Love Affairs in Chang’an

Chapter 65: The subtle fragrance floats


At three o'clock in the day, the glazed tiles of the Daming Palace reflect the resplendent color, adding a touch of splendor to this gorgeous palace.

In the pavilion in the back garden of Penglai Hall, several palace maids opened their palace fans and could not help but cover their mouths and snicker from time to time.

This Qin Mubai is so good at talking nonsense. This morning, King Jin and Princess Jinyang listened to his story. They neither cried nor made a fuss, but they had never been so quiet as now. I don’t know how long this guy’s brain is, but he can come up with so many weird stories. What about the little tadpole looking for its mother, the barbarian Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs... and they even talked about Joy and Big Big Wolf. Hee hee, can wolves and sheep talk like humans? How funny! These are stories that even us adults would love to hear!

As a result, a circle of palace maids also listened in rapt attention, often fixating their eyes on Qin Mubai's face, and occasionally showing a very standard nymphomaniac smile.

No wonder. In the entire harem, except for the emperor, there are basically no men. Occasionally, some soldiers came to guard, but these palace ladies had no way of interacting with them, even if they wanted to, they would not dare. It is a natural law that opposite sexes attract each other, not to mention that monster-like men like Qin Mubai are born with a fatal attraction to women. Now, not only can they get up close to this man, but they can also listen to his stories openly.

This is simply a feast-like enjoyment for the palace ladies whose love life and entertainment life are almost blank.

It's one thing to dare or not, but no one restricts other people's thoughts. If you think about it, you will never commit a crime. So for a moment, I don’t know how many spring hearts were secretly rippling.

Qin Mubai was used to seeing such women, and he understood most of it when he saw their nymphomaniac expressions and eyes. I thought to myself, now I have completely stepped into the flowers. Even if I want to keep my clothes clean, these lonely women may not be able to control their lustful hearts.

I don't want to cuckold the emperor, but I hope these women are courageous, otherwise... we will be in big trouble. Hey, am I really born to commit suicide? You can encounter things like this everywhere!

Li Zhi and Li Mingda were obviously attracted by Qin Mubai's original and fresh stories. In the past, those timid and trembling wet nurses would have no one to talk to them except to take care of their daily life and food. Those old Confucian scholars who are invited to teach are full of moral articles, which are boring and boring.

Li Zhi and Li Mingda are still children after all, so how can they resist the temptation of such fairy tales. So I heard this for two hours, and it was noon in the blink of an eye.

"Your Highnesses, General Qin, it's time for lunch. After lunch, King Jin and the princess should take a nap, and then go to the teacher's class." The wet nurse came forward cautiously to ask for instructions.

"No!" Ten-year-old Li Zhi waved his arms, "I want to listen to General Qin telling stories! This is much more interesting than what the teacher said!"

"I won't do it, I won't do it!" Li Mingda, who has always been the most obedient and obedient, also pouted and shouted, "Like Brother Nine, I want to listen to stories!"

"What should we do..." The wet nurse shook her head and looked at Qin Mubai in embarrassment, somewhat complaining, meaning that Qin Mubai had disrupted the normal life of the two princes and was even more disobedient.

Qin Mubai chuckled, holding the hands of the two princes and saying, "Your Highnesses still want to hear stories, right?"

"Yes! General Qin, tell us more about the Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf!" the two little guys shouted together.

"This is totally possible." Qin Mubai smiled, "But if I don't eat or sleep, how can I find the strength to tell stories? I might faint while telling them! Your Highnesses, listen. Listen, I’m also hungry!”

"Hehe, Brother Ninth, let's go eat quickly. After dinner, we will listen to General Qin's story!" Li Mingda clapped his little hands and smiled happily.

"Okay, okay! General Qin, come and have dinner with us and tell stories while eating, okay?" Li Zhi looked at Qin Mubai eagerly and begged.

"Okay." Qin Mubai readily agreed, "However, I have to take a nap after dinner. You have to give me some leave and let me rest for a while. Otherwise, how can I have the energy to tell stories next?" "

"Okay! Let's go eat first!" The two little guys jumped down from the chairs, holding one of Qin Mubai's arms on each side, and ran to the dining room. Qin Mubai smiled like a kindergarten aunt.

The nurses and maids shook their heads in unison: This guy is so clever! What a talented man!

In more than a year since the death of Empress Changsun, Qin Mubai was the first person besides Li Shimin to accompany the two young princes to dinner.

The two little guys looked really ugly when they were eating. The biggest and very common feature is that their faces are stained with a lot of rice grains and oil, and the dinner table is also a mess. When eating today, they were even less focused. From time to time, they urged Qin Mubai to tell stories before they would eat at the same time. Often when a mouthful of food is put to his mouth, he will pause for a long time. It is not until Qin Mubai deliberately stops the story and signals them to eat before talking about it that he will put it in his mouth.

After a whole meal of coaxing and lying, the two little guys were finally able to eat it. As a result, the wet nurses were very happy, saying that the two little princes had never eaten so much food without knowing it before!

After the meal, Qin Mubai had to help the nanny to coax the two little guys to sleep. Beside their beds, telling them stories to lull them to sleep.

Finally, everything was settled. Qin Mubai let out a long sigh - dealing with two children is more difficult than dealing with an entire battalion of soldiers!

There was no place for Qin Mubai to take a nap in the Penglai Palace, so he could only wander to the imperial garden and take a nap in the pavilion. While sleeping soundly, he suddenly felt a strong crisis in his subconscious. He woke up quickly, jumped up almost as a reflex, and at the same time pulled out his saber!

"Wow—" A shrill scream rang out, and Qin Mubai suddenly saw clearly that the person in front of him was the stunned Princess Gaoyang.

Princess Gao Yang looked at the tip of the knife aimed at her brow, her big and smart eyes turned into cross-eyes, and her whole body couldn't stop shaking like chaff.

At this moment, Qin Mubai had completely used his killing move. If he hadn't quickly stopped his hand, Princess Gao Yang would have been killed by the sword at this moment. Such a domineering and ferocious killing intent immediately completely frightened Princess Gao Yang. .

With a "bang" sound, Qin Mubai's sword returned to its sheath. Princess Gao Yang suddenly shook her head and then came back to her senses.

"Thief military academy, stinky man, how dare you draw a knife and point it at me, intending to assassinate me?" Princess Gaoyang lost face and cursed angrily.

There was no one else around, so Qin Mubai didn't bother to pay attention to the false courtesy. He sat down lazily and leaned against the pavilion pillar, saying: "Princess, didn't you just want to sneak attack me and kick me out of here? This is my natural reaction to the assassin, otherwise how can I protect the emperor?"

"You, aren't you asleep, can you see this?" Princess Gaoyang was surprised, "You must be a monster!"

"Ha-" Qin Mubai smiled and did not reply. He folded his hands on his chest and rested his head on the pillar, continuing to nap.

Seeing Qin Mubai's appearance, Princess Gao Yang couldn't help but feel a little annoyed and called out: "Hey!"

Qin Mubai didn't say a word or move.

"Hey-" Princess Gaoyang stamped her feet and called out in dissatisfaction.

Qin Mubai still said nothing or moved. He thought to himself that if he didn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, this little girl must have come to me for something. She didn't even bring any maids with her. Love is still a very important and private matter. Since you are asking for something from me, I have to show off, otherwise it will appear that I am worthless!

"Hey, hey, hey!" Princess Gao Yang became impatient and called several times, and even stepped forward to pull out the red tassel on Qin Mubai's helmet.

"I've been waiting for you to tell me something, what are you doing?" Qin Mubai opened his eyes, and Princess Gao Yang hurriedly withdrew her hand and sneered.

"Then what have I said?" Princess Gao Yang glanced around her slightly lower body warily, and whispered, "I ask you two questions, can you answer me?"

"It depends on what the question is. Some can be answered, and some cannot." Qin Mubai said.

"No, you must answer me." Princess Gaoyang frowned and hummed angrily.

Qin Mubai didn't speak and closed his eyes, expressing his resistance with silence.

"It's such a smelly and hard stone. I won't eat it even if it's soft or hard!" Princess Gao Yang cursed in her heart. She really couldn't do anything about Qin Mubai, a different kind of guy. Biting her lip, she could only soften her temper and said softly, "Okay, it's up to you. But I really hope you can help me!"

"I'm always willing to help others, especially helping beautiful princesses." Qin Mubai smiled and opened his eyes again, "Say it!"


Princess Gaoyang was amused after trying everything but flattering her. She said: "I want to ask... does my father not like me anymore?"

"I don't know about this," Qin Mubai said, "The king's heart is unpredictable, and this is the princess's family matter. How can I, an outsider, know better than you?"

"Then why did he... ask you to punish my four maids?" Princess Gao Yang frowned and asked, "In the past, my father never did this."

"Is this a second question?"

"..." Princess Gao Yang was speechless for a moment, and nodded heavily in annoyance: "Even so!"

"This... I'm not too sure." Qin Mubai replied.

"Hey, you're a scumbag! You clearly didn't answer me at all!" Princess Gao Yang was unhappy and asked with an angry look on her pretty face.

Qin Mubai shook his head and looked at Princess Gao Yang with a smile.

"Why are you looking at me? Why are you laughing so weirdly?" Princess Gao Yang blushed unconsciously.

"Your Highness Princess, you have always been so smart. You should know that if I don't answer, it actually means I have answered everything, right?" Qin Mubai said.

"Huh?" Princess Gaoyang was so smart. Her two smart eyes flickered, she nodded and said to herself: "Oh... you mean, I guessed it right? It turns out that the father really wants to cure him. I mean, he really doesn’t like me being like this, but he doesn’t have the heart to teach me a lesson, so he punishes my four maids to remind me, is that right?”

Qin Mubai didn't speak anymore, closed his eyes and looked like he was enjoying his nap. Trouble comes from his mouth, and he doesn't want to be caught by this weird Princess Gaoyang.

When Princess Gao Yang saw Qin Mubai's leisurely and contented expression, she thought he was enjoying his misfortune. She raised her pink fist at him in annoyance but did not dare to hit him, and walked away.

Qin Mubai opened his eyes slightly and looked at Princess Gaoyang, and couldn't help but grin: "Young girl, you are quite smart." No wonder Li Shimin likes him so much... All smart people like smart children. This is not surprising.