Love Again: Flash Marriage with My Arrogant Sweetheart

Chapter 213: Liu Yan is hospitalized


Gao Yian didn't know Huo Yunzhan's identity yet, so he just thought that this little assistant was in charge of a lot of things, and he suddenly said angrily: "There are so many things in charge of him!"

Over the years, he has long since looked past all possibilities, and he and Luo Bing have become the most intimate friends.

It is precisely because of this that Luo Bing trusts him more than before, and he is very satisfied.

Over at the Huo family's house, Liu Yan looked at Huo Yunqi with an embarrassed look and smiled dryly: "Doctor Li saw it yesterday, and it's much better now. There's no need to go to the hospital."

"Get Madam dressed, I'll wait outside." Huo Yunqi glanced at Sister-in-law Song and said coldly, Ling Lie's words didn't mean he could refuse at all.

Sister-in-law Song trembled all over when he saw him, and nodded quickly: "Yes, young master!"

After explaining, Huo Yunqi turned and left. Mrs. Song quickly closed the door and said nervously: "Madam, what should we do now?"

She knew very well whether Liu Yan had any fractures. She originally thought that with the help of Dr. Li last night, she had gotten through it. Unexpectedly, as soon as she got up in the morning, Huo Yunqi came directly and asked to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination.

"I don't see him caring so much about me on weekdays." Liu Yan gripped the sheets angrily and lost her temper.

If Huo Yunqi discovers later that she is lying, he will definitely not give up.

But now that others were waiting outside, it was too late even if he temporarily twisted his feet on the stairs.

"Madam, look..." Sister-in-law Song held Liu Yan's clothes with a confused look on her face. Should she wear these clothes or not

Liu Yan's eyes fell on the clothes held by Mrs. Song, her heart skipped a beat, and she gritted her teeth: "Wear it!"

She wanted to see what her biological son could do to her!

She lied for his own good, and Xia Luobing was not in any way involved.

Half an hour later, Liu Yan, who had tidied up quickly, carefully arrived at the living room with the support of Mrs. Song, where Huo Yunqi was sitting on the sofa waiting for them.

"Yun Qi, Mom really feels better and can walk on her own, so why don't you go to the hospital?" Liu Yan smiled dryly, "You don't go to work in the company, right?"

Although she had prepared for the worst, she still didn't want to break up with her son unless absolutely necessary.

"The car is ready, let's go there." Huo Yunqi said calmly, walked to Liu Yan, asked Mrs. Song to go away, and helped Liu Yan out personally.

If Huo Yunqi had done this before, Liu Yan would have been very happy, but this time she always wondered if Huo Yunqi knew something and did it deliberately

Is this a way to test her

Along the way, Liu Yan's heart was agitated and she couldn't figure out what Huo Yunqi's real intention was.

After arriving at the hospital, the doctor waiting there quickly put Liu Yan on the stretcher, and the group hurriedly pushed her towards the hospital hall.

"You're here." Dr. Li saw Huo Yunqi's solemn expression and sighed, "That's just my guess. You have to take it seriously. Everything can't be confirmed until the test results come out."

Huo Yunqi said a dull "hmm" and his eyes darkened.

"Sister-in-law Song, go tell Huo Yunqi that I'm going to be discharged from the hospital! Immediately!" Liu Yan fanned the pungent smell of disinfectant in the ward with her nose and got angry at the servant next to her, "Did he do it on purpose?"

After completing various examinations, Huo Yunqi directly asked the doctor to arrange for him to be hospitalized. This was obviously intentional.

"Madam, the young master has just left." Sister-in-law Song wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "otherwise we will stay here tonight and leave tomorrow morning."

Liu Yan angrily disagreed: "I feel uncomfortable staying in this place for even one second, let alone a whole night."

Sister-in-law Song trembled and was a little at a loss: "Then, let's..."


At this moment, Dr. Li opened the ward door and came in. He saw Liu Yan who was almost hysterical: "Mrs. Huo is not satisfied with my arrangement?"

"Did you arrange my hospitalization?" Liu Yan looked at Dr. Li in confusion and asked, "Why did you do this?"

Last night, Dr. Li clearly promised well. Why did he suddenly change his mind today

"I thought you would be grateful to me." Dr. Li shrugged helplessly, "I told Mr. Huo that your ankle sprain is serious and you must be hospitalized, otherwise you may become a cripple in the future."

Liu Yan was startled: "Why, why did you say that?"

She did pretend to be ill on purpose to achieve her own goals, but she never thought of using such vicious words to curse herself and become a lame? Just thinking about it makes me feel cold all over.

"Don't you think that Mr. Huo is under your nose every day, so hospitalization is not the best opportunity?" Dr. Li pulled up a chair and sat next to the hospital bed, smiling slowly, "Of course, if you really can't get used to smelling the hospital disinfectant, I can arrange for you to be discharged from the hospital now!"

Hearing what Dr. Li said, Liu Yan's face that had turned ferocious due to anger slowly softened, and she asked uncertainly: "Does Yun Qi believe it?"

Her son is extremely shrewd, and most people shouldn't even think about fooling him.

"I am a doctor. Mr. Huo must admit this." Dr. Li said firmly, "And haven't you been successfully admitted to the hospital now?"

Liu Yan was startled when she heard this, then nodded and smiled: "You are right."

If Yun Qi didn't believe that she was really sick, why would he take the initiative to arrange for her to be hospitalized

After seeing Dr. Li off, Mrs. Song asked carefully: "Madam, do we still want to be discharged from the hospital?"

Liu Yan waved her hand impatiently: "You're not enlightened!"

After finally settling in, she didn't want to be discharged from the hospital. The first step of the plan was successful, and now it's time to look at the second step.

In Dr. Li's office, Huo Yunqi looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "What are the chances of cure?"

"As long as a suitable bone marrow match is found, it is very possible to recover." Dr. Li said carefully and carefully.

By analyzing the results of Liu Yan's systemic examination, she was diagnosed with leukemia. Fortunately, it was discovered early. As long as a matching bone marrow match was found as soon as possible, he was sure to cure the patient.

"I understand, you start looking." Huo Yunqi said in a deep voice. He had already done a bone marrow match and it was not suitable.

Dr. Li nodded, thought for a while and then tentatively said: "You can ask everyone in your family to do the matching, so the success rate will be higher."


After leaving the hospital, Huo Yunqi sat in the car with one hand on the steering wheel and a solemn expression. After a while, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed Huo Yunxi's number: "Mom is in the hospital, please come."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Yunqi fell into silence again. The night was dark, and the black car lay there quietly without moving.

Huo Yunxi arrived very quickly. She handed the child over to the nanny and drove here in a hurry.

"Dong dong!" Huo Yunxi saw Huo Yunqi's car parked on the roadside and hurried over to knock on the window, "Why is mom in the hospital? Are you feeling unwell?"

Huo Yunqi opened the car door and motioned for Huo Yunxi to get in. After she sat down and closed the passenger door, he said in a deep voice: "Leukemia is very dangerous."

Huo Yunxi was stunned for a moment before reacting suddenly, with a look of disbelief on his face: "How could this happen!"

My mother has always been in good health, and even when we quarreled with her, she was very angry. How could she suddenly become so seriously ill

"The doctor said that it can still be cured with a bone marrow transplant." Huo Qiyou said in a deep voice. Seeing that Huo Yunxi had come to his senses, he said slowly, "Don't tell mom about this yet."

Huo Yunxi sniffed: "I'll go to the hospital for matching."

Xia Luobing returned home, opened the bedroom door and turned on the light. She saw Huo Qiyou sitting on the bed without saying a word, his whole body seemed to be blending into the night, and his heart suddenly tightened.

"What happened?" Xia Luobing walked over and sat next to him and asked. She had never seen Huo Qiyou look so depressed.

Huo Qiyou hugged Fu Ran and buried his face in his neck for a long time without speaking. After a while, he muttered: "Bingbing, mom is sick."

Xia Luobing stiffened and asked blankly, "What did you say?"

Did he just say that Liu Yan was sick

"Leukemia." Huo Qiyou let go of Xia Luobing's shoulder and smiled bitterly, "Do you think I'm worthless?"

Xia Luobing shook his head, curled up his hand into a small ball and put it into Huo Yunqi's palm, and said softly, "No matter what happens, I will be by your side. What is the doctor's treatment plan?"

"Do the matching first." Huo Yunqi said solemnly, "We can only decide when to schedule the surgery after the matching results are available."

Xia Luobing nodded and said seriously: "I will also do the matching."

Although Liu Yan has always refused to accept her, for the sake of the man beside her, she also hopes that Liu Yan can recover as soon as possible.

"Thank you, Bingbing."

The next morning, accompanied by Huo Yunqi, Xia Luobing went to the hospital to draw blood for bone marrow matching. The results would be known three days later.

"I have to go to work, so I'll leave first." Xia Luobing squeezed Huo Yunqi's palm and encouraged, "Don't worry, it will get better."

Huo Yunqi said "hmm" and looked at Xia Luobing's fading figure. He turned to the ward and opened the door. Liu Yan hung up the phone in a hurry and smiled awkwardly at him: "You came so early, son. .”

Just now, she was talking to Ai Weiwei about her plan and specifically told her to come to the hospital quickly.

It was for her son's lifelong happiness that she had to stay in this ward that smelled of disinfectant.

"Who are you calling?" Huo Yunqi poured a glass of water and put it in Liu Yan's hand, pulled out a chair and sat in front of the ward. After thinking for a moment, he said, "I will take care of you in the hospital recently."

Liu Yan nodded quickly: "Okay!"

It seems that Dr. Li is right. As long as she is hospitalized, Huo Yunqi will definitely stay with her. She is still the most important thing in his son's heart.

At the Public Security Bureau, Director Zhang slammed the table angrily: "Xia Luobing, you are responsible for this case. Last night, Adasheng was attacked again, and you cannot escape the blame for this!"

"We are not Adasheng's personal bodyguards, how can we blame the boss!" Li Xiang helped Xia Luobing to fight against the injustice.

Director Zhang angrily smashed the water glass in his hand, pointed at Li Xiang and got angry: "Is it your responsibility to protect the person involved? Since you have started investigating this matter, you should have expected that Edison would be in danger!"

Thinking of the reprimand above, Director Zhang's angry face turned the color of pig liver. He pointed at Xia Luobing and said, "From today on, you will follow Aida closely!"

Xia Luobing's eyes flashed and she raised her eyebrows: "I am willing to obey the director's arrangements, but I don't know if Edison will agree."

Ever since she learned from Lin Chen about the bad things Edson had done back then last night, she wanted to kill the demon with a human face and an animal heart. Now if she could protect him personally, she might be able to find some clues.