Love Again: Flash Marriage with My Arrogant Sweetheart

Chapter 177: Absurd Juliet


Before Ye Shaochen could finish speaking, Huo Yunxi hung up the phone directly, and the busy tone seemed to be mocking his embarrassment.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Juliet shrugged. Although she was apologizing, the gloating on her face told everyone that she was in a pretty good mood at the moment.

Ye Shaochen grabbed the folder on the table and smashed it directly: "Get out!"

Seeing that Ye Shaochen was really angry, Juliet sighed helplessly, took out a document from her bag and flew it to Ye Shaochen: "Some time ago, someone entrusted my boss to deal with Huo Yunqi and the QC company."

Ye Shaochen flipped through the document with a skeptical attitude, the expression on his face became more and more serious, and finally closed the document with a "snap" and said coldly: "Who is your boss? Who is the person who deals with QC?"

"I don't know." Juliet shrugged, "I just told you this out of friendship. Okay, I'll leave first, and you can slowly coax your wife."

The original love...

The corner of Ye Shaochen's mouth twitched. At first, Juliet's orientation was already towards women, so many people laughed at him and alienated him. Ye Shaochen was just being nicer to her, but he didn't expect that she would consider it "affection".

"Who is going to target Huo Yunqi?" Ye Shaochen tapped his fingers on the folder a few times, with a serious expression on his face, and immediately decided to return to China immediately.

Before going back, Ye Shaochen called Huo Yunqi and told him to be careful and to be aware of all abnormal people and things around him.

After hanging up Ye Shaochen's phone, Huo Yunqi's dark eyes flashed and he dialed Bai Lin's number: "How is Zhuang Xinran?"

Since bringing Zhuang Xinran back from Beijiao Hospital that day, Huo Yunqi has never been to the hospital to see her.

Bai Lin's voice came from the phone: "The person has woken up, but the bullet was too close to the heart, so he still needs to be hospitalized to recuperate."

"Okay, I understand." Huo Yunqi nodded and hung up the phone. He held his forehead with his fingers and fell into deep thought. Xia Luobing's face suddenly jumped out. It was clearly very close and clear, but whenever he wanted to grab it, When that happens, the image of that face will be shattered instantly.

The night was already deep, but Huo Yunqi still didn't get any sleep. Finally, he simply took the car keys and got up and left the study, driving out of the house for a stroll.

Where is Xia Luobing at this time? what is she doing? Have you fallen asleep peacefully, or are you like him, unable to sleep because you are pretending to be worried


Huo Yunqi suddenly stepped on the brakes, and then realized that he had driven the car to the door of the villa where he and Xia Luobing lived together. Looking through the car window, there was no light in the dark villa.

Just when Huo Yunqi was hesitant to get out of the car, he saw two figures flashing out of the villa. The figure of one of them caught Huo Yunqi's eyes tightly, so that he did not dare to look away for a moment.

Xia Luobing glanced at Lin Chen next to him and asked uncertainly: "Is this really the place where I lived before my divorce? Why is there not even a photo in it?"

Lin Chen pulled Xia Luobing: "Get in the car first!"

On a whim, Xia Luobing wanted to see the place where she lived before her divorce, but Nan Xi was not there, so she had no choice but to drag Lin Chen over.

As soon as she entered the villa, she felt a sense of sadness and sadness, but when she looked around the room and didn't even see a photo of herself, she felt bad.

"Huo Yunqi must have changed his mind." Xia Luo said with a cold face without gritting his teeth.

Lin Linchen nodded in agreement: "He is already engaged to your sister, haven't you seen it?"

Xia Luobing was startled when he heard this. Yes, Huo Yunqi was already engaged, so why did he change his mind after seeing something different

The black Mercedes-Benz kept walking in front, and Huo Yunqi followed leisurely behind. After turning the corner, two cars going against traffic blocked the road and blocked Huo Yunqi's possibility of continuing to follow.

Looking at the situation behind him through the rearview mirror, Lin Chen's eyes flashed. Is he so easy to be followed

Xia Luobing glanced at Lin Chen: "Why are you laughing?"

"Nothing." Lin Chen shook his head and changed the subject of Xia Luobing with a smile, "Are you really ready to go to work?"

Xia Luobing nodded: "Actually, apart from losing ten years of memory, I am in good health and it will not affect my work."

"Okay." Lin Chen nodded, with a smile still on his lips, but not as genuine as before, as if he was hiding something on his mind.

When they returned to the villa, Nan Xi had already returned. After exchanging glances with Lin Chen, Lin Chen left the living room and returned to his room very knowingly.

"Why don't you rest?" Xia Luobing saw Nanxi waiting in the living room, stepped on him to say something to herself, walked over and sat on the sofa opposite him.

Nanxi pushed the warm milk on the table in front of Xia Luobing: "I prepared it for you to help you sleep."

Xia Luobing picked up the cup and held it on the side, smiling: "Thank you."

"Luo Bing, I have something to do and I have to leave for a while. This is the key to the villa. You can come over at any time." Nanxi handed a bunch of keys to Xia Luobing, her eyes a little lonely, "Actually, you can also come here when I'm not around." it's here."

If he couldn't see her, but thinking about her in this house, his heart would be warm and full.

"Where are you going?" Xia Luobing was keenly aware that Nan Xi was hiding something from her, and asked uneasily, "Are you going to hate dangerous things?"

Very dangerous things are usually illegal, and Xia Luobing's uneasiness became more and more intense.

As if he had guessed Xia Luobing's thoughts, Nanxi looked into her eyes and suddenly smiled: "If I were a bad person, would you arrest me?"

Xia Luobing's heart thumped, and she clenched her fingers and said, "I hope you are a good person."

Nan Xi was startled, then nodded in silence for a moment: "Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you."

"Do you have something to say to me?" Xia Luobing asked doubtfully. She felt that Nan Xi seemed to have something on her mind.

Nan Xi shook his head: "Remember to drink milk, I'm going to rest first."

The moment he turned around, Nan Xi's mind sank. His eyes were filled with thick layers of frost, and a voice in his heart whispered: "Luo Luo, I will never make things difficult for you."

Luoluo, only when she couldn't hear him could he dare to say these two words so carefully and cherishedly.

Luoluo, I'm leaving, goodbye.

The next morning, Xia Luobing was woken up by Duoduo's little hands. The sunlight fell on her back through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, which was warm and reassuring.

"Mommy, the sun is shining on my butt." Duoduo lay on Xia Luobing's face and kissed her, then pulled away and stared at her beautiful eyes and said seriously, "Mommy, I am Duoduo, remember? "

Xia Luobing was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Duoduo was frightened by what happened yesterday. She sat up with her hands on the bed, hugged Duodu into her arms, lowered her head and gave her daughter a reassuring kiss, and said slowly: "Duoduo" Duo, mommy hit her head on a rock, so she temporarily forgot some things, but I know you are my daughter, so don’t be afraid, okay?”

Duoduo hesitated for a moment and nodded vigorously: "I'm not afraid of Mommy, but Mommy must not forget Duoduo, I am Duoduo!"

The soft and waxy voice was as sweet as honey. Xia Luobing nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, I remember, you are Mommy's Duoduo!"

This is her daughter, and only her daughter can make her heart so soft and full.

When Xia Luobing changed her clothes and led Duoduo downstairs, she saw the empty living room and empty yard, and was stunned for a moment: "Where are the people?"

Duoduo ran to the sofa in the living room with her short legs, ran back holding an envelope and handed it to Xia Luobing: "Mommy, look quickly, there is a letter!"

Xia Luobing took it hesitantly, opened the envelope, and frowned unconsciously when he saw the content on the letter.

Nan Xi said: "Luo Bing, Lin Chen and I have something to do first. I'm really sorry that I can't say goodbye to you. The key to the villa is on the coffee table. You can come back and stay at any time."

Why did you leave so suddenly

Xia Luobing vaguely understood the inexplicable words Nan Xi said last night. It seemed that he was ready to leave here early, but why? Since time is of the essence, why didn't you tell her about this in person yesterday

"Mommy? What's wrong with you?" Duoduo shook Xia Luobing's arm, "Where are Uncle Nanxi and Uncle Lin Chen? Duoduo is so hungry!"

Xia Luobing came to her senses in time, put the letter paper back into the envelope, bent down and picked up her daughter and whispered softly: "Uncle Nanxi and Uncle Lin Chen have something to do, so let's go back to our home today, okay? Mom will give it to you when you go home." Make delicious food.”

Duoduo nodded immediately: "Okay, I love eating the food cooked by my mother the most!"

Xia Luobing's eyes flashed. She had never cooked. Duoduo was really easy to feed. But just when she thought about it, Xia Luobing's mind flashed through the steps of cooking, as if she had already Did the same thing countless times.

After being stunned for a while, Xia Luobing suddenly realized that those memories should belong to her lost ten years.

"Okay, let's go home." Xia Luobing left the villa with Duoduo in her arms, walked a few steps, looked back, pursed her lips and left.

In the black car at the intersection not far away, Lin Chen looked at the figure walking further and further across the road, and looked at Nan Xi with a sigh: "They are leaving, so we should leave too!"

Nan Xi nodded: "Let's go, it's time to close the net."

Except for the engagement controversy of QC President Huo Yunqi a few days ago, City A has been very calm, but some people faintly smelled danger from this calmness.

Ye Shaochen had flown back from abroad overnight and was sitting in Huo Huo Yunqi's office. He handed him Juliet's previous information and said in a deep voice: "After Ji Wei died, we should dig him out." .”

According to all the information, the man behind the plan to deal with them this time is still Jerry.

It's a pity that after Ji Wei passed away five years ago, a series of changes occurred in the Huo family. Even if Huo Yunqi wanted to catch this person at that time, he had no time to do it.

"I didn't expect that five years later, he would come out again." Huo Yunqi flipped through the information on the table and looked at Ye Shaochen, "I know how to deal with it, you go home first, Yunxi is waiting for you! "

Ye Shaochen smiled bitterly: "I understand."

Juliet's behavior is still so confusing. She went to inform him of this incident but still didn't forget to cause trouble for him. It's really abominable!

After Ye Shaochen left, Huo Yunqi was silent for a moment and drove to the Public Security Bureau. He was sure that Xia Luobing would definitely go to work.

Sure enough, around three o'clock in the afternoon, Xia Luobing drove into the compound of the Public Security Bureau, but half an hour later, she walked out frustrated. After a while, Li Xiang hurriedly followed.

"Boss, don't mind. Director Zhang is deliberately looking for trouble, so don't take it to heart." Li Xiang comforted him.