Love at First Sight

Chapter 30: 030. Singing is not too tiring


Acting, acting too much becomes a technique. Shu Jiong

I can't see how this person who once gave me warmth grows from such a clean and clean boy to such a mature and domineering man, but what is terrible is that I still want to regain the warmth that has gone away.

Even if he told me that from beginning to end, his acting skills were superb and my vision was bad enough.


Qu He embraced me, just like the wedding in Broken Leaf City, stepping into the main hall gracefully and calmly. Some people cast their eyes curiously, while others continued to joke and laugh.

I pursed my mouth and smiled:

"These people feel as if they are singing, and they are not too tired."

Here, how many people are here to sincerely wish a twenty-year-old girl that her life can be more smooth and beautiful in the future

On the contrary, there are all forces, calculations, and interests.

"Pig, are you angry?" Qu He leaned forward and cut a small piece of yellow peach. After shaking it in front of me with a fork, he put his eyebrows back into his mouth with a smile.

I gave him a blank look:

"Girl, this is a proverb for you to see through the world."

He raised his eyebrows and ate complacently, watching the itching of my hands, I simply reached out to poke the dimples on his cheeks that appeared from time to time with the movement of chewing.

"Hey, it's you!" Someone whispered from the side.

We turned our gazes at the same time to see, it was a girl in a pink dress with an oval face, pure appearance, and a pair of big watery eyes that looked familiar.

"It's really you!" The girl looked at me with complicated eyes for a while, smiled meaningfully, raised her hand to invite a few friends behind her, and suddenly raised her voice and said, "If I remember correctly, this is Miaoying’s birthday banquet. We are all our classmates, and the rest are Uncle Chen’s business partners. How come you, a liar, appear here?!"

She spoke righteously, as if she was the master here, her expression was arrogant and frivolous, and she wasted a pair of gentle and innocent eyes.

Those friends who had been specially drawn by her also responded as if they had rehearsed well:

"Don’t be angry in silence. The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. The liar naturally has the tricks of a liar. Look, if you get into it, don’t say how many delicious and fun things are there. Just the people present, she just goes They touched their pockets..."

"Yeah, yeah, being angry with this kind of person will only show that we have no measure. Just tell the security guard and kick her out!" A boy who seemed more reasonable also urged.

This girl named Silent was reluctant and unforgiving, snorted coldly, staring at me with a pair of eyes:

"What's stealing money? Afraid to steal people, right?"

The more he said the words, the more arrogant and rude, and finally attracted the attention of other guests. For a while, Chen Dong and the short-haired girl who were not far away also cast inquiring eyes.

The only thing I noticed is that the one standing next to the short-haired girl... Fu Tianchen.

I hope that those who read the article can maintain a good mood. (*^__^*)