Love at First Sight

Chapter 117: [V117] A group of bats playing on the ground


In the process of marching, the mighty team finally had differences. Shu Liao

At a fork in the road, Afu yelled to the left, Chen Miaoying suddenly stubbornly wanted to go to the right, the former howled:

"You ugly woman! If I say go left, go left!"

The latter was startled and plunged straight into Huangfu Yin's arms.

"I'm afraid..."

Qu He frowned and didn't know what he was thinking. Liu Nan gave Ke Lan a glance, as if he had some calculations. I was the only one who looked around lightly and watched the curious expressions of these ordinary people.

Afu probably couldn't beat Chen Miaoying, who is now beloved, and ran to me crying:

"Brother Duan, Brother Yin bullied Afu!"

I smoked the corners of my mouth. I really don’t know how to tell this kid that we are now standing on your brother’s site. Even eating and sleeping are rewarded by others. I really don’t dare to paint thick fur against him, especially , Our goal is still so clear, determined to abduct his sweetheart.

"Then let's go shopping separately. Actually, I want to go to the left too." Ke Lan said softly, looking at Qu He with a wink, "Which way does Mr. Qu want to go?"

"Whatever." Qu He waved to me, and I quickly pulled Afu down and ran over.

"If you are with Huangfu Yin and the others, Afu will definitely follow you. I and Ke Lan and the others will go to the left, and you will go to the right. Remember, all you have to do is to make Afu and Chen Miaoying conflict. The better, it is better to move your hands and feet, the more chaotic the scene, the better!"

"Why?" I still wanted to ask, being pushed by his shoulder, "Just do it obediently."

"Ahem, Duan is right-handed and likes to go to the right... Then go with you. I haven't strolled around anyway. Hey, it's the same everywhere." I walked to Huangfu Yin and thought about it. However, there is one thing I really want to say, Dongzhu, are these people following this way, is it too high-profile?"

He pointed his finger at the row of cloaked men who followed him, and then he was shot at by these people, and he froze in an instant.

"Let's go, we will go back before dinner." Huangfu Yin was so easy to talk, and with a wave of his hand, those people left respectfully.

I breathed a sigh of relief, there are fewer people, and it won't get in the way when it's time to fuel the flames.

But when Afu heard that I was going to be with Chen Miaoying, she was really unhappy and yelled:

"Hmph, the right is on the right. Anyway, I am going to be with Brother Duan, ugly woman, I hate you so much!" He took my hand and strode to the corner on the right.

I only looked back frequently to get the final eye contact with Qu He, but the guy didn't look at me again, but calmly brows together with Ke Lan and they went in to the left corner.

It was like a doomed parting, silently, just like this.

Huangfu Yin's legs were not good, but it did not hinder his pity, Xiangxiyu, and he walked a few steps, listening to his cold and warmth all the time:

"Tired? Do you want to rest for a while?"

I’m not familiar with Chen Miaoying, and I’ve only met twice before. If it weren’t for Qu He, I really didn’t know that she still had such a great grandpa, who simply listed her as the one who squeezed Ke Lan away. It's just a female partner, but Fu Tianchen can no longer think about it, so this female partner is now my rescue target.

I was thinking about how to make A Fu and Chen Miaoying quarrel, but in fact, A Fu was quite cooperative, and immediately exploded when he saw Huangfu Yin’s affection:

"Don't get close to my brother! Go away!" As I stretched out my hand to push Chen Miaoying, I hurried to "stop" Chen Miaoying at the right time, and accidentally knocked Chen Miaoying down!

The fall was not light, and a good girl directly smashed her legs up into the sky, with a "bang-" sound, she didn't get up for a long time!

I wondered if this so-called move was too intense. Huangfu Yin was already a little anxious and squatted down to help. I shook my mind and tried to help, again accidentally pushing my elbow to the back of the man’s neck. Knock him down calmly!

Qu He's clothes are very large, and almost every movement of mine is carried out under the sleeves, so even Afu, who is standing behind me, can't clearly see my movements. When he sees his brother fall to the ground, he doesn't wake up. I was so scared that I started to cry.

"Is Brother Yin sick! Why doesn't he get up!"

Sickness? I stretched out my hand to take his breath in wonder. Fortunately, I was still alive. After changing my mind, I always put on a distressed look, then turned around and asked:

"Maybe the old disease has relapsed, Afu, has your brother been injured before?"

"I heard the old mother say that in order to save Sister Wan three years ago, Brother Yin had a chip implanted in his head... Ah, that can’t be said!" She covered her mouth in a panic, but what should have been heard I heard that, I finally took a bit of thought from such an indifferent and unconscionable attitude to pretend to be deep, and there are so many weird legends in this backward place with a big p-point

The degree of unscrupulous love... also includes being manipulated as a machine? !

"Ah—" Chen Miaoying, who was sitting on her knees, suddenly screamed in panic, "Where is this! Why am I here!"

This scene is a bit familiar, I suddenly remembered that when Zheng Youcai was killed, Xiao Wu was also at a loss with Zhang Huang's expression...

And Chen Miaoying, obviously because of hypnosis was lifted...

I was smashed so badly that I suddenly woke up...

Could it be that Xiao Wu was also hypnotized at that time? ! So what happened at that time really had something to do with Ke Lan? !

I couldn't help but slap a few slaps at a woman who looked enchanting and charming, that is, she pushed back and forth in these days, making the original simple situation more and more complicated! Even every time we can come to the layout before us!

"Go!" I walked quickly to pull up Chen Miaoying, intending to evacuate immediately! The trouser legs were held by a pair of small hands, and Afu looked up at me pitifully:

"Brother Duan, where are you going?"

I was stunned. Now there is only a big man who passed out and a little boy. It seems that I am a bit careless to leave so irresponsibly... But when Huangfu Yin wakes up, Chen Miaoying will definitely not be able to leave. Up!

Cruel, I tried to slow down and look comforted:

"You wait here, someone will come to you soon, and this is your home, there will be no bad people, or you can go to the cave and call those cloak brothers, your brother Yin will be around for a while. I can't wake up..."

She pointed her finger hesitantly, and her pitiful appearance made people feel that her conscience was condemned.

"Will you still come to me? I'm your daughter-in-law..."

… Can we not mention this painful term

However, things went so horribly, Chen Miaoying did not struggle at all, and let me take her away silently!

Tie Zhengzheng's facts tell me that there will be no permanent good things, because when they were about to leave this alley, a group of people stood in front of them abruptly!

I sneered, these people are familiar.

Tall, well-trained, all-colored cloak, a group of bats playing in the ground...