Love at First Sight

Chapter 25: 025. Break up one pair after another


Our goal is to break up one pair after another. Shu Jiong


Fu Tianchen hadn't spoken yet, but he saw Ke Lan pursed his mouth like a lady. Before he could speak, he stretched out his slender and white palms charmingly, tilted his head slightly, and his long black hair was running along the thin, sensual shoulders. The lines slid down gently like flowing water, leaving a perfect arc of nothingness in the air.

"I'm Ke Lan, Achen's..." The Chinese pronunciation sounds a bit rap, and I feel that Wu Nong is very tactful, his eyes are soft and charming, the affection in the beautiful eyes and the subtext in the words are self-evident!

Pulling the tassel hanging down from the side of the chair, I subconsciously turned my eyes away and looked at Fu Tianchen. He still maintained a perfect smile, without rebuttal or acknowledgment, just circumventing the topic as default:

"If you remember correctly, the investment plan of Shaokang Enterprise will start bidding in a few days, right?"

Those two people also seemed startled, but they both followed him wittily about recent business topics.

Time seemed to have finally started to flow, and I realized that my breathing was stagnant just now.

Released my hand and curled up weakly into the chair. For a moment like this, I suddenly felt that my current self was really absurd.

What am I still struggling with? Obviously know that even if it is not Ke Lan, even if it is Ke Hong Ke Lv Ke Cuihua, Zhen Xiaozhu will never stand beside Fu Tianchen.

Just as he was bright and sad, Fu Tianchen suddenly said something indifferently, his voice was cold, and it came from a few groups of people, and said when he stood under the huge camphor tree in his memory, looking down at me who was at a loss. The words are the same:

"Ke Lan is my friend in country m."

"You're just my friend." He bent down and picked up a leaf on the ground, with his head half hanging. I couldn't see his expression, I could only hear him concise and concise, like answering the tricky geometry of a mathematician every time in class. The question is the same, "The best position can only be a friend, and further, it is a luxury."

The two people were startled again, and after looking at each other, Chen Dong said with a smile on his face:

"Hehe, having such a beautiful friend as Ms. Ke is also something worthy of happiness! By the way, Tianchen, this weekend is the girl’s 20th birthday. My father, my father, gave her a big deal. She's been secretly following you for a long time at the banquet. No, she made a tantrum with me last night, saying that if I see you, I must introduce her to her!"

After such a long list of words, there is no peek at the draft! My heart trembled, and suddenly I half comprehended and half suspiciously understood what Qu He was thinking of!

Introduce other girls to Fu Tianchen, so as to separate him and Ke Lan... Then squeeze away the girl who was with him... Then... Then... Finally...

Qu He came back with his forehand in his pocket, my eyes lit up, I grasped his hands tightly, and confirmed with joy:

"Split one pair after another? Right?"

(Dear friends, please ask for collection~~)

I hope that those who read the article can maintain a good mood. (*^__^*)