Love at First Sight

Chapter 46: 046. Do not take away a bowl of rice noodles


In many cases, explanation is the least lacking among people, and explanation is the most lacking. Shu Jiong


Qu He kept following behind, as if afraid that I would be abducted away, I stopped and looked back at him, and said seriously:

"Don't let me doubt you, because, so far, I still want to continue to believe in you."

The early spring afternoon and evening are very sleepy. The sky is clear, red clouds are crowded on the horizon, and the remaining light of the setting sun is still dazzling.

I can feel the comfort of a few winds blowing across my ears, just like this person’s warm and mellow voice:

"Zhen Xiaozhu," he smiled, the corners of his eyes hung slightly, revealing a bit enchanting and a little frightening, "Your sensitivity is really damn terrible."

Glancing at him, I breathed a long breath of relief, and chuckled carelessly:

"This is called deepness, and only an intellectual and elegant girl like me can be so deep and connotative."

He didn't speak any more, just walked a few steps forward without turning his head back: "I will take you home."

I was stunned. Instead of rushing to catch up quickly, I secretly decided to wait until Fu Tianchen was turned into the bowl. This person, I must stay as far away from him as possible.

This street is famous for snacks. Along the way, fried meat skewers, dried fragrant potatoes, potato chips, squid, sausages are sizzling in the pot, and cotton candy is slowly spit out from the machine like clouds in the sky. Wontons, fried noodles and other stalls on the street are emitting a tempting fragrance...

Tuntun saliva, he was about to call Qu He, but he had suddenly strode towards me and whispered:

"At nine o'clock on the left front, your new mission."

I followed the direction he said. It was a rice noodle shop at the entrance of the alley. It seemed that the business was very good. Qu He was referring to the crooked men and women who were feeding each other.

Looking at him a little innocently, I asked:

"Master Qu He, will we be struck by the sky like this?"

He was silent and nodded solemnly:


When I walked in front of the couple, I believed that I must have adjusted the expression so well that the girl suddenly assumed a tightly guarded posture.

I didn't look at her much, I just looked at the thin little brother affectionately, and smiled miserably:

"I know, I have always been a trivial existence in your heart, but... Our child has just reached three months, how can you bear to... Let us orphans and widows stay on the streets like this, while you, a magnificent man, …" I can’t go on, tears in my eyes lively, but still sighing, finally turned my eyes to the shocked girl holding the spoon, "I… I wish you happiness."

Then turned around and waved his sleeves without taking away a bowl of rice noodles.

There was silence for two seconds behind him, and a cry came from no surprise:

"You bastard!"

"You... listen to me explain..."

"You are still stuttering! You! We're done!" The sound of the table kicking the bowl and the boss's persuading one after another.

At this time, the street lights on the side of the road were also lit, and there were a few early stars faintly flickering in the sky, people coming and going, noisy ears.

I looked up and saw Qu He standing in the crowd, with a slender figure, warm eyebrows, but a bit of evil and enchanting at the corners of his eyes, and a gentle bend of his thin lips was a nice arc of laughter. Seeing that I successfully completed the task, he waved at me, as if calling back a stray puppy.

The heart became quiet all at once.

I hope that those who read the article can maintain a good mood. (*^__^*)