Love at First Sight

Chapter 203: [Fan Wai 5 Parody] The recording of the program of interpersonal questioning


Director: Lights and lights! Hey, okay, the camera is zoomed in, perfect! let's start-

Some rice (Kan Kwan came onto the stage, tripped to the steps with a slap, almost fell, and an arm stretched out next to her to hold her): Ooo, Lord Xi!

Chen Xi (with a smile on her lips): Good girl Mi.

Moumi (smirking): Okay, hello everyone is really good, Guangzhou Haodi—cough cough, no, why are you the only one? What about Quhe

Obviously today is the interview of the pair, and invited a few friendly guests by the way! Dare to drop the chain at the critical moment!

Qu He and his beloved wife appeared on the stage, and Zhen Xiaozhu's complaints could be heard vaguely: Why are you here! I'm not photogenic...

Moumi squinted his eyes, and hurriedly greeted him with a welcome letter: Hello, two, I have finally invited you!

Qu He (light smile): Recently there have been many things.

The automatic yy of a certain rice is a "things" of the gods and horses...

Director insert: Dumb Mi! Not yet started! The film is wasted!

A certain Mi wakes up instantly...

After half an hour, everyone was finally there, and some rice wiped his sweat, and faintly felt that her bonus this month was about to fly, her lovely silver baby...uuu...

Phase questioning begins—

XX: When did the two meet

Zhen Xiaozhu: If you have an impression, it should be the time you met in Broken Leaf City.

Qu He (Dangerous squinting, someone has never remembered him): I don't want to answer.

Moumi (weak): Qu... Qu big, please cooperate with me... Okay! Next question!

Chen Xi (laughs): Your shit-like look is really promising.

Moumi (ignoring): May I ask the two who have the deepest impression about each other

Zhen Xiaozhu (seriously): Qu He almost died on the trip to Nanyang Island.

Although it was not so serious afterwards...

Qu He (satisfied): I don't want to answer.

Moumi (vomiting blood): Qu... Well, how about you, Master Xi? Did Miss Zhen do anything that impresses you

Take a deep breath, take a deep breath, Qu He is the hero and the hero, so he is now worthy, um, yes, high worth, so he does not cooperate, um, yes, does not cooperate, so you can't be angry, nod, you can't be angry.

Chen Xi (cooperate): It should be... when I calmly rejected me.

Qu He (killing intent): Have you ever confessed to her

Some Mi swears to defend the life of Lord Xi, and quickly bypasses the topic: Hehehe, the next question! What is the most memorable gift the two have given each other

Fu Tianchen, who had been sitting on the side dormant all the time, interjected: She gave me my wallet, it was ugly.

Qu He (killing intent increased by n percentage points): There is still such a thing.

Zhen Xiaozhu shrinks his neck (to please): He has sent me a pendant.

Some rice's eyes glowed: it was the Wushang pendant that was said to be able to open the nineteenth cave of the Didi Caves! ? It's the Wushang pendant with the same blank chip as in your body inside it! ? Ahhh—

Qu He (the smile remains the same, the murderous atmosphere permeates the entire studio): You know a little bit.

A certain Mi cried, this bloody plot is still good for us to piss out! ! ! How could I not know! ! !

Director (jumping feet): Stupid rice! Are you planning to be resigned

A certain Mi Kuanfaced tears: I am guilty...

Questions continue—

Moumi (begins to ignore Qu He): Mr. Fu used to be the tutor of Ms. Zhen, is there anything interesting to share

Fu Tianchen (seriously): No, but she herself is very interesting.

Moumi (star eyes): Mr. Fu, you are also very interesting, hello...

Qu He (light smile): This show should start tonight, and there will be no chance to air it again.

Director (Wolf Howl): Mr. Qu is merciful!

Moumi (stunned): Huh

Chen Xi (kindly reminder): Qu He intends to destroy your station.

Zhen Xiaozhu (sympathy): I can't help either.

Fu Tianchen (nothing and light): Is it over so soon

Then, the guests left one by one...

Afterwards, in the corner—

A meter trained, trained, crying, she was not easy to live right ...