the military regulations as hard as you can, because you are afraid that you will fail the exam and be embarrassed and not come to Taiwan.