Love at First Sight

Chapter 41: 041. Don't take yourself too seriously


Don't take yourself too seriously, because it is very possible that you are nothing in the eyes of others. Shu Jiong


I have to admit that my vitality was badly hurt again, so that when I finally got through Chen Xi's number, I didn't even have the strength to take another step.

"Damn, disturbing people's dreams and killing without mercy!" It was such a swear word as soon as they connected.

I twitched my mouth and didn't speak. There was a commotion there, and then there was a loud roar:

"Zhen Xiaozhu, have you been gang-beated by other moths now?"

Familiar tone, with care and tension inadvertently.

This person, fortunately, there is such a person who can be found by me at any time.

I let out a sigh of relief, and rushed out of my chest from the dullness that had been accumulated all night, drooping my eyebrows, crying and wailing:

"Uncle Xi, the little girl is going to be beaten to death!"

When Chen Xi arrived in a hurry, I was eating chicken chops at a night food stall on the side of the street, greasy and smeared with my hands, seeing him rushing in front of me, leaning on my knees and panting Unconsciously, his eyebrows were curled, and he smiled and patted his back, rewarding him with a gorgeous palm-shaped oil print.

"Yes, I crossed a city in less than 40 minutes. It is worthy of reward." He pulled out a piece of chicken and handed it to him.

He grabbed it unceremoniously, opened his mouth and bit hard, and sat down opposite me with a grin. His breath was still a bit unstable, but at least the look of wanting to kill had eased a lot when he rushed over.

"Don't pretend if you are not dead. Haven't you heard the story of the wolf coming? Do you believe it or not that one day you were really beaten to death, I guess I will treat you as a joke?"

The action of pouring pepper in my hand stagnated. I looked up at him. The lights at night are always such a quiet depression with some quietness. However, this person's open eyebrows are clear and distinct for ten years. I opened my mouth. Without saying anything, he quietly lowered his head and made a soft "um" sound, and continued to sprinkle pepper on the remaining pieces of meat.

Chen Xi sighed on the opposite side, it seemed that my literary and well-behaved reaction made him very heartbroken:

"Zhen Xiaozhu, Zhen Xiaozhu, it seems that you have suffered a big blow, how come you have this half-dead attitude?"

"No," I put down the bottle of pepper, picked up the ketchup, and replied without looking up, "I'm thinking, I'm not that important."

He suddenly grasped his shoulders and forced me to look up at him. Chen Xi's rare serious expression looked a little scary.

He frowned, looked at my right cheek, and asked in a low voice:

"See someone you don't want to see?"

I nodded, pushed his hand away, suddenly lost my appetite, half-raised my head and looked at the faint first quarter moon in the dim night sky.

"Chen Xi, am I taking myself too seriously?"

I hope that those who read the article can maintain a good mood. (*^__^*)