Love at First Sight

Chapter 120: [V120] Master Quhe’s lair


Finally, with difficulty, he finally swam to the shore before he died of breath. At this time, the sky began to glow with pale rays of light, wisps of light passing through the clouds, signaling the arrival of a new day. Shu Liao

I lay on the ground feebly, panting heavily, as if I had never been so short of breath in my entire life, and used all the strength for more than 20 years to breathe hard.

When he finally felt that his chest was no longer so suffocated, he looked up and saw Qu He had stood up and was walking around to check something, his steps seemed slow, as if something was not right.

I shook my head and suddenly thought that we had escaped like this, and it would be difficult for us to enter the Eighteenth Cave. What's more, the purpose at the beginning was to save Chen Miaoying, and to ask Elder He for help in order to help Zhenjiapu faster. Get rid of the encircling forces of Zheng Minghan!

But now, after finally winning the invitation of others, he escaped so embarrassedly and arrogantly!

But then I think about it, the Donghuang people are more weird than the other, plus a hypnotized Ke Lan, I will be chopped off sooner or later if I just run in it alone, but fortunately there is one who is always so hidden. Qu He followed.

Thinking of this, I hurriedly radiated star-eyed eyes, and said to the eyes that Shang Quhe happened to see:

"Master Quhe, all the young ones will listen to your instructions."

Qu He seemed a little surprised, and raised his eyebrows lightly:

"What?" He was also drenched all over, with wet hair sticking to his forehead, water droplets slid down his cheeks, his clothes tightly pressed against his slender body, one leg stretched out diagonally and lightly touched the sand On the ground, the body is leaning back slightly against the other leg to support the body.

"What's wrong with your foot?!" Although they are not close together, from my perspective, you can still clearly see that his foot on the ground is shaking unconsciously!

"It's okay." He sat down, his breath was a little unstable, he raised his eyes to look at the sky, and suddenly chuckled helplessly, "Zhen Xiaozhu, when I met you, I really am..." He paused slowly. , Lowered his eyes and stopped making a sound.

After a long time, I learned that he was trying to say, Zhen Xiaozhu, when I met you, I really put all my energy into it.

At that time, I was really frightened. I crawled towards him with my hands and feet. I guess the posture was quite hideous. Quhete said in disgust:

"Zhen Xiaozhu, you look like a water ghost."

However, these blows and ridicules cannot conceal the fact that Quhe, the bastard, was actually injured. It was bigger than the wound I had when I was bruised by the girl named Silent while driving. It continued from the back of the knee to the ankle. A deep scratch, blood coagulated on the edge of the wound, it looked terrifying.

"You..." I couldn't speak suddenly, so I lowered my head and tried hard to tear off a corner of my clothes so that I could hug him, but he pushed it away gently, and my body sank, Qu He I have leaned my body over, and my lips are close to my ears:

"Quiet for a while, and wait for someone to pick us up," he sighed silently, thinking that I was dragging him, "After a big circle, we still have to rely on some people who don't want to contact us."

This is a bit esoteric, and I don’t have time to think about it, because in less than a while, some people have been especially western and set up three or four helicopters to pick us up!

But when I finally took a comfortable hot bath and walked out of the bathroom while wiping my hair, I finally discovered that this place turned out to be Quhe's old nest.

Many times people are like this, always working to uncover the mystery of something, but once it takes the initiative to completely expose itself to you, it will feel a different sense of helplessness.

Coming here from Donghuang all the way is an out-of-state itinerary, and the treatment here is simply not ordinary and good. I swallowed my saliva and wanted to be natural and generous. Especially, there is such a girl who has always been When I was sitting on the sofa and staring at me.

"Are you the woman that Ahe brought?" She curled her lips with a look of disgust, "Huh, how can Ahe who has been away for more than a year come back on his own initiative? uncle!"

I didn't understand what she was saying for a while, but when I saw her face clearly, I was slightly startled, as if... Where did I see...

"Hey! Our second lady is talking to you!" The girl dressed as a servant standing next to the girl shouted, "You are still rolling your eyes! The other way around!"

"It's weird. I rolled my eyes and didn't waste your energy. What are you so excited for?" I put down the towel, walked to the table and poured a glass of water to drink, "Where is Quhe?"

The girl who was called the second lady was still calm, although her attitude was a little arrogant, she didn't dare to rush up to slap me twice, snorted coldly, and spoke reluctantly:

"Downstairs, he said you would go down and look for him when you wake up." He glared at me fiercely again, "You'd better take some thoughts, the Qu family is not something you can climb with such rough branches and rotten leaves! "

With a "pop", he closed the door and his entourage left the room arrogantly.

The tea I was holding in my hand was still faintly immersed, and through the smoke, I asked the one person left in the room softly:

"Your composer is really rich, mysterious and deep, right?"

The young girl might have been frightened. She flinched and couldn't answer for a long time. I smiled kindly:

"Am I so scary?"

"No," she hurriedly waved her hand to explain, "Sister, you look... very beautiful..." Seeing that I didn't mean to blame, she bowed her head shyly, "Laughing, it looks a bit like Miss Wan."

"Who is Miss Wan?"

"Ah! I'm talking too much!" She rubbed the corners of her clothes in a panic, as if terrified.

I frowned, what kind of rules this composer had to make such a young girl cautious to this point.

Putting down the teacup, rubbing his eyebrows with his fingers, he planned to ask Qu He personally. Since he is willing to take me home, he shouldn't intend to cover it up anymore. Is the name Qu He because I am too ugly or because he hides it so deeply that I have never heard of it

"Take me downstairs. I don't know the way to this place." I pointed to the door and motioned for her to lead the way. After thinking about it, I smiled and asked, "What's your name?"

"Ah! My name is Martha," she narrowed her eyes and smiled in embarrassment, and added in a low voice, "I also have an older sister named Margie, but we don't look alike."

She should be a child who likes to talk very much. It is also possible that I am a person who has the urge to talk about everything. During such a journey downstairs, she was very excited to say in front of her:

"My sister and I don't look alike. Although we are indeed biological, unlike my sister, you and Miss Wan are clearly not related, but at first glance, it looks more like a sister, haha."

I followed her downstairs with stiff hands and feet, a strange message circling in my mind:

Maggie, isn't it Ke Lan's little mom? !