Love Again: Flash Marriage with My Arrogant Sweetheart

Chapter 173: She must love me


Xia Yan was trembling with anger and stared at Wang Xiaoman: "Did you buy this? Where did you buy it?"

Wang Xiaoman's face was livid, and he laughed twice: "Old man, tomorrow is a good day for Luo Xin to get engaged. Let's not talk about these unhappy things!"

"Mom, what's going on?" Xia Luoxin finally noticed that there was something wrong with the pair of bracelets and looked at Wang Xiaoman in confusion.

Wang Xiaoman said awkwardly: "This pair of bracelets is..."

Xia Yan sneered: "These bracelets were left by Bingbing's mother as a dowry for her. When Bingbing got married, I asked you to give them to her. Why are the bracelets here?"

After being exposed by Xia Yan in front of his daughter, Wang Xiaoman simply broke the jar and said angrily: "Didn't I buy a pair for Bingbing? Those bracelets are also expensive."

Speaking of this, Xia Luoxin still didn't understand that it was Wang Xiaoman who had exchanged Xia Luobing's dowry. Thinking of the pair of bracelets she had just put on her hands, her heart felt blocked.

"Mom, you are going too far!" Xia Luoxin said angrily, "Since it belongs to Sister Bingbing, why should you give it to me?"

First scolded by Xia Yan, and now disliked by his daughter, Wang Xiaoman suddenly became angry: "You dislike me for bringing you Xia Luobing's things. Why don't you dislike Huo Yunqi for being Xia Luobing's ex-husband?"

As soon as the words were spoken, the whole room fell silent instantly. Xia Yan took the jewelry box and glanced at Wang Xiaoman and Xia Luoxin, "You can take care of yourself."

After saying this, Xia Yan left the room without looking back.

Wang Xiaoman looked at Xia Luoxin sarcastically. In fact, she already regretted it as soon as she said the truth.

"Mom, you should go back and rest first. I'm tired." Xia Luobing said impatiently, with a hint of gloom in his eyes.

Xia Luobing is dead, will she still live in her shadow

No, she would never!

Wang Xiaoman left the room awkwardly, walked to the door and turned around without giving up: "Luo Xin, mother really loves you."

Xia Yan's health was getting worse day by day. Wang Xiaoman had placed all her hopes on Xia Luoxin for the rest of her life, so she was really uneasy after just saying something that made Xia Luoxin unhappy.

At this moment, Xia Luoxin had no time to think about Wang Xiaoman's thoughts, and responded impatiently: "I understand, you go and rest first!"

Hearing the sound of the door being closed, Xia Luoxin pursed her lips and threw away the Laokeng Jade in her hand. She looked at the dark night outside the window and clenched her fingers tightly: "Xia Luobing, you are dead. Everything They will all belong to me!"

Whether it's Huo Yunqi or the bracelet, everything can only belong to her.

Under the same sky, different stories are happening in different places.

Huo Yunxi gently knocked on the door and entered Huo Yunqi's room. When he saw Huo Yunqi's expression on his face, he frowned and said, "Brother, are you really going to get engaged to Xia Luoxin?"

An extra amount of time has passed since Xia Luobing disappeared. Everyone has given up hope. Only Huo Yunqi is constantly searching. Sometimes he even goes to search in person in the middle of the night for some clues, but so far there is still no trace. hope.

Huo Yunxi believed in Huo Yunqi's feelings for Xia Luobing, but why did she agree to the engagement

"Duoduo is sleeping?" Huo Yunqi raised his head, his face not showing any joy of getting engaged, and his always cold eyes were filled with pain and exhaustion.

Huo Yunxi nodded and sat opposite Huo Yunqi: "Brother, you haven't answered my question yet, why are you engaged to Xia Luoxin?"

"Yunxi, if you don't love Ye Shaochen, why would you give birth to a child for him?" Huo Yunqi asked suddenly, and then said to himself without waiting for Huo Yunxi's answer, "I think Bingbing should love me."

Otherwise, how could she have given birth to Duo Duo despite a narrow escape

Huo Yunxi's nose felt sour: "Brother..."

She knew the truth about her sister-in-law's accident, but she couldn't tell her. Thinking of her sister-in-law's life and death, and the grand engagement ceremony tomorrow, Huo Yunxi felt as guilty as if she was about to die.

"I want to be alone for a while." Huo Yunqi waved his hand, indicating to Huo Yunxi to go out first.

Standing at the window on the second floor, you can see the flowers, balloons, white tables and chairs on the lawn outside, and the crescent-shaped arches. Everything is full of joy and joy.

But he was the only one standing here, thinking deeply.

Luo Bing, are you coming back

At nine o'clock in the morning, accompanied by Xia Yan and Wang Xiaoman, Xia Luoxin arrived at Huo's house. Today she wore a roseless fishtail tube top dress, with a string of blue diamond necklace hanging around her delicate neck. Under the sunlight, the entire neck looks radiant and beautiful.

"Luo Xin is so beautiful." Liu Yan came out and grabbed Xia Luo's heart and said happily. At the same time, she greeted Xia Yan and Wang Xiaoman, "You have taught Luo Xin very well. Don't worry, I will definitely treat Luo Xin when she comes to our house in the future." My heart aches as if I were my own daughter."

Xia Luoxin blushed shyly and looked around with bright eyes, looking for Huo Yunqi's figure, but there was no one there even after looking all over the place.

Wang Xiaoman saw Xia Luoxin's thoughts and smiled at Liu Yan: "Where is the Yunqi man? Why don't you see him?"

She and Xia Luoxin had the same thoughts. Both of them were afraid that there would be some twists and turns in today's affairs, and they held their hearts tightly together.

"Yun Qi is changing clothes in the room and will come down later." Liu Yan said with a smile.

Compared with Wang Xiaoman's uneasiness, Liu Yan felt at ease. After all, Huo Yunqi personally proposed this engagement. She knew her son, and no one could force him unless he wanted to.

After hearing this, Xia Luoxin breathed out quietly, but her eyes kept looking towards the second floor window unconsciously, with waves of blush on her face. After waiting for a long time and working hard for a long time, she could finally get engaged to Huo Yunqi. .

Compared with the joy of Wang Xiaoman and his daughter, Xia Yan kept a straight face and didn't smile at anyone.

"Daddy, don't you want Duoduo and Mommy?" Duoduo, who was wearing a pink princess dress, took Huo Yunqi's hand, her dark eyes filled with tears, "Why are you engaged to your aunt?"

Although Duoduo didn't understand the difference between engagement and marriage, she had a subconscious understanding that such a handsome daddy could only be with mommy.

"How could it be?" Huo Yunqi squatted down and took his daughter into his arms. He gently held her back with his big hands and said slowly, "Duoduo, do you think mommy will come today?"

Duoduo hugged Huo Yunqi's neck and thought for a long time before saying seriously: "Daddy and mommy are together."

Regardless of whether Mommy will come or not, Daddy will always be her Daddy.

"Yes, Duoduo is right, Daddy will be with Mommy." Huo Yunqi said lightly, but his eyes were filled with cold light.

He will definitely investigate this matter clearly and will never allow anyone to harm Bingbing.

"Dong dong~"

Huo Yunqi looked back at the door and said expressionlessly: "Please come in."

"Brother, you can go down after changing your clothes." Huo Yunxi said. When his eyes fell on Duoduo nestled in his arms, he was startled for a moment. The expression on his face was a little stiff. After a while, he stretched out his hand, "Duoduo Come to Auntie."

Ever since she learned that Xia Luobing's disappearance was probably related to Liu Yan, Huo Yunxi has been living in guilt and hesitation. She knew that she was ashamed of Xia Luobing, but she could not make up her mind to tell Huo Yunqi the truth... She I can't imagine Huo Yunqi's reaction after knowing this...

Will their family still exist at that time

Duoduo hugged Huo Yunqi's neck and looked at Huo Yunqi. Seeing that he had no objection, she stretched out her hand to Huo Yunxi, hugged her and said softly: "Auntie smells as good as mommy."

Huo Yunxi's nose felt sore when she heard this, and she almost shed tears. She finally calmed down her emotions, kissed Duoduo's cheek and said softly: "Auntie will love Duoduo like mommy in the future."

Huo Yunqi glanced at Huo Yunxi, hesitated for a moment and said coldly: "You take Duoduo to play in the room, don't go down."

Huo Yunxi was stunned for a moment, feeling that something was wrong: "Brother, what do you want to do?"

"Just stay in the room." Huo Yunqi said coldly, and warned again, "Don't let Duoduo go downstairs."

He had a strong premonition that Xia Luobing was standing very close to him and looking at him. He guessed that she would appear...

He begged her to show up so that he could live up to the trouble.

Seeing Huo Yunqi's upright figure when he left, Huo Yunxi became even more panicked, vaguely feeling that something important was about to happen.

"Auntie, what's wrong with you?" Duoduo pulled Huo Yunxi's arm and asked with her beautiful eyes, "Where is daddy?"

Huo Yunxi suddenly came to his senses and patted Duoduo's back gently: "Duoduo is a good boy. Auntie will play with Duoduo."

Duoduo thought for a while, tilted her head and blinked: "Okay."

Huo Yunxi smiled lightly, but she felt uneasy all the time. But at this moment, she could only pray secretly that no accident would happen...

Huo Yunqi was wearing a smoky gray handmade suit, well-cut and outlining his perfect figure. When he appeared on the lawn, he immediately attracted the eyes of countless people, among whom Xia Luo's heart was the most joyful and passionate.

"Yun Qi..." Xia Luoxin stood in front of Huo Yunqi, lowered her head and said softly, "You are here."

Huo Yunqi had been her whole dream since she was a teenager. She never thought that after going through so many things, she would really be able to marry him. Everything was so beautiful that it was unreal.

Compared with Xia Luoxin's joy, Huo Yunqi just said a faint "hmm" and looked at Xia Yan aside: "Uncle Xia is not in good spirits."

Xia Yan glanced at Huo Yunqi displeasedly, as if he didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Wang Xiaoman saw this and said quickly: "Because of the engagement between you and Luo Xin today, your Uncle Xia was so excited that he couldn't fall asleep all night, so he is not in good spirits today. Yun Qi, you must not think too much."

If Xia Yan hadn't had to appear on today's occasion, she wouldn't have let him appear here at all, causing trouble for her good daughter.

"I'm not excited!"

Xia Yan threw these words to Wang Xiaoman, then turned and walked away, his thin back straight as a silent protest.

"Yun Qi..."

Wang Xiaoman and Xia Luoxin looked at Huo Yunqi nervously, fearing that his anger because of Xia Yan's attitude would affect today's engagement...

Huo Yunqi looked at the direction Xia Yan was leaving and curled his mouth slightly. It was obvious that Xia Yan still loved Bingbing sincerely. From this point alone, he was willing to give Xia Group a chance.

Of course, this can only happen after he finds Bingbing.

"It's okay." Huo Yunqi responded lightly, picked up a glass of red wine and took a sip. There was less than twenty minutes left, wouldn't she show up yet

Bingbing, I know you are the strongest, so if I got engaged to another woman while you were missing, you would definitely be very angry and come out to stop me...

Bingbing, I'm waiting for you, don't let me down...

When such a ridiculous idea came to his mind, Huo Yunqi felt that he was really crazy, but after searching for so long, he really couldn't think of any other way... Not finding a body proves that the person is still alive. Since he is alive, then One should not remain indifferent to his engagement…