Love Again: Flash Marriage with My Arrogant Sweetheart

Chapter 209: Lin Chen asked for help


Xia Luobing helped Lin Chen go out and drove away together. Half an hour later, Huo Yunqi, who had taken care of the traces at the door, left wearing huge sunglasses.

There is an abandoned arch bridge at the end of Yangtze River Road. The bridge hole underneath is very large, so Tibetans have no problem at all.

But judging from Lin Chen's injuries, Nan Qi's condition is definitely not going to be too good. I wonder if he can survive until he finds him.

The black car moved forward quickly like a powerful beast. Huo Yunqi held the steering wheel with his fingers and looked solemn. Who is this Nan Qi

He believed in Luo Bing's ability to judge character, but Nan Qi seemed to have some secrets that she didn't know either.

At night, there were very few vehicles on the Yangtze River Road. Huo Yunqi found the abandoned arch bridge without any obstruction. He parked the car on the side of the road with a creaking sound and groped his way under the bridge hole by the moonlight.

It was so dark down there that it was almost impossible to see.

But... there is a faint smell of blood in the air.

"Nan Qi?" Huo Yunqi moved slowly in the direction where the smell of blood came from, calling out Nan Qi's name tentatively. After walking a few more steps, there was still no response, "Nan Qi, are you here?"

The bridge hole was dark, and except for the vague smell of blood, Huo Yunqi didn't find any useful information.

After searching for a while, he still found no trace of Nan Qi, and his brows furrowed even more tightly: "Bingbing asked me to take you away."

If no one responds, there are only two possibilities. One is that Nan Qi is not here at all, and the other is that he has fainted or... died.

Huo Yunqi turned on the light source on his mobile phone and looked inside the bridge hole: "Nan Qi, Luo Bing has taken Lin Chen and left temporarily."

"I...I'm here." A weak voice came from the top directly in front.

Huo Yunqi looked up and was stunned for a moment. Nan Qi's whole body was clinging to the bridge hole like a spider, and the black clothes and the black night almost blended into one.

If he hadn't taken the initiative to speak out, Huo Yunqi was sure that he would not have discovered it.

"Luo Bing asked you to come?" Nan Qi slid down from the top with difficulty, holding on to the wall and sitting on the ground, her eyes particularly bright in the night, "You love her very much."

Because of Xia Luobing, he had deliberately gotten to know Huo Yunqi. He had an unruly and domineering personality, and now he came to him in person. Apart from Xia Luobing, he could not think of a second reason.

"Yes." Huo Yunqi narrowed his eyes, and his calm voice echoed in the bridge cave, with an indescribable momentum, "You have no chance."

Nan Qi was startled, then laughed softly: "You're right, I have no chance."

Ever since he shouldered the deep hatred of his family, he has lost the qualification to like her, not to mention that now, he and she are on opposite sides.

"I'll take you away." Huo Yunqi raised his feet and reached out to help Nan Qi up. Nan Qi avoided him and couldn't help but be surprised, "Don't believe me? Or do you want to die here?"

Huo Yunqi's tone was not good, but Nan Qi didn't mean to be angry. She smiled at him and asked: "Interpol rescues the murderer and goes back. What choice do you want Luo Bing to make?"

The reason why he never dared to get too close to her was because he didn't want to embarrass her.

"It's too late. Luo Bing has already left with Lin Chen, and you can't keep your secret anymore." Huo Yunqi stepped forward, taking advantage of Nan Qi's daze, raised his hand and knocked on his neck, making him faint. passed.

Huo Yunqi picked up Nan Qi who had fainted and put him into the car, and drove away. In the night, his face was very solemn.

What Nan Qi said makes sense. Years of being a police detective have allowed Xia Luobing to form her own sense of right and wrong. She has a firmer trust and paranoia in the law than ordinary people.

But now it is obvious that Nan Qi has become a big problem.

Thinking of that day, Xia Luobing and his friend Aida specially sent her Nan Qi's information...

Aida Sheng, Nan Qi

Huo Yunqi looked through the rearview mirror at the person lying unconscious in the back seat, his eyes became very complicated.

"Ding dong—"

The cell phone placed aside rang. Huo Yunqi clicked on the text message from Fu Ran. She took Lin Chen to Gao Yi'an and asked him to find Nan Qi and go there together.

Xia Luobing helped Lin Chen bandage the wound on her arm. Smelling the strong smell of blood in the room, she felt strong uneasiness in her heart.

"How could you be so seriously injured?" Xia Luobing thought about Lin Chen digging out the bullet in his arm just now. He felt a chill on his back and something was stirring in his heart, which was very uncomfortable. Comfortable.

Lin Chen leaned on the bed. The surgery had become very brutal due to the lack of anesthesia. Now his face was very pale and there was no blood on his lips.

"Will you send us to the Public Security Bureau?" Lin Chen looked at Xia Luobing and asked lightly. He curled the corners of his mouth as if he was telling a joke.

Xia Luobing was shaken and took two steps back, her mind going blank.

Yes, she is a police officer. She should have sent the two people to the public security bureau immediately. Maybe Nan Qi is really the murderer of the serial murders as Edson said.

But she instinctively didn't want to do this. She wanted both of them to live well.

"Take good care of yourself." Xia Luobing hurriedly said a few words and staggered away, her back showing a rush to escape.

Lin Chen twitched his lips, and the smile on his face suddenly disappeared without a trace. Nan Qi was right, they really shouldn't come to Xia Luobing.

After leaving Lin Chen's room, Xia Luobing sat on the sofa in the living room, lost in thought, with complex emotions rolling in her eyes. What Lin Chen just said kept echoing in her mind.

Reason told her that she should send them to the public security bureau, but she was very resistant in her heart. The two forces were tearing apart in her heart, which was very uncomfortable.

"Bingbing, what's wrong with you?" Gao Yian coaxed Duoduo to sleep, gently closed the door and came out. Seeing Xia Luobing's sad face, he asked with concern, "You are very anxious."

The two have known each other for so many years, and he has already become familiar with her every expression and every emotion.

Xia Luobing looked up at Gao Yi'an, smiled bitterly and said, "I'm causing trouble for you."

Originally, he wanted to take Duoduo away, but he didn't expect that the child was not picked up, but another dangerous person was sent here, not to mention that Huo Yunqi would bring Nan Qi over later.

"Bingbing, do you and I need to be so polite?" Gao Yian poured a glass of water and handed it to Xia Luobing, sat on the sofa opposite her and said slowly, "Sometimes things in this world are... It cannot be measured by simple black and white, right or wrong.”

Xia Luobing was startled: "You are Director Gao's son. I thought you would believe in principles more than me because of your influence."

"There are always some things that cannot be solved by law." Gao Yian smiled, and seeing Xia Luobing still frowning, he reached out and pressed his left chest, "Just follow your decision in your heart."

Hearing this, Xia Luobing was stunned for a moment and then smiled with relief: "Listening to what you said, it seems to make sense."

"Ding dong ding dong—"

Xia Luobing's cell phone on the table suddenly rang. She was startled by the intrusive ringtone, and her heart thumped, giving rise to strong uneasiness.

"Yun Qi, this is Bing Bing." Xia Luobing answered the phone, "Where are you? Why are there gunshots?"

"Bingbing, I will take Nan Qi to another place temporarily, don't worry." After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunqi turned the steering wheel and the car turned sharply and sped towards a road next to it.

He had just left Changjiang Road and was about to go to Gao Yi'an's home when he suddenly found someone following him. If this time passed, it would inevitably bring danger to Luo Bing and Duoduo, so he had to make another temporary plan.

Nan Qi, who had been knocked unconscious by Huo Yunqi's palm, also woke up from the turbulence. When he heard the rapid gunfire behind him, he suddenly woke up, sat up suddenly, looked behind him, and said in a deep voice: "What they are looking for. This person is me, you throw me into the grass in front and leave by yourself.

The people behind are all killers hired by Ada. These people will do anything for money. He cannot drag Huo Yunqi into taking risks with him.

Luo Bing is still waiting for him to take care of her.

"Shut up!" Huo Yunqi said coldly, "Since I promised Luo Bing that I would take you back, I will definitely take you back!"

He really didn't expect that these people would actually dare to shoot in the city.

"Huo Yunqi, your arrogance will kill us all! Is it possible that you want Bingbing to marry someone else?" Nan Qi roared angrily. The violent ups and downs of his emotions affected the wound. He put a hand on his chest and coughed violently, " Stop the car now!"

The people behind them chased them closer and closer, bullets grazed their car several times, and the air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder smoke.


A car was coming towards us. The car suddenly swerved and blocked the back of Huo Yunqi's car. Taking advantage of this momentary opportunity, Huo Yunqi turned the steering wheel and quickly turned onto another road. When he passed the car, he When he saw the person sitting in the driver's seat, he couldn't help but said, "Bai Yu!"

In any case, he did not expect that Bai Yu would suddenly appear, and the calm person in the car and the usual assistant Bai Yu were in two completely different states and auras.

And he was very familiar with this state and momentum, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

But at this moment, he didn't have time to think too much. He stepped on the accelerator and drove the car directly onto the bustling main street of City A. No matter how arrogant the group of people were, they still didn't dare to shoot in such a bustling place.

"Thank you." Nan Qi had already suffered a serious wound before. After the thrilling stimulation just now, it was already very difficult for him to hold on.

Huo Yunqi said lightly: "You'd better stay alive before seeing Luo Bing."

If he narrowly escaped death and brought back a dead person, Luo Bing would definitely be angry.

Nan Qi smiled weakly and wanted to say something else, but turned her head and fainted again.

"Ding dong ding dong—" Huo Yunqi glanced at the phone that rang again, thinking it was Xia Luobing, and quickly answered the call, "Bing Bing?"

"I'm Bai Yu. That group of people has been thrown away. Now take that person to my residence, which is located in Unit 1, Building 2, Jinxiu Garden Community." Bai Yu's side was very quiet, with no sound of cars or cars. The sound of gunfire seemed to really get rid of the people over there.

The location Bai Yu mentioned was very close to Huo Yunqi.

Twenty minutes later, Huo Yunqi carried Nan Qi into Bai Yu's house and threw him directly onto the bed in the guest room: "Help him treat his wounds."

He had just seen that Nan Qi had injuries on his arms and legs, with bullets penetrating them.

Bai Yu silently left the guest room, and soon came in with a medical medicine box, taking out various professional medical equipment as well as anesthetics, gauze, potions... The table was filled with all kinds of things, and the room suddenly turned into a small operation. room.

"Why do you have these things?" Huo Yunqi stared at Bai Yu and asked. He suddenly realized that he didn't seem to know this secretary at all.

Bai Yu injected Nan Qi with anesthesia and said, "After the operation, I will explain to you."