Love Affairs in Chang’an

Chapter 46: The soul of the Hundred Cavalry Army


After Qin Mubai and Changsun Huan "shaked hands and made peace", another strange thing came out in the Baiqi Camp - Yuchi Baoyun, who was beaten so severely by Qin Mubai a few days ago that he was almost crippled, was still bleeding and had not healed the scars. He moved his buttocks to Qin Mubai's palace and apologized to him in public for his mistake.

It's a bit like Lian Po's guilt in the past.

Qin Mubai naturally followed the slope and got off the donkey, which gave Yuchi Baoyun enough face. In turn, he made amends for him. The eldest brother and the younger brother held hands and rubbed their shoulders, drinking and talking happily.

The three deputy envoys Cheng Huaibi, Changsun Huan and Yuchi Baoyun, together with Qin Mubai, Li Junxian and some other civilian officials, held a banquet to welcome the newly arrived officers such as Changsun Huan.

To outsiders, this is definitely a scene where no one knows each other without fighting, and heroes cherish heroes. Only Qin Mubai and a few others knew in their hearts that everyone was forced to act like they were living in harmony and working together to work together due to pressure from the emperor. At this point, everyone has understood a truth: no matter how great the conflicts among colleagues are, they are not as serious as the emperor; the bottom line of everyone's internal fighting and competition is that they cannot violate Baiqi's purpose of serving and protecting the emperor, and they cannot make the emperor unhappy. . Otherwise, everyone will not be able to eat and walk around.

The current situation is very similar to what Li Shimin told Qin Mubai: when Li Jing led the team, no matter how many people under him fought and had personal grudges, the overall atmosphere of the team was still united.

Now Qin Mubai finally understood. Li Jing's ability is extraordinary, but the unity of a team is necessary. If anyone fails to unite and engages in division, he or she will be at odds with the emperor and the purpose of the army. Those who touch the bottom line of an army because of personal grudges and internal strife are unlucky.

Changsun Wuji has been with the emperor for many years. Although he has never personally commanded an army, he deeply understands the truth behind it. Therefore, he had to make a fuss and take his son to Li Shimin to plead guilty in person, and even condescended to apologize to Qin Mubai. It's because he understands that no matter who you are, no matter how brave you are, don't be naughty in the army. The emperor was the supreme commander of all armies in the entire Tang Dynasty. All armies were headed by him and served him loyally. Whoever dares to engage in internal strife and division in the army and destroy the atmosphere of the army will surely end badly. Even the most handsome man like Li Jing in the Tang Dynasty did not dare to touch such a bottom line. Who was his son Changsun Huan

So from this moment on, the atmosphere in Baiqili changed. When Changsun Huan and others first came here, they were dissatisfied with Qin Mubai. What they wanted to do most was to go against him, and the best thing was to remove him from power and replace him. Now, they have to be honest. Because now, the emperor has made it clear that he is supporting Qin Mubai, the Baiqi Envoy. It is not difficult to imagine that Changsun Wuji must have taught Changsun Huan many times overtly and secretly. In addition, Wei Wang Li Tai must have done Yuchi Baoyun's work. How could they dare to be naughty again? Even if he hates Qin Mubai to the core and is unconvinced, he still has to obey Qin Mubai's lead now.

In the court, such a thing might not happen. As long as everyone has different political views, they will inevitably argue with each other and refuse to give in to each other. It is normal to fight openly and secretly to the death.

But the army is different from the court. When orders are given like a mountain, a soldier's bounden duty is to obey, and the rank of a high official is overwhelming. Naughty ones, die.

Changsun Huan and others, who had only joined the army for a few days, had finally seen the advantages and disadvantages of the army. Compared to Qin Mubai, who entered the army a few days earlier, this was a lot more in hindsight. Because Qin Mubai was born as a general and had been a soldier earlier. When he was at home, Qin Shubao often told him about the army.

In comparison, Qin Mubai is much more enlightened than Changsun Huan and others. Otherwise, he wouldn't have dared to assert from the beginning that he could eat Changsun Huan and others to death.

The personal grudge was temporarily resolved. Next, it was time for Qin Mubai to train Baiqi aggressively.

There are more than 600 people, all carefully selected elites. The Tang Dynasty was a country that favored martial arts. Women and children, old and young, even drew bows and rode horses. Children from official families had better conditions for practicing martial arts from an early age. Therefore, although there are many playboys among these people, those who can enter the Hundred Cavalry through strict selection and competitive elimination are all good people who have jobs under them.

The basic quality of this army is indeed very good.

Qin Mubai, Li Junxian and the other three deputy envoys discussed for many days and finally decided on the "Eighteen One Hundred Riders" basic skills. This includes traditional archery, riding, swordsmanship, strength and other items of the Tang army, as well as many other skills brought by Qin Mubai from the 21st century. For example: free fighting to defeat the enemy with one move, survival in the wild, first aid and self-rescue, reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, courage and endurance, speed and reaction, etc. Of course, the "political education" that the emperor repeatedly urged is also the top priority of the work. There is cultural class time every day. In addition to studying laws and military orders, there is also education on "patriotism and loyalty to the emperor."

Two months later, after many rounds of debugging and exploration, Baiqi's work was completely on track. Now, these more than 600 people are like a precise and complete machine, running in an orderly manner. The whole camp was in order, full of passion and vitality, without losing seriousness and solemnity.

Invisibly, the cohesion of the entire team is constantly strengthening; the personal qualities of each soldier are growing crazily.

The soldiers of Baiqi didn't feel it themselves, but Li Shimin, who had been watching patiently, saw it and was happy in his heart. After listening to Li Junxian's report more than once, he praised Qin Mubai, a young military general. He said that this boy is motivated and knowledgeable, has the leadership ability and personal charm that a general should have, and also has imagination and creativity. He was looking forward to Baiqi's official debut.

Just then, two months of regular training ended. Qin Mubai petitioned the emperor for a month of "field training." Pull the troops to Zhongnan Mountain or even to Qinchuan, which is 800 miles away, for field training.

Li Shimin readily agreed.

Six hundred horsemen, accompanied by more than a thousand servants and civilians, drove out of the Xuanwu Gate and left Chang'an.

This is a real extreme outdoor training and survival test. Here, Qin Mubai will personally lead these people to train in practical projects such as wilderness survival, reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance.

This kind of training is not as simple as training in the camp. In the camp, the most serious injuries would be a bruised nose, swollen face, and bleeding during a free-boxing fight. But this kind of outdoor training may really cost people's lives. Not to mention anything else, you may encounter poisonous insects and ferocious beasts during reconnaissance and lurking, you may accidentally slip and fall off the cliff, or you may not be good at learning and have no practical ability to discern directions in the wild, starving to death in the deep mountains and old forests.

The training is conducted in groups, with different tasks assigned, and everyone plays different roles of friend and foe. Amidst the tension, excitement, excitement and blood, the one-month training ended successfully.

This training allowed everyone to achieve a transformation. After all, everyone has grown up in a good family environment, and there are many people who are pampered and well-off. Who has really suffered from hunger? This time, there were many people who were so hungry that they ate leaves and snails, and almost everyone was so thirsty that they drank urine. In addition, many people suffered minor or serious injuries.

Naturally, there are many people who question, what does such barbaric training have to do with serving as a guard for the emperor? Qin Mubai's explanation is: This is a test of will. As the most outstanding soldier in the Tang Dynasty, if he couldn't take care of himself under special circumstances, how could he protect the emperor? If the emperor is in danger, whether in heaven or on earth, Baiqi must be able to rescue him from danger. Being a guard is harder than being a killer. As a killer, if you fail a hundred times and only succeed once, that's enough; as a guard, if you succeed a hundred times and only miss once, that's the end.

Therefore, every soldier in the Hundred Cavalry must be more powerful than the most powerful killer in the world.

Qin Mubai also said that these three months of training are just the beginning, and the more difficult ones will come later. If you can't stand it, quit on your own.

Three months of training is over.

The emperor personally came to the Baiqi camp for the first time and supervised the assessment of Baiqi's eighteen skills and political military orders.

The hundred cavalry in front of him made Li Shimin, who joined the army at the age of sixteen, led troops to fight for more than ten years, and finally conquered the world, the horse emperor. His eyes lit up with amazement, and he praised it profusely - "This is the most powerful and restrained horse I have ever seen." , the most passionate yet calm army! Almost every soldier can become a tiger on the battlefield and a master in the arena. "

"I have never heard of such an army, and I have never seen it before. I will give every Hundred Cavalry soldiers a title of honorary officer!"

The honorary officer has no salary, and no food and land to match it. It is just a title that symbolizes honor. It is a unique reward in the army and is used to reward people with military merit, just like the modern "battle hero" medal. For example, Qin Shubao is the highest honorary official in Shangzhu Kingdom.

The Hundred Cavalry also became the first army in history to be collectively awarded the honorary title, and this was without ever having been on the battlefield.

The results of Baiqi's "graduation assessment" were quite cruel. Half the people were eliminated. Among them, most are ordinary soldiers, but there are also low-level officers such as fire chiefs and captains.

After three months of getting along day and night, sharing weal and woe, as well as working together during field training and even sharing life and death, all the soldiers in the Hundred Cavalry have formed a brotherly relationship.

When the results of the assessment were announced, the soldiers of the Hundred Cavalry ignored the presence of the emperor. Many people cheered and were so excited that they couldn't contain themselves, while some were so disappointed that they cried like a child. Many people cried, were excited and rejoiced, or did not want to leave the army.

In Qin Mubai's heart, he didn't have deep feelings for all the soldiers. He also wanted to cheer loudly like other soldiers, or cry goodbye with some people. But he just stood on the stage calmly, looking at everything in front of him almost coldly. Because he knows that he now symbolizes Baiqi's military order, is the yardstick for measuring all soldiers, and is the military soul of Baiqi.

Normally, Qin Mubai always mingle with the soldiers. But at this special moment, since he is a commander, a superior, and a spiritual totem, he is destined to endure the feeling of being cold at high places alone. Even if you are called cold and heartless by others, criticized and hated.

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