Love at First Sight

Chapter 102: [V102] The beautiful scenery in the prison (middle)


I was surprised and asked subconsciously:

"What murder weapon?!" Time was too tight at the time to take a closer look at the corpse, and the man rushed in with a large group of police officers. Shu Jiong

Qu He could only bend over and whispered "Wait for me", then pulled the vine metamorphosis away from the hidden side door, and went around the back door and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

At that time, I could calmly scold him thousands of times in my heart, but I still feel fortunate. After all, if the other party came at me from the beginning, then no matter if it is Quhe or Teng perverted Should be involved.

And until I saw Uncle Wei, I realized that the reason why Qu He didn't take me away, perhaps, as Uncle Wei said, now the whole Yicheng is probably the safest place.

"That's it." Chen Shaoqing put a bag on the table, with a thin blade quietly resting there.

this is…

It was the thin blade I left on Putuo Island!

Could it be that the same group of pirates did the trick this time? !


Something flashed through my mind quickly, but there was no time to catch it. I breathed out silently and explained:

"This thing was indeed mine before," I couldn't help but soften my eyes, and I said softly, "This thing has been with me for seventeen years. Without it, I might have been five years old. died."

Died in a mass grave, under the mouth of a wild wolf.

"You mean, it's not yours anymore?"

"Well, I lost it before." I retracted my eyes and yawned, "Let's stop here today. I'll take a nap."

"Stop!" There was a sharp sound, and the whip was waved at me again, shocking me to jump on the spot, jumped onto the chair, and repeatedly accused:

"You, you, you! You are going to lynch!"

The guards who were guards also rushed in to stop them.

"Sir, you can stop fire and gas, Miss Zhen has always been so casual, we are all used to... hehe..."

"Yes, yes, I am used to it..."

The corners of my mouth twitched, what are you getting used to? This is!

"Are you used to it? Are you used to her undecent attitude! Zhen Xiaozhu, here, you are the same as all the suspects! You can only answer the questions to get the right to leave!"

"What if I say I don't want to leave at all?" I jumped off the chair and smiled lazily, with a look that I had learned a little bit, because the officer's face was ugly once again.

The guards with good eyesight pulled him desperately, and one of them blinked at me quickly, signaling me to evacuate as soon as possible.

"Then I'm going to take a nap, everyone. Good afternoon." Halfway through, he turned to look at everyone and raised his lips slightly, "I will take care of you from now on."

Then I saw a few faces twitching at the same time with satisfaction.

When Chen Xi came to visit me, she bought my favorite pig's knuckles specially. Watching me wake up from sleep, grabbing a hoof and eating oily mouth, he sighed slightly:

"Zhen Xiaozhu, you are at ease."

I stopped and shook my head sadly:

"The air conditioner here is a bit noisy."

Chen Xi was silent for a long time, until I couldn't even pretend, and then reached out and touched my hair, his voice was unprecedentedly gentle and guilty:

"I'm sorry, but I still made you wronged."

It was already sunset and the lights were on in the cell all the year round. The real weather and time were really hard to distinguish, but it was still possible to get a glimpse of the outside scenery from the skylight opened there.

I saw flying birds passing by from that small field of vision, as if they had never had any attachments, but they were just moving towards their own goals and moving forward indefinitely.

"No," I lowered my head and concealed the emotion in my eyes. I didn't look up at him and laughed until I was sure that I had recovered my usual normality. "Chen Xi, if you can't hold it, I won't Mind being in charge to help."

"Stupid," he changed the palm of his hand to a fist, and gave a violent tap. Although his strength was not strong, he still felt his head buzzing, "I'm leaving, if no one comes to meet you in five days. If you do, remember to listen to your Uncle Wei, he will find a way to get you out, what's the difficulty... Don’t forget, your biological mother, she is the prosecutor."

"Then I would rather die here."

"You, you..." Chen Xi sighed again and again. This unlucky thing made me want to photograph him hanging on the wall, and I couldn't pull him off!

Before leaving, he said again:

"Qu He, you don't get close in the future."

Now I was really shocked. Let’s not talk about Qu He’s identity. The appearance alone should be Chen Xi’s food. What's more, his previous support for him would actually say such a righteousness. Come on! What a rarity!

"Don't look at me like that," he glanced at me contemptuously, "Quhe is a fox for thousands of years, you are a grasshopper that hasn't grown up, be careful to be played by him as a toy... Forget it," he turned his head. Leave me with a dark back head, "I'm leaving, you eat and sleep well."

But... When Qu He really walked in like this, I could only silently say to Chen Xi in my heart that the fox came to catch the grasshopper again.

I studied the lines on the wall again, Qu He closed the cell door, and nodded to Chen Shaoqing, who was stinking.

"She won't have any opinions, and, I think, I should be the one to worry about the issue of sex."

I smashed a slipper viciously.

The moonlight was very bright, cast like water on the ground like a satin, and that piece of land showed a bright white brilliance.

Qu He leaned his head against the wall, stretched his long legs out of the bed, and spoke faintly about the situation outside:

"It's not a mere faction. This time, in addition to the South China forces represented by Zheng Minghan, Ke Lan also participated in the involvement."

I sneered and put my chin on my knees. There was a cold wall behind me. It was obvious that the air conditioner was not playing low, but I just felt cold. I took the topic with my lips:

"Also, Liu Nan joined, right?"

Qu He glanced at me, looking surprised, and nodded in approval for a long time:

"When a silly pig thinks, humans laugh."

I:"… "

"Then what are you doing in here?" Don't tell me that you feel that I am alone and lonely. I have nothing to do for a long night, and come in to accompany me for fun.

After waiting for a long time without hearing his answer, I straightened my legs and turned my head to look at him, but suddenly felt that my legs sank. He had already rasped his head over, resting my thighs and squinting his eyes:

"Go to sleep, the prison conditions in Yicheng are pretty good."

I gritted my teeth:

"Qu He, do you dare to be more serious!"