Love at First Sight

Chapter 21: 021. Lost before leaving the school


Hearing this, I stopped and looked up at him. I was in a trance. Under the street lamp, the silhouette of this person seemed to overlap with another person, with the same firm edges and corners and unangered eyes, even frowning. Like... But I prefer the way he laughs. Shu Jiong

In the past nine years, the only force that has supported me struggling to survive every life and death has been his smile in his memory.

"Xiao Xiao, what's the matter with you? You..." His voice sounded very urgent, but I lost my mind for a while. What should I do, I actually feel the same now.

He stretched out his hand and stroked his face while whispering, his eyes blurred:

"Fu Tian..."

"Pig, are you planning to lose yourself before you leave the school?" Wen Run's words suddenly came from behind.

I don't know what it was because of the mentality. In short, when I recognized the owner of this voice, the compulsory resistance to the heat had reached its limit. As soon as I relaxed, my body fell directly to the ground!


"It's a nonsense..." Someone was sighing in my ears. I didn't hear it really. I just leaned on him instinctively, and heard the steady heartbeat in his chest. I felt that even the heat was gone. A little bit sour, but inadvertently rushed to his eyes:

"Fu Tianchen... Why didn't you look at me..."


I was awakened by heat. Although I was in a trance, I still had some consciousness. I knew that I was in a dark room with a soft bedding. The room should have been air-conditioned, but the body was always burning. I am impatient, but I have been gnawing on my only reason...

Reached out and grabbed the clothes on his body, trying to relieve the heat, but the door opened with a creak.

I looked up sluggishly. The light outside was a bit dazzling. I squinted and tried to judge. I saw that Qu He was against the light, holding a tray with bottles and cans on it, with a complicated expression on my face. look at me.

"Hey, comrades-in-arms, don't come unharmed?" This world can be so strong after being drugged, I am one of the wonderful flowers that bloom very brightly.

"Take this medicine and sleep again, and I'll take you home." He walked over without expression, turned on the light, and walked to the bed and put the tray on the low table beside the bed, his voice was gentle. Say:

"The medicinal properties are not strong. I have developed special medicines in this area a few years ago. I will take a cold bath later..."

He poured the medicine out of the bottle, put it on a clean plate, and leaned over again, and handed it to me.

Looking at him in a daze, I suddenly didn't know what to say, I just hugged my knees quietly and watched his skillful movements.

Qu He and I looked at each other, his tone changed quickly, and his volume increased:

"Zhen Xiaozhu, are you listening?!"

I hope that those who read the article can maintain a good mood. (*^__^*)